“The New York Times” is out with a revelation that may be startling to exactly zero of the exhausted women out there: take a quick nap at work, and you may wake up revitalized, refreshed, productive, and even happier. Here's why: Female brains are wired to need more sleep than men. Maybe just 20 minutes more, but maybe quite a bit more. And yet why are we awake running around rather than getting in an extra hour or two? Is it because we just have more to do? Are we just working harder? If there are kids in the picture, is it because our minds are wired to wake up more readily at the sound of a baby's cry?
- Would you let your employees nap on the job if they were more productive or stayed late to make out the time?
Link: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/a10258871/napping-at-work/