"Titanic" Turns 20
“Titanic” is turning 20 this year. To celebrate, director James Cameronhas re-mastered the film and will re-release it next month.
The new version will play in 87 theaters equipped with Dolby Cinema started on December 1st. Tickets are already on sale. Get yours here.
“Titanic” brought in $2-point-19 billion dollars and is the number two top-grossing film behind Cameron’s “Avatar.”
Study Reveals Which Kind Of Booze Will Leave Your Family An Emotional Mess At Thanksgiving Dinner
A study conducted by Alcoholic.org revealed that drinking certain types of alcohol tends to result in a particular emotion. Alcoholic.org surveyed over 1,000 Americans in order to track down the range of emotions alcohol made them feel.
Out of the 1,000 participants, over 94% of men and women mostly felt happy when drinking alcohol.. What makes it interesting is when you compare those numbers to how many people feel disgusted when they drink. Over 45% of men feel disgusted when they drink, with women tailing close behind at 37%.
Wine, cocktails and Indian Pale Ales (IPA) were ranked the happiest drinks for men. As for women, we prefer cocktails and wine for our emotional pick-me-ups. Give me a Fuzzy Navel or a Midori Sour any time of night and you can bet I’ll be happy and content.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, some drinks tended to make us more sad and scared than others. Tequila, whiskey and gin were most commonly associated with negative emotions across the spectrum for both men and women. Vodka seemed to be a wild card in the bunch, so you might react a little differently.
With the holidays swiftly approaching, it wouldn’t hurt to find out which alcohol to avoid when during your family get-togethers. If you were planning on being a happy drunk this holiday season, I’d definitely stay away from the whiskey and gin.
Link: https://collegecandy.com/2017/11/14/alcohol-emotions-study-drinking-research/
Got Hemorrhoids? Could Be Because You’re Binge Watching Netflix On The Toilet
Millions of Netflix users around the world watch the service while sitting on the can in public restrooms, according to a new study. The purveyor of “Stranger Things” and “House of Cards” — which boasts 109 million subscribers globally — says 67-percent of its users reported watching in public, and 12-percent of those do it from the comfort of a comfort station, EW reports. Doctors warn that sitting on the toilet too long is a health hazard, putting poopers at risk of hemorrhoids.
- Do you like to watch Netflix while you’re on the toilet? Do you now have hemorrhoids?
Link: https://nypost.com/2017/11/14/bingewatching-netflix-could-put-you-at-risk-for-hemorrhoids/
Grandparents May Be Too Much Fun-Spending too much time with the grandparents may be bad for your kids' health
Researchers at the University of Glasgow reviewed over 50 studies of grandparents from 18 countries. They found grandparents' habits were having an overall negative effect on their grandchildren 's health in the areas of weight and diet.
The researchers say grandparents' treats, overfeeding and extra TV time can have long-term health consequences for children, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
Before you think about limiting grandparent time….there’s a huge side to the “grands” as the researchers pointed out. Grandparents also play a positive role in children's lives, and are not recommending limiting grandparent interaction.
The study doesn’t separate grandparents who help raise their grandchildren from “weekend” grandparents. Source: BBC
Forget fingerprints: Scientists say your sweat could soon unlock your cellphone
While facial and fingerprint security locks have proven to be defeatable for even the most advanced cellphones, scientists in New York say your sweat may soon make for a perfect key to a new kind of lock tech.
Dr. Jan Halámek, a biochemist and assistant professor at the University of Albany, is heading up a team that is studying that very concept. Halámek’s approach relies on amino acids found in skin secretions. A phone, for example, will be able to identify what compounds are in its owner’s unique sweat, Halámek told ABC News. “The device will sense them, and say ‘that’s my owner,’” said Halámek, who has tested the method successfully.Those metabolizing levels change depending on factors like eating and exercising, he said. “We are unique and we metabolize. It’s a dynamic process, but metabolized levels change.”To build a profile, the device would first have a “monitoring period” in which it would continuously measure its owner’s sweat levels at various times of the day, according to a press release on the science. Halámek's lab is still working on how often the phone would need to re-calibrate to stay up to date.“I’m asked a lot, ‘what if people steal my sweat,’” Halámek said. “The answer is that it would work, but not for long. The sweat will begin to decompose and will not stay stable.”That's one of the reasons why Halámek believes a biochemical approach to cybersecurity would be the most effective.“Metabolization is not constant. It is not a Social Security number,” he said.To break into a phone, one would have to know exactly what the metabolizing levels are at that point in time.His team is submitting proposals for funding to get this research in the hands of smartphone makers.