Rent-A-Person Is A Hot Trend In Japan-There is a hot trend in Japan that might not work so well here; rent-a-person.
You can rent cars, rent furniture and in Japan, you can even rent a friend. A Japanese actor is rentable as a friend, husband, father or even a mourner at a funeral. The Atlantic reports the eight-year-old company Family Romance provides professional actors to fill any role in the personal lives of clients. With a staff of 800 or so actors, the company says it provides a surrogate for almost any conceivable situation. The owner says demand for rent-a-persons is increasing. He says more people want help to appear popular on social media. Source: The Atlantic
Elf On The Shelf Has Competition With “Reindeer In Here”
The holidays are almost here and that means the return of the Elf on the Shelf will soon be making his return to homes across the country. While some families look forward to the tradition of the scout elf hiding in different spots every night, others don’t care so much for his brand of Christmas cheer. That’s why one dad decided to create a rival for that elf and the Reindeer in Here was born.
Children’s author and father Adam Reed came up with the Reindeer in Here as a kind of anti-Elf on the Shelf. Instead of spying on the kids 24/7 for Santa and being off-limits for little hands to touch, the reindeer is “cute and cuddly” and comes to stay with families to learn about them and they can play with him, which kids are going to love.
"After naming their own reindeer, the child is encouraged to show it around, taking it to a different place each day, both inside and out of the house so that when Santa comes on Christmas Eve, he knows as much as possible about the child, how good they've been and exactly where to deliver the presents," the official Reindeer in Here website explains.
They even have a chart pointing out the differences between that old Elf on the Shelf and the adorable Reindeer. Among the positives for the reindeer, “children interact with it, children move it, take it anywhere,” and “no stress for parents.” And that right there is a selling point for sure! If you’re an Elf on the Shelf family, have fun with that tradition. But it’s nice to have options, especially if they make it easier on mom and dad.
Source: The Stir
Grooms Taking Their Time Planning “Meticulous” Proposals
With the holidays fast approaching, we’re actually heading into engagement season, when about 37% of couples get engaged, which means you’ll probably start getting a lot of calls from friends saying their man has put a ring on it. And while you’ll mostly talk about how the proposal went down, and what the ring looked like, you may not realize all the effort that went into getting that proposal just right.
According to a new survey by The Knot, most proposals are far from spur of the moment decisions. In fact, 25% of grooms say they “meticulously” plan their proposal “down to the last detail,” with the average groom spending about 4.4 months planning it, and 7% spending at least 12 months coming up with how to pop the question.
And of course, a lot goes into finding that perfect ring. The study finds that:
- The average cost of a ring is now $6,351
- Men spend on average 3.5 months looking for a ring
- They look at 26 rings before making a purchase
- 45% of rings are custom designed
- A round cut is the most popular stone (52%)
- The average carat size for a center stone is 1.2 carats
- White gold is the most popular ring setting (61%)
But even with all of that, a lot of men aren’t making that ring decision on their own. The survey finds that 33% of couples will shop for their ring together, with 89% of grooms happy that their S.O. has a say in the ring. But it doesn’t seem like too many women agree. Only 6% of brides say they wish they were more involved in the process.
- As for the actual proposal, 60% of grooms say regardless of how meticulously they planned their proposal they still felt nervous beforehand. Meanwhile, a lot of people are going with tradition when asking, with 91% still using the words “will you marry me?,” and 87% popping the question on bended knee. And family is still a big deal, with 77% of grooms still asking their partner’s family for permission to ask for his gal's hand in marriage.
Source: The Knot
13 Basic Words You're Probably Pronouncing Wrong
How you pronounce it: Shur-bert
How it's really pronounced: Shur-bit
The proof: The spelling. Not sure where the nonexistent "R" we all add to the end of this word came from. If you need more proof, though, here it is pronounced by an all-knowing dictionary voice...
- Et Cetera
How you pronounce it: Ex-set-er-a
How it's really pronounced: Et-set-er-a
The proof: There's no explanation for why people, far and wide, pronounce this word "exetera," so we're just going to let the all-knowing dictionary voice explain this one.
How you pronounce it: Kill-om-it-er
How it's really pronounced: Kill-o-meet-er
The proof: Well, a kilometer is 1,000 meters. Since we can all agree that meter is pronounced "meet-er," that should be proof enough we've been pronouncing this word all kinds of wrong for a long time. But here's the dictionary confirmation just in case you aren't quite convinced
- Forte
How you pronounce it: For-tay
How it's really pronounced: Fort
The proof: So, you've been pronouncing this word wrong, wrong, wrong your entire life, and it was probs in your quest to sound smart, too (since who really says forte in normal conversations?). Or is that just us? Anyway, this word is really one syllable and is pronounced like the french word it originates from: fort. So, let's just say I'm a great writer, but pronunciation definitely isn't my for-tay.
- February
How you pronounce it: Feb-u-air-ey
How it's really pronounced: Feb-ru-air-ey
The proof: This one is painful to come to terms with since everyone assumes the "R" is silent (since that's literally how EVERYONE pronounces it). But the "R" is NOT silent! You're supposed to pronounce the "R"! But it's important to note that most dictionaries list multiple pronunciations for the word since the silent "R" pronunciation has been so widely accepted, while other dictionaries (like the Collins dictionary) stand by the pronounced "R". We're not even going to touch Wednesday!
How you pronounce it: Per-scrip-shun
How it's really pronounced: Pri-scrip-shun
The proof: The "R" comes BEFORE the "E", not the other way around, but the letters still seem to get switched up when the word goes from our brains to our mouths
How you pronounce it: mis-chee-vee-us
How it's really pronounced: mis-che-vus
The proof: It's in the spelling. If you've been pronouncing this one right, good on you, but there are a ton of people who, for some reason, have been adding an extra "eee" for reasons completely unknown.
- Comfortable
How you pronounce it: Cumf-ter-bull
How it's really pronounced: Come-fer-ta-bull
The proof: Don't think this one needs proof. We all know better... we just can't bring ourselves to pronounce this one right.
- Crêpe
How you pronounce it: Crape
How it's really pronounced: Crep
The proof: If you're in the U.S., the pronunciation of those yummy, thin pancakes that go ridiculously well with strawberries, bananas, and Nutella (never forget the Nutella!) that's widely used and accepted is "crape." But if you want to respect the crêpe's French origins, the pronunciation is actually "crep."
- Wikipedia
How you pronounce it: Wick-i-pee-dee-a
How it's really pronounced: Wee-key-pee-dee-a
The proof: Howard G. Cunningham launched the first Wiki in 1995 and based its name "WikiWikiWeb" on the Wiki Wiki bus (which translates to a "very quick bus") he'd ridden during his stay in Hawaii. And in Hawaii, the vowel "I" is pronounced "ee." Hence, Wikipedia is actually pronounced wee-key-pedia. It's just we've been pronouncing it wrong for so long, Mr. Cunningham has stopped correcting people
- Nokia
How you pronounce it: No-key-a
How it's really pronounced: Knock-ya
The proof: You've been pronouncing this iconic, brick cell phone brand name wrong your entire life. Without a doubt. And this tweet by Nokia themselves proves it!
How you pronounce it: gif
How it's really pronounced: jif
The proof: This is likely the pronunciation debate that will go on for the rest of time. Is it GIF with a hard "G", like gift, or GIF with a soft "G", like giraffe. Well, in 2013, the inventor of the GIF won a lifetime achievement Webby award, and he shut down the pronunciation debate in just five words.
The Dating Site For People Who Are Desperate To Get Married
Maybe you’re rounding the end of your 20s, and you’re just really itching to get married. There are a ton of reasons you might be in it to win it. But now you don’t have to wait around for it to happen. There’s a site that’s just for people who are really looking to get settled down with someone.
It’s called GoMarry, and everyone on the site is serious about getting married and wants to start a family. There’s definitely no guesswork involved here!
On Tinder you never know if you’re getting yourself into a few dates or a one-night stand, but here, you’re signing up to get hitched for sure! It’s not all simple though. You have to answer 101 questions to form your profile first. The service currently has 5,000 members, but the creators estimate that they’ll have one million users by their first anniversary.
If you wanna get hitched quick, go sign up!
Source: Bravo TV
Best of Craigslist- Chippewa Valley Missed Connections
Holiday Honey - m4w (Clairemont by Memorial)
Thee most exquisite woman I've ever seen. Was preoccupied with a call however was instantly drawn to her... It seemed she made an effort to get my attn and had she not been with a gentleman (Mr gmo hash browns )I would have surely initiated conversation. Perhaps I should have. She found me once. Let's hope she'll find me again.
Walgreens in line - m4w (CF)
Your blonde, late thirties, and you wore moccasins . Your hair was straight. We were in a long line at the pharmacy Monday 11-06.The guy behind you smelled of smoke and he kept gabbing on his phone. He finally left and then I was behind you. I get your married... Me too...Let me know....
Walgreens on Clairemont Red Newer Jeep (EC)
I know This maybe a long shot! But here goes, please be nice I've never done anything like this before.. no haters, please. To the cute brunette on her phone in Walgreens Tuesday night around 9pm looking in the food isle. You caught my eye as you where looking for some protein.. thought that was cute.. I waited patiently until you where done selecting your purchase, I wanted a lunchable, chocolate milk and a soup. I seen you again at the check out, you looked we smiled at each other. I know this is pretty much a long shot, but I'd like to see you again or just talk. When I left the Walgreens you where sitting in your Jeep, we caught another look. I took my time walking in hopes that maybe, just maybe we would connect. No luck, I was bummed.. Never to see her again.. but to my surprise We see each other today around 1230pm lunch time. I was pulling out of the Kwik Trip ready to turn onto MacArthur Ave and You drove by.. I seen you look, and I know I smiled. It's a long shot, i know this.. but I'm just a guy and feel this is worth a shot.. Maybe I'll get a response and maybe I won't, but it won't be because of a lack of trying.. Hope to hear from you Red Jeep Girl..
Local diy chick - m4ww
Last night I was thinking about leopard print t shirts and I remembered there was that show at that house and... that girl that smells like lavender colored pudding mouthwash is probably going to go. This piqued my interest. And after some reflection I asked myself, "is this the only reason I attend shows? Just to have the opportunity to potentially talk to the diy house show babe? Is it not about the music anymore?" And my answer to all those questions is fuck yea. fuck bella larson & the scene kids fuck dolly spartans fuck top nachos fuck distant friends new cd and fuck going to the rash tonight at 9.