Santa’s Resting Place Was Found-Cover the kids’ ears for this one!
Archaeologists say they've discovered the tomb of Santa Claus. It's not at the North Pole but rather in southern Turkey, where the original Saint Nicolas lived 17-hundred years ago. A saint who was beloved for his generosity, Saint Nick is said to have given away his wealth to work as a monk with the poor. On his feast day in December, people used to leave out shoes so that he'd come to put coins in them overnight. The man morphed into a legend and eventually became Father Christmas over the next thousand years. Of course, his current popular form as a jolly old man in red is mostly thanks to the 19th Century poem that starts "Twas the night before Christmas" and an aggressive 20th Century marketing campaign. Source: Gizmodo
South Carolina woman orders yoga mat, gets drugs instead
According to WSOC, a Rock Hill, South Carolina woman who did not want to be identified called police when she received a package she thought was the yoga mat she ordered, but turned out to be more than 20,000 oxycodone pills, worth roughly $400,000.
York County drug agents said the drugs were shipped from Newport Beach, California.
Marvin Brown, the drug unit commander of York County, said drugs are often shipped to empty homes and someone sits and waits for the package to arrive.
"Vacant apartments, homes where people have gone to work for the day," he said.
Brown said it is likely the package was supposed to be sent to the woman's former address which is now vacant, and that someone was likely using her old address as a drop point.
But it seems the drug dealers screwed up and misspelled the street address on the package. The Post Office caught the mistake and forwarded the package to the woman's new address.
Brown said, "The dealers weren't as intelligent as they thought they were.”
The pills have been taken into evidence by Rock Hill police.
It is unclear if the woman has received her yoga mat yet.
Today is national get funky day and national do something nice day
Weird Food Combinations That Actually Work Together
You might not want to admit it, but you probably eat some strange food combinations when no one else is around. But whatever you like to eat together, chances are, there’s already someone else out there who finds it as tasty as you do. Here are some strange food combinations that are actually delicious, according to the folks who eat them.
- "Peanut butter, mayonnaise, and banana sandwiches" – We’re just going to have to take your word on this one.
- "McDonald's fries dipped in ice cream" – Who hasn’t tried this salty and sweet combo?
- "Rice Krispies Treat with nacho cheese sauce" – We’ll take a hard pass on this.
- "Nutella and cheese grilled sandwich" – Sounds like a stoner’s dream sandwich.
- "Banana on pizza" – No, just no.
- "Pasta sandwiches" – Talk about a carb overload!
- “Peanut butter, banana, and bacon sandwich” – Because bacon makes everything better.
- "Chicken nuggets dipped in Nutella!" – We haven’t ever met a food that tasted bad with Nutella.
- "Pretzels with vanilla frosting” – The salty and sweet combo makes this worth trying.
- "Shortbread biscuits covered in sriracha” – What makes someone want to put these foods together to begin with?
- "Cheese with raspberry jam” – It all depends on the cheese, if we’re talking Brie, we’re all for this!
- "Peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches” – These two things just don’t belong together.
- "Pizza with chocolate is DELICIOUS!" – We’ve never tried melting Hershey’s Kisses onto pizza and hope we never have to.
- "Ketchup mixed into white rice" – Nope!
- Apple Pie in a bowl of milk
- Bagels w/ cream cheese covered with doritos
- Peanut butter and cheese sandwich
Source: Buzzfeed
Reusable Shopping Bags Could Be Making You Sick
Lots of us take our reusable grocery bags along when we head to the supermarket, so we can feel like we’re doing our part to help the planet. But recent updates to the U.K.'s Food Standards Agency reflect concerns about reusable bags. Because most of us don’t wash them regularly, we’re putting ourselves at risk for foodborne illness.
When researchers from the University of Arizona and Loma Linda University checked levels of bacteria in grocery bags, they found almost half of them contained coliform bacteria and 12% had E. Coli. And that’s what we’re transporting our food in!
No one wants that nastiness near things they’re eating, but we don’t want to ditch our reusable bags and revert back to plastic, so we just need to be purposeful when we use them. Research shows that washing those bags, by machine or by hand, can reduce bacteria by more than 99.9 percent.
According to the U.S. guidelines, we should be separating groceries by meats, fresh produce, and household/dry items when we bag our stuff at the supermarket. That helps lower the risk for foodborne illness, too.
The U.S. Food Safety website, which is updated by the Food Safety and Inspection Service, the FDA, and the CDC, also recommends taking these precautions:
- Wrap raw meat packages in a separate, disposable plastic bag, and throw out the bag as soon as you get home.
- Don't use reusable grocery bags to carry anything other than groceries - so don’t use your grocery bag as your gym bag.
- Avoid storing reusable bags in the car or another hot place, since bacteria spreads more quickly there. Keep them in a cool, dry place instead.
Source: Delish