This Eight-Year-Old Is The Youngest To Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
When Roxy Getter returns to school this fall, the eight-year-old will have a pretty good story about what she did last summer. This kid from Punta Gorda, Florida has become the youngest girl to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro.
She was on vacation with her family in Tanzania and they trekked to the top of the 19,341-foot mountain. They spent almost a week climbing the mountain and trained for the hike before they left.
“I can’t believe she did it," says her dad, Bobby Getter. “She didn’t stop. She didn’t complain. I was surprised but very happy for her."
And how does Roxy feel about her record-setting climb? “It was pretty cool to say you got to the top of the mountain,” she says.
Source: Inside Edition
Face Recognition Rumors About the iPhone 8
What will our iPhones do next? Well, it turns out we might be able to unlock our phones just by looking at the screen. How? The iPhone 8 is rumored to have face recognition features that allow you to simply look at your phone’s screen to unlock it. How wild is that??
The rumors started flying when a series of tweets went out from Steven Troughton-Smith, a well-known iPhone developer. He noted the possibility of an infrared face-unlock feature code named Pearl. He also hinted that the iPhone may have a bezel-free design, which means the front of the phone would be all glass. A little scary for the phone-shatterers out there!
Source: Bustle
Today is August 1st, National Girlfriends Day, and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
Blowing Out Birthday Candles Adds So Much More Bacteria
When you blow out the candles on your next birthday cake, you might want to wish for not getting sick. Because according to a new study, all the huffing and puffing we do to get the candles out can increase the bacteria on a cake by 1,400%!
For the study, researchers at Clemson University had people chow down on pizza and then blow out candles on an iced hunk of Styrofoam. When they measured bacterial contamination, it varied a lot from person to person. “Some people blow on the cake and they don’t transfer any bacteria,” explains Professor Paul Dawson. “Whereas you have one or two people who for whatever reason … transfer a lot of bacteria.”
It turns out the blowing raises the amount of bacteria on the frosting an average of 15 times - but Dawson says one person’s saliva increased it by 120 times! And as nasty as that sounds, he doesn’t think most birthday cake eaters will actually get sick from all those germs.
“It’s not a big health concern in my perspective,” Dawson says. “In reality, if you did this 100,000 times, then the chance of getting sick would probably be very minimal.”
So all that candle blowing bacteria isn’t really something to worry about. But just try not to think about this the next time you watch some kid blowing out their birthday candles.
Source: New York Post
The Secret To Love Is Dating Your Friends
Dating your friends can be kind of freaky - you’re always going to risk everything going wrong and then losing one of your friends. But if you’ve ever dated a friend before, you know it actually tends to lead to some of the best relationships. And there’s even science to back this stuff up!
A study by the University of Texas shows that the longer you’ve known someone, the more attractive they become to you. (And it’s not just based on looks!) Many couples have known each other for as long as four months before they started dating. The secret? You’ve gotten to know them for their strengths and their weaknesses, so by the time it comes down to getting dirty, you’ve already accepted the bad stuff.
And think about it, the better someone knows you, the more they can make you laugh and have a good time and stuff.
Source: Metro
What Do You Think of “Male Cleavage”?
According to a “New York Post” article, male cleavage is “In” and celebrity men like Harry Styles are making it very popular. Male Cleavage, if you didn’t already know, is when a man unbuttons his shirt to the sternum and undone jackets allowing them to show off their nicely sculpted chest muscles. I feel like this has always been around, but maybe it’s only getting a name now.
- How would you feel if your blind date showed up sporting a lot of man cleavage?
First store opens for Christmas
Famous London department story Selfridges has become the first department store in the world to open its festive shop, a full 147 days before Christmas Day. Father Christmas was on hand to launch the shop on Monday, which features London-inspired decorations and stocking-fillers based on this year’s theme entitled ‘With Love From’. The full Christmas range will be in stock from September 4, when over 130,000 products across the decoration range will go on sale. This is set to include over 51,000 baubles, over 750 different cards and wrapping paper varieties plus 80 types of Christmas crackers.
- Does it turn you off to a store if they have their Christmas stuff out too early?