Five Thanksgiving Movies To Make Your Visit Home Better
It’s almost that time! We have to hop on buses, trains, and planes to get to our loved ones, and spend some QT with our family dogs and homes. But it’s not all apple pie expensive wine. Sometimes those long weekends home can mean a lot of time alone in our childhood bedrooms. So how do you pass the time? Here are a few Thanksgiving movie classics to jump start the holiday season:
- “Planes, Trains, & Automobiles”
- “Pieces of April”
- “The House of Yes”
- “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving”
- “Miracle on 34th Street”
Snuggle up with your mom’s dog. Throw the Thanksgiving leftovers in the microwave. Fire up your computer and log into Netflix. It’s time to snuggle up with a movie and our family during our time off!
Source: Elite Daily
You Know You're Getting Old When...
When you reach a certain age there are a lot of things that can make you feel old, whether it’s an ache or pain you never felt before, or getting tired by 10 pm. But physical pain isn’t the only thing that will make you feel aged.
In fact, just having younger people around you can make you realize just how ancient you are, because there are just so many things they don’t understand about things from the past.
Well, Buzzfeed just shared some hilarious examples of things that used to be beloved by many of us that younger generations just don’t get, and it’s bound to have you shaking your head in disbelief.
They include:
- A kid saw a computer disk and asked someone if they “3D-printed the ‘Save’ Icon.”
- A kid on the train asked a guy what a Gameboy was.
- Someone’s little sister didn’t know what an iPod was.
- At a children’s book fair there was a book called “Who Was Steve Irwin?,” and another had a book, “What were the Twin Towers?”
- One woman was asked by the kid what the lever to roll down a window was for.
- AXS TV was promoting a classic rock concert by Sum41.
- A generation 4 iPod, a Nintendo 64 and an old desktop computer were all in museums.
- One person’s little brother thought a VHS tape was a DVD.
- Someone’s little cousin had never heard of *NSYNC.
- One person’s brother didn’t know who the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was.
Click here to check out the hilarious visuals.
Source: Buzzfeed
Would It Drive You Crazy If Your Husband Did All The Household Chores And Wouldn’t Let You Do Any?
An 28-year-old Egyptian newlywed woman, is seeking a divorce after only two weeks of marriage because her husband does all of the household chores. Her husband, 31, also runs a successful clothing store, where he employs several staff members and is therefore able to spend most of his time at home. Samar claims that he spends all of that time cleaning and rearranging furniture and that she can no longer handle living with him.
- I know my wife wouldn’t complain if I was the one doing all the household chores, would yours?
- What’s a household chore that you insist on doing?
Do You Like To Do Your Online Christmas Shopping While You’re On The Toilet?
Almost half of Americans admit they will be doing their holiday shopping from the toilet this year. Yes, the 2017 PayPal Money Habits report reveals that the 80-percent of Americans who plan to shop via their mobile devices this season will be bargain-hunting from literally everywhere, with 46-percent dropping their cash while they’re sitting on the john. And that’s a 24-percent increase from last year. This backs a 2012 report that counted more than 38 million Americans shopping on their smartphones in the bathroom. And Gen Z is particularly comfortable with shopping on the go, according to a 2015 MasterCard survey, which counted 41.6-percent of Americans ages 18 to 24 browsing while on the bowl.
- What other multitasking do you like to do while you’re on the toilet?
New Cellphone Case Catches Proposal On Video
Is a wedding proposal special if nobody else gets to see it? Well, while some people may think the perfect proposal would involve just the potential bride and groom, for Millennials who live their lives on social media, getting the perfect reaction to that engagement ring on video is just as important as getting that yes, and a new product has now made that possible.
The new RokShok cellphone case is actually a ring box that doubles as a case. As the groom gets down on one knee, instead of opening that little ring box, he opens the RokShok, which puts the ring right in front of the phones’ camera guaranteeing they get their gal’s surprised reaction on video and livestream it for all the world to see.
Now after spending thousands on a ring you may think there’s no need to shell out even more just to get that perfect video, but the case actually won’t set a groom back all that much, since it only costs $39.95. Of course it may make the proposal a little less romantic, but who cares as long as all of your Snapchat followers get to see it. Check out a video demonstrating the case to the right.
Source: New York Post
Are You Your Mom’s Favorite? Might Not Be A Good Thing According To Study
Being mom's favorite child is not a guarantee that it is best for one's psychological health, according to research from Purdue University done in 2015. "There is a cost for those who perceive they are the closest emotionally to their mothers, and these children report higher depressive symptoms, as do those who experience the greatest conflict with their mothers or who believe they are the children in whom their mothers are the most disappointed," said Jill Suitor, a professor of sociology.
- Do your siblings resent you because you were mom’s favorite?