Man Eats 22 Servings Of Kale In Eight Minutes
When you think eating competitions you probably think of unhealthy food like hot dogs or pies. Well this weekend marked whats referred to as the world's healthiest eating competition: Eerie, New York's Kale Yeah! Competition.
In the end, Gideon Oji ate a whopping 22-and-a-half 16-ounce bowls of the leafy vegetable in eight minutes, winning the competition for the second year in a row. What's more, he beat out famous competitive eater Joey Chestnut. Chestnut, the reigning hot dog-eating champion, only managed to get down 20 servings of kale.
For the curious, the kale was served raw with oil and vinegar.
Source: Associated Press
How To Take Your Best ID Photo
We all dread having our picture taken for an ID, but when it’s time to renew that passport, driver’s license, or work ID, we don’t have a choice. We can’t do much about the lighting or the skills of the person operating the camera, but here are a few things we can do to help get the most flattering photo.
Keep your hair and makeup simple - This isn’t the time to experiment with a new lipstick or haircut. This is a photo you’ll be stuck with for a while, so stick to your go-to look. Skip the shimmering and setting powders that can wash you out under harsh fluorescent lighting, but darken your brows and use some blush to enhance your cheekbones.
Tilt your head - They’ll tell you to face the camera straight for your ID photo, but you can probably get away with a slight head tilt. And that little tiny tilt can help you look your best by softening shadows on your face and bringing out your jawline.
Smile like you mean it - Flash your genuine smile for your ID photo and save your steely gaze or duck face for the photo booth at your cousin’s wedding next month.
Source: PureWow
Today is national relaxation day, and national lemon meringue pie day
Energy Drinks Could Be A Gateway to Cocaine Use, According To A New Study
Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Public Health found that young adults who said they'd consumed energy drinks yearly between ages 21 and 24 were at greater risk for subsequently doing cocaine, using prescription stimulants for non-medical uses and problem drinking.
The 1,099 study participants were recruited as 18-year-old college students. Those who didn't consume energy drinks as they got older were less likely to develop substance-abuse problems.
Amelia Arria, director of the university's Center on Young Adult Health and Development, explained that factors contributing to a propensity for risk taking, susceptibility to peer pressure and and changes in energy-drink users' brain that make them like stimulants more.
"Energy drinks are not as regulated as some other beverages. One policy implication is to consider options for regulating the maximum amount of caffeine that can be put in an energy drink." she said. "Parents need to be aware of those risks when their child or adolescent or young adult wants to make a decision about what sort of beverage to consume. They need to be aware of the potential risk."
Energy drinks are a booming segment of the beverage market. Last year, North American retail sales were close to $11 billion, up from less than $5 billion in 2007, according to the market research company Euromonitor. Big names among energy drinks include Red Bull, Monster, Amp and Rockstar.
Study: You’re Too Old To Go Clubbing After 37
According to a recent study from British appliance chain Currys PC World, there is an average age when a grown up “officially hangs up their dancing shoes and prefers to stay in.” And that age is only 31.
The company asked 5,000 people about their social lives in a study called “The Great Indoors” and found that once we hit that age, we’re happier staying in than going out on the town. “Almost half (46%) of adults now dread social events or nights out, preferring to “lounge” in the comfort of their own home, with 30% admitting that a perfect night in would be one spent in front of the TV, devouring a boxset,” researchers say in a press release.
And this is one study we totally get. After a long week of work and life, it’s hard to feel motivated to get a sitter if you need one, get dressed, go out, wait for a table, and spend lots of money when you could just enjoy a lovely evening at home with all the snacks in your kitchen at your disposal. Plus, staying home means you don’t have to wear pants. Bonus!
The study also claims that 37 is the cut off age for being able to go to the clubs. Apparently, once you’re that old, your presence is offensive to the youngsters at those clubs. “A harsh 37% of respondents said there is nothing more tragic than seeing adults in their 40s and 50s surrounded by twenty-somethings in pubs and bars.” Ouch!
While lots of us have no interest in putting on our dancing shoes most Friday nights, there are plenty of post-37-year-olds who do. And more power to them. We’ll just be on the couch with the ice cream and Netflix cheering them on.
Source: Babble
Ew, Now People Are Watching Foot Callus Removal Videos
Even if you wouldn’t dare watch one yourself, you’re probably aware that many people enjoy viewing Dr. Pimple Popper’s all too real extraction videos. Well, if those aren’t disgusting enough, now the Internet has another way for you to get your fix: there’s a YouTube channel dedicated to foot callus removals.
It’s called the Never Ending Callus, because of course it is. And to some, these videos of someone smoothing their feet are satisfying. The owner of the videos says he uploads his callus removals - which he does with a razor blade - because he’s “always had crazy calluses and people seem to find entertainment out of me cutting them off.”
Never Ending Callus guy’s condition comes from a genetic condition that causes fingernails and toenails to get thick and blisters and/or calluses to develop on the feet and rarely on the palms of the hands as well. So he uses that razor blade to remove the sometimes painful calluses, and at times he enlists the help of a foot grater to scrape off the dead, yellowed skin as well.
So if you’re entertained by extreme personal hygiene videos, this might be a new form of entertainment for you. But some of us just can’t stomach pimple popping or foot scraping videos, so we’ll stick with the funny animal clips and be just as happy.
Source: Allure