No guy likes seeing their hairline receding, but it turns out there’s no need for men to fear losing all their hair, because according to a new study, women actually find bald men sexy.
The study out of University of Pennsylvania had male and female students rate photos of men based on three criteria, attractiveness, confidents and dominance, and it seems the bald fellas scored the highest marks in all three areas. Those men who were both naturally bald, and whose pictures where digitally made to look bald, were consistently rated higher than guys with thick or thinning hair. The bald guys were also appeared to look taller.
“Instead of spending billions each year trying to reverse or cure their hair loss, the counterintuitive prescription of this research to men experiencing male pattern baldness is to shave their heads,” the study’s authors note. “The results of these comparisons should shed light on whether men with thinning hair can alter their interpersonal standing by shaving their heads.”
There was one downside to being bald however. The research found that those with shaved heads appeared to be on average about four years older than those with hair.
Source: New York Post