Potterverse Con Is Now A Thing-Wizards, witches and muggles will begin gathering in Baltimore's Inner Harbor tomorrow for the first ever PotterVerse Convention.
The PotterVerse website bills the convention as a three-day celebration of the works of J.K. Rowling and the world of wizards and fantasy she created with the Harry Potter book series. Actors from the movies, artists and panelists will attend the event, which will feature autograph and photo opportunities.
There will be panel discussions, on subjects that include “Critical Thinking & Subversion 101 — the real lessons of Hogwarts" and “Love in the Wizarding World: What Does Harry Potter Teach Us About Relationships?" There will be workshops on wand-making and writing your own Harry Potter story. There will be a couple of dance parties.
Cosplay is a go too. Attendees are encouraged to wear their Hogwarts robes or costumes. It's not too late to register at PotterVerseCon.com.Source: Baltimore Sun
Guess What The Biggest Bedroom Pet Peeve is According To This Study?
The top pet peeve of the bedroom isn’t what you’d expect, according to a new survey of 1,000 people by Mattress Inquirer, an industry group. For the study, participants were asked to rate bedroom scenarios based on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being extremely bothersome). While you may have expected snoring to come in as the winner, most people rated a partner hogging the blanket as their ultimate bedroom pet peeve. Snoring ranked second most annoying; other partner-driven troubles included tossing and turning, and passing gas between the sheets—no arguments there. Issues that didn’t involve partners were outside noises, sunlight streaming in, and room temperature.
- Would you rather be with someone who snored or stole the blankets every night?
- What’s your biggest bedroom pet peeve? Eating in bed perhaps?
Link: https://www.rd.com/advice/relationships/biggest-bedroom-pet-peeve/
What Men And Women Are Looking For In The “Ideal” Date
It’s no secret that finding the love of your life is hard and it certainly would be much easier if we knew exactly what potential partners want in a date. Well, Match.com is here to help. The dating site analyzed their data to come up with a list of the "ideal" characteristics that women want in a man and vice versa, and some of them are a bit surprising.
According to the site, women are looking for the following characteristics in a man:
- Short, dark brown hair
- Swimmer
- Speaks French
- Blue eyes
- Dad bod
- Doctor
- Dog lover
As for men, they also have some very particular things they are looking for in a mate. They include:
- Blue eyes
- Speaks Spanish
- Blonde hair
- Strategically placed tattoo
- Freelancer
- Likes hiking
Of course, folks shouldn’t worry too much if they don’t fit any of these descriptions. Desires often change. In fact, the last time the poll was conducted women were looking for a high-paid businessman, but now they prefer a man who is a doctor.
Source: The Daily Mail
Man Files Lawsuit After AL County Denies Marriage To Computer
A man trying to marry his computer is suing Alabama for not recognizing the marriage, according to a federal lawsuit.
The 46-page lawsuit was filed by Chris Sevier and other self-identified "machinists." According to court documents, Sevier, a resident of Oneonta, sought a marriage license from the probate office in Blount County and was denied.
The lawsuit claims Sevier married an object with "female like features" in New Mexico, but clerks in Utah, Colorado and Kentucky refused to issue him a marriage license. He has filed similar lawsuits in those states as well.
The other plaintiffs in the lawsuit are John Gunter, Jr., Whitney Kohl and John Grace Harley, all Utah residents, who describe themselves as polygamists and were denied a marriage license in Blount County.
Sevier filed the lawsuits as a form of protest against same sex marriage, saying probate judges in Alabama are issuing marriage licenses to couples in same sex relationships but not to polygamists and machinists. In the lawsuit, he said of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized same sex marriage:
“Moral relativist who have infiltrated the bench like a cancer cannot be permitted to monkey with the Fourteenth Amendment just because they believe that "the ends justify the means" or because they feel entitled to personally misuse government to enshrine their own jaded religious worldview so that they themselves feel less ashamed and inadequate out their own core beliefs that are demonstrably irrational and a catalyst that erodes freedom through coercion.”
Link: http://www.wsfa.com/story/36307315/man-files-lawsuit-after-al-county-denies-marriage-to-computer
Already Sick of Fall? These Pumpkin Spice Cough Drops Will Definitely NOT Help
We really thought we hit peak pumpkin spice with Pumpkin Spice Latte deodorant, but boy, were we wrong. The Fall flavor is slowly inundating more aspects of our lives than we ever imagined, and the latest pumpkin spice victim is getting a lot of mixed reactions. Meet Pumpkin Spice Cough Drops, the seasonal cough suppressant coming to you right from your trusty CVS pharmacy.
The limited-edition cough drops were spotted by pumpkin-spice aficionado Candy Hunting on Instagram, and although these promise to alleviate your sore throat, pumpkin spice just doesn't sound like the ingredient to mix with menthol! For some, it's being regarded as the product to officially take pumpkin spice too far, and it has others going in full hypochondriac mode with a Karen Smith-like Mean Girls cough.
Source: https://www.popsugar.com/food/Pumpkin-Spice-Cough-Drops-43977344?ref=43932770
There's a new kind of chocolate: Ruby
If you're a chocoholic, you're in luck: there's a new flavor to try -- and thankfully it's not white. Ew.A Swiss chocolate company has unveiled a fourth type of chocolate -- "ruby chocolate" -- and it naturally has a pink hue.Manufactured by Zurich-based chocolate giant Barry Callebaut, ruby chocolate is made from the ruby cocoa bean and contains no berries, berry flavoring, or added color to achieve its color and taste. Ruby chocolate has a unique flavor, which Barry Callebaut describes in a statement as "a tension between berry-fruitiness and luscious smoothness." The new confection is aimed at millennials, according to the company's chief innovation and quality officer, Peter Boone.The company's consumer research found that ruby chocolate, "satisfies a new consumer need found among millennials," he said in a statement announcing the new type of chocolate.Boone added that the company looks forward to making ruby chocolate available to customers around the world.A spokesperson for Barry Callebaut told ABC News that the color and flavor naturally present in ruby cocoa beans are unlocked during the processing of the chocolate. "The process itself is knowledge which Barry Callebaut prefers to treat as confidential," the spokesperson added.
Best of Craigslist- Chippewa Valley
Eddie Money you have tattoos like beers - m4w (chippewa)
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Late at Subway - m4m (Point)
We stopped in later in the evening Sunday and you were getting close to closing. Pretty sure you were checking out the cuter of the two of us, just curious if you actually were ;) . Let us know it's you by telling us your name and how late you were working.