Man Isn't Happy That His Online Master's Degree May Be Fake
Erwin Sniedzins wanted to get a Master's degree but he didn't feel like going the traditional route. As the Toronto business man explains, "I don't necessarily like to pay $30,000 to get a master's when I feel I already have the knowledge."
He did some online research and found Kings Lake University, which assured him that his life experience and professional accomplishments qualify him for the degree. What's more, no studying, exams, or academic work was required.
Erwin forked over $81-hundred and was sent paperwork telling him he now has a master's degree in education, specializing in technology in education. He says he'll be "angry" if he finds out its a sham, especially considering he has a piece of paper supposedly signed by John Kerry. The CBC did some investigating, and, probably not surprisingly, it seems like the degree is fake.
Source: CBC
This Coffee Shop Bans Kids But Not Dogs
We know our kids are delightful and adorable, but as much as we like having them around, there are times we need a break from the action. And some restaurants and cafés feel the same way about the precious bundles of joy, so they don’t allow them inside. But one café in the U.K. has lots of folks upset after banning kids under 12, but keeping an open-door policy for dogs.
When customer Wendy Moore found out about the new rule at The Chart Room in England, she was very angry and wrote to the local news saying she plans to boycott the business because of their no kids policy. She writes, “Can anyone tell me just what kind of town we’re living in when dogs are allowed into an establishment and children are not?”
And of course, she wasn’t the only one upset by the policy. Others say they won’t be going to The Chart Room either, with or without their kids. And one said she’d like to “ban loud adults swearing from cafés, too.”
But some folks are excited about the idea of a space that’s free from loud little ones. “Dogs don’t throw tantrums or throw stuff around and tend to listen better than a two year old,” someone points out. Owner Bog Higginson defends his decision, saying he “simply wanted to create a nice quiet zone where grown ups could sit, relax, and enjoy the quiet atmosphere.”
Hey, it’s his café, so he can make any rules he wants. And not everyone has to like it.
Source: The Stir
Today is national felt hat day and national hug your boss day.
Soon Shoppers Will Be Able To Tap A Mirror To Make A Purchase
Because they have to compete with online shopping, retailers are constantly trying to come up with ways to reinvent the shopping experience and now Mastercard is testing a new way to bring the convenience of the online experience into the store.
The credit card company is launching a pop up store in Manhattan, called “The Next Big Thing,” which will be open from September 23rdthrough October 12th, and give folks the option to make purchases without ever leaving the fitting room.
The shopping experience starts with customers downloading an app where they’ll put in their payment information. Once shopping, “smart” mirrors in the dressing room will recognize the items the shopper is trying on through an electronic tag in the label. The mirror will then display the item, and offer the customers different sizes and colors, and can even suggest accessories that will go with it. To make a purchase, all the shopper has to do is touch the items on the mirror, and they item go right into their cart, where they can purchase them on the mobile device. They can even opt to have the item delivered.
If that sounds convenient, there’s another option that’s even easier. Say the customer sees an item in a display window as they're walking by a store and wants to buy it, but the store is closed. All they’ll need to do is tap the glass to display it, enter their phone number, and they’ll get a text with a link so they can pay on a mobile site. Now that’s what we call window shopping!
- As for how likely it is these concepts will reach a wider shopping audience, Stephane Wyper, a Mastercard senior vice president, says they’ll likely become common in all areas of retail soon, or more specifically “in the next six to 18 months.” "Retailers have a really strong appetite to try new things,'' she tells “USA Today. "They’re moving quickly, and it’s something we’re seeing in the here and now. It’s not ‘The Jetsons.’''
Source: USA Today
Kangaroo hops around in Wisconsin
Maybe he doesn’t like pumpkins.
Citizens of Wisconsin got a big surprise Thursday morning when a kangaroo was seen hopping around Kenosha.
WBAY reports that the kangaroo escaped from Jerry Smith's Pumpkin Farm in Kenosha.
Kenosha Country Sheriff’s Office said, "The kangaroo decided to wander west on 18th Street."
Apparently the kangaroo got loose by kicking open the gate of the farm. The farm was contacted and five-year-old Joey was returned safely to its home.
No one was hurt.
Best of Craigslist- Wisconsin
Marb cut off sweatshirt - m4w
So a coupe weeks ago I was at Ross shopping. There was this gorgeous little brunette there with a cut off Marlboro sweatshirt on. You are the most beautiful and hottest woman I have ever seen. If you see this please get in contact with me. I can't get you out of my mind.
Chicken Tender Guy - w4m (Black River Falls)
You are ridiculously sassy. But I like it. I think I know you...or of you... But want to talk with you more. I am interested in you. But I don't know if you would be interested in me though. You came through the drive through with an older man yesterday... your dad maybe? Not sure... But the way our eyes locked... I want to see if there is something there. Even if it's just a friendship. I know you probably won't see this... But if you do, tell me what was wrong with your order and the sauce you get for your tenders. ;) That way I know it's you. Please.
April at Chippewa - m4w
body: average height: 5'6" (167cm) status: single
age: 31
You were the history and civics teacher when I was a student there between 2002-2004. I wanted you then, and after all these years I still think you are one the sexiest women I've ever known. Since graduating there honestly hasn't been 1 week where I haven't thought about you and fantasized. You are married with three boys and I won't disrupt that, but I crave you.
Church fling? - m4w (Fridley)
status: married
Sooooooo I'm going to hell. My wife works and worships at the same church you're involved with. You've got a lovely voice AND you look amazing in your Sunday best. I'm sure you've noticed me checking you out. I'm not trying to hide it. Hoping we can chat about it.
Jared are you alive? - w4m
Jared I haven't seen you for a few weeks now, since I had the gas drive-off. Are you still alive? Did you move? Are you in jail? On ankle bracelet? What the heck....decide to work things out with your girl? My friend just keeps saying wait, wait, leave it alone for now....the stars need to line up because I want to treat you like a king, you will have no worries about money, love, nothing! I want to make you the happiest man on the planet......waiting.