Burger King Giving Whoppers To Recently Fired
If you’ve been fired from a job, you probably need a little pick-me-up. And Burger King has just the thing to cheer you up: free food. BK is giving away a Whopper to anyone who’s willing to admit they’ve gotten the axe at work - you just have to post it on LinkedIn.
To claim the free burger, Burger King wants you to publicly “own your fire” by posting this on LinkedIn: “I got fired, I want a free whopper. #Whopper Severance.” So if you haven’t shared the news of your employment ending, the secret will be out then.
BK is giving away up to 2500 Whoppers through September 1. Once you post your message, The King himself will comment with a link to register for your Whopper severance package via mail. The campaign is a spin on the fire grilling technique Burger King uses to make the Whoppers.
"We are always looking for ideas which showcase the fact that we flame-grill our Whopper sandwich," Head of Marketing Fernando Machadoexplains. "This is an idea that basically showcases the love people have for the Whopper sandwich. We know getting fired sucks, but getting a free Whopper doesn't." And we can’t argue with that!
Source: Delish
Millions Of People Have Already Made Their Holiday Plans
While this weekend may mark the unofficial end of summer, it seems that a lot of people already have the holiday season on their minds. According to a new Bankrate poll, about eight million people have already made hotel reservations for the November/December holiday season, while six million have purchased their airline tickets.
And if they haven’t booked yet, a lot of folks are going to do it soon. The survey finds that 28% will make their holiday plans sometime next month, while 17% will book in October, 12% in November and 13% in December, with twice as many women waiting until the last minute to book. What’s more, 44% of people will have locked down their hotel accommodations by the end of next month
But if folks who booked early think they got the best deals, they may be mistaken. According to the airfare tracker Hopper, early October is the best time to snag Christmas ticket deals, while Thanksgiving deals are usually available through Halloween.
Source: Yahoo Finance
Today is national trail mix day and national matchmaker day
Dear Dave FB message: When Is It Okay To Ask Your Girlfriend To Go Dutch?
Hey guys this is Sam. I’m a long time fan and need some dating advice if you have a few minutes this morning.
I’m just wondering if it’s ever okay to ask your girlfriend to chip in or go Dutch on dinner dates? I’ve been with the same girl for 4 months now and she’s never tried to pay for dinner or lunch. She always says thanks and gives me a kiss afterwards, but it would be nice if she at least paid the tip.
Can I ever ask her to chip in or is it in bad taste? Do some girls never offer to chip in? What should I do?
You Can Even Get Pumpkin Spice Deodorant Now
It’s not even Labor Day yet and everyone’s gearing up for pumpkin spice season already. Yes, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are coming soon to a Starbucks near you, but it’s all the other pumpkin-scented and flavored stuff that amazes us. You can even get PSL-scented lip balm and wine.
But there’s a new pumpkin product this year that really shows we’ve reached peak pumpkin spice levels: deodorant. Brought to you by Native, this deodorant is free of parabens, phthalates [[THAY-lates]], and aluminum, like all of their products. And their website lists a total of 14 ingredients, which are all easy to pronounce, including shea butter, jojoba oil, baking soda and coconut oil.
So this natural deodorant has fewer ingredients than most deodorants and antiperspirants, but without that aluminum, it doesn’t do much to stop you from sweating. It’s the price we pay for using a natural product. And if you don’t want your pits smelling like warm cinnamon all day, Native makes lots of other scents, including lavender and rose, coconut and vanilla, and rosé. So you can stay away from the chemicals and not smell like a coffee drink, unless you want to.
Source: Glamour
Turns Out Finding A Plastic Surgeon On Instagram Might Be A REALLY Bad Idea
A new study shows that very few people posting surgery ads and using plastic surgery-related hashtags on Instagram are, in fact, reputable cosmetic-surgery providers. The takeaway? Don't look for a plastic surgeon on social media.
The paper, published in Aesthetic Surgery Journal, looked at the Instagram results for 21 surgery-related hashtags including #boobjob, #facelift, #liposuction, and #brazilianbuttlift. They found 1.8 million tagged posts, and looked the top nine posts from each hashtag. The majority of these posts were shared by foreign surgeons, and 26 percent were shared by doctors like ob-gyns and dermatologists who were not certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. In fact, only 17.8 percent of the top posts came from board-certified plastic surgeons. And other people sharing the images and videos included spas, dentists, and even a hair salon.
"This is a very scary finding," researcher Robert Dorfman said in a press release. "Providers—ranging from physicians who are not licensed in plastic surgery to dentists, hair salon employees, and barbers—are doing procedures for which they do not have formal or extensive training. That's extremely dangerous for the patient."
There are much safer ways to find a surgeon than following Instagram filters. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has an online tool allowing you to search for board-certified plastic surgeons by location. All the physicians listed are ASPS members, meaning they have more than six years of surgical training and experience with at least three of those years spent specifically in plastic surgery.
Link: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/plastic-surgeons
Teachers Reveal Their Biggest Secrets
The new school season has started for a lot of folks around the country and that means that not only is summer over for the kids, it’s also over for the teachers. As kids most of us probably believed everything our teacher told us, but judging by a new Reddit thread we probably shouldn't have.
A bunch of teachers are opening up about their biggest secrets, after someone on Reddit posted the question, “'Teachers of Reddit, what is a secret you don't want your students to know?”
Secret teacher confessions include:
- “I occasionally pray for some students not to show up to give myself half of a chance that day. Legitimate prayers.”
- “For helper tasks (taking lunch count, attendance to office, etc.), we choose badly behaved kids, not well behaved ones. Gives us a break from them, and gives them less time destroying things in the classroom.”
- “Most of the decisions I make aren't truly my own, and are simply made by the board of ed. Most of the time I hate the way I have to teach and want them to know we are on the same page that this sucks.”
- “I graded drunk all the time.”
- “Before I started dating their French teacher I was hooking up with their Math teacher... A year before that I was with their Grade 6 teacher...”
- “On most homework assignments, we spend maybe 30 seconds grading each one. We have trained ourselves to look for certain keywords in each assignment and also length. Frankly, it is mind-numbing and very repetitive work, very boring and most people aren't that different.”
- “I have wished for kids to fall into comas, get mono, some non-lethal whatever illness, to keep them from my classes because either they were, A- so distracting it dragged the whole class down or B-just little jerks.”
- “When I say I've been too busy to grade their tests it's almost always bullsh*t.
- “We fart and blame it on you.”
Source: Reddit