If you’re one of those people who likes to try whatever your sweetie is eating, we’ve got some great news for you. It turns out stealing food from your significant other’s plate is a sign of affection, according to new research. So snagging fries from your boo is a sign your relationship is going well!
A study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences looked at the way chimpanzees behave and how they share food. Researchers found that the act of sharing food releases oxytocin - the so-called “love hormone” - which promotes bonding and cooperation.
“Long-lasting cooperative relationships have also been referred to as strong social bonds, which are characterized by high rates of cooperative behaviors, such as grooming or food sharing,” researchers explain.
So the next time your bae swats your hand away as you’re reaching for a chip and guac from his plate, remind him you’re only strengthening your relationship by sharing food with them. Science says it’s helpful, so who are you to argue?
Source: Cosmopolitan UK