We know our kids are delightful and adorable, but as much as we like having them around, there are times we need a break from the action. And some restaurants and cafés feel the same way about the precious bundles of joy, so they don’t allow them inside. But one café in the U.K. has lots of folks upset after banning kids under 12, but keeping an open-door policy for dogs.
When customer Wendy Moore found out about the new rule at The Chart Room in England, she was very angry and wrote to the local news saying she plans to boycott the business because of their no kids policy. She writes, “Can anyone tell me just what kind of town we’re living in when dogs are allowed into an establishment and children are not?”
And of course, she wasn’t the only one upset by the policy. Others say they won’t be going to The Chart Room either, with or without their kids. And one said she’d like to “ban loud adults swearing from cafés, too.”
But some folks are excited about the idea of a space that’s free from loud little ones. “Dogs don’t throw tantrums or throw stuff around and tend to listen better than a two year old,” someone points out. Owner Bog Higginson defends his decision, saying he “simply wanted to create a nice quiet zone where grown ups could sit, relax, and enjoy the quiet atmosphere.”
Hey, it’s his café, so he can make any rules he wants. And not everyone has to like it.
Source: The Stir