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Hannah's Headlines- 7/20/2017

New Distracted Driving Law Goes Into Effect On Sunday

A new law in Washington state puts the breaks on using your phone while driving. The Distracted Driving Law goes into effect Sunday. If caught, people will face charges of "Driving Under the Influence of Electronics." Motorists are not permitted to hold a cell phone while driving and they cannot check a text message while stopped at a traffic light.

If ticketed, it will cost 136-dollars. A second offense within five years will cost 234-dollars and be reported to your insurance company. Officers can also issue tickets for things like eating behind the wheel, smoking or putting on makeup. Those penalties could snag you an extra $99 ticket.

Under the new law, motorists can only use their phone if it's hands free and can be started by a single touch or swipe of a finger. And by the way? That's only if you're safely parked and out of traffic.

Source: GeekWire

These Are The New Lay’s Potato Chip Flavors

Lay’s potato chips annual “Do Us A Flavor” contest is back and this year’s user-submitted finalists make it tough to pick a winner. While they might not be as crazy as some previous flavors, like biscuits and gravy, or wasabi ginger, these chip flavors do sound interesting.

  • Everything Bagel with Cream Cheese - This one’s got the got the garlicky, salty flavor you’re looking for in the breakfast favorite flavor, but some reviewers say they could use more of it. But that does make this kettle-cooked chip better for dipping.
  • Fried Green Tomato - This wavy chip is supposed to taste just like the real thing: “a little tangy, a little peppery, a little grease-soaked-breading-y.” A man in Georgia who grew up eating fried green tomatoes created this flavor, so if you had them as a kid too, these chips will take you back to your youth.
  • Crispy Taco - How is this not already a flavor? Reviewers say these crispy chips taste “shockingly close to a Taco Bell taco,” so what more can you ask for? They say the lettuce, tomato, and cheese flavors all represent, and you can even taste the ground beef.

These three flavors will hit the shelves on Monday, July 30, and that’s when the voting begins and runs through October 8 on Lay’s website. You can also vote on Twitter and Instagram using #SweepstakesEntry and #VoteEverythingBagel, #VoteFriedGreenTomato, or #VoteCrispyTaco.

Source: Delish

Poll: 45% Of Americans Say They've Tried Marijuana

Remember when people scoffed after Bill Clinton said he had tried marijuana, but “didn’t inhale?” What about the kerfuffle over former President Obama admitting that he DID inhale back in the day?

Well, a new survey shows that nearly half of Americans say they've tried marijuana at least once. A new Gallup Poll shows 45% of adults said they've smoked pot. That's a drastic change from the late 60's when about four-percent say they took a puff.

This comes as many states have legalized the plant. Meanwhile 12% of people say they currently smoke, that's about one in eight Americans…and that's up from 7% in 2013. To see the complete survey results, CLICK HERE.

Source: Gallup

How Long Are People Dating Before Marriage?

Millennials are really changing the game of marriage. These days, people are spending less money on engagement rings and spending more time waiting to say “I do.” In fact, a survey of 4,000 couples by “Bridebook” shows that the average couple dates for about 4.9-years before getting married.

Not only are we spending more time in relationships, but we’re getting into those relationships later in our 20s. Brides and grooms are an average of 30 and 32 years old these days. What does this mean for us? Luckily, we’re a little more secure in our partners before we tie the knot, making our relationships stronger than ever!!


So One Spaghetti Noodle Is Called A Spaghetto

People’s minds were blown when a tweet from a Twitter user going by @caroramsey shared the news that the word “spaghetti” is actually plural and the singular form of the word is actually “spaghetto.” She was shocked to learn this new discovery herself, and so was everyone else on the Internet.

Ramsey’s tweet has gone viral because it blows away everything we thought we knew. It’s been retweeted over 18,000 times and it has over 540 comments so far. Most folks are just stunned by this spaghetto revelation.

The thing is, we never really need to talk about one single spaghetti noodle, so we never knew what it was called. And there are other Italian words that we always refer to in the plural, like cannoli, which also have a singular form we’re not familiar with - one cannoli is a “cannolo” and one ravioli is called a “raviolo.” So if you ever ask for a “spaghetto,” people might look at you funny, but you know you’ll be right.

Source: The Daily Meal

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