How To Make Sure Your Luggage Is The First Off A Plane
For those traveling home for the holidays this weekend, the airports are bound to be a nightmare thanks to the crowds, and things don’t always get better once you land at your intended destination. For those with checked luggage, the wait for your bag to come through baggage claim can sometimes be unbearable, but there is a way to make sure you’re not stuck waiting there until the very end.
Former baggage handler Thomas Lo Sciuto says there’s a pretty simple way to insure your luggage is the first one off the plane, and it hinges on when you check into your flight. “Your best option is to be one of the last passengers to check your bags,” he says. “Bags will always be loaded front to back on the bag carts so if you check in last your bags will be in the last bag cart, which will make them the last on the aircraft, and the first off the aircraft at your destination.”
Of course, these days thanks to security, waiting until the last minute to check your luggage isn’t always smart so Lo Sciuto does have another suggestion that may work. He suggests checking your bag at the gate so it will be the last on the plane, although if you do it that way you won’t be able to bring any big quantities liquids with you since you’ll have to take it through TSA security.
- Another possible tip, according to "Travel & Leisure" you can ask the agent to put a fragile sticker over your bag, since these items are often loaded last do to their delicate nature.
Source: The Daily Mail
The Fruit Trend That's About To Blow Up
There’s a fruit that’s about to hit all over our Instagrams and Snapchats. Check out the jujube. Also known as the ‘red date,’ it’s a fruit that’s been a part of South Korean breakfasts forever, but we’re just now jumping on the bandwagon. The fruit is super high in all of those amino acids we need AND it can help reduce stress and anxiety.
These little beauties are a great supplement to any of your sweeter meals. If you’re a diabetic, you might not want to jump on the train. The fruit is full of complex carbohydrates that can mess with your blood sugar.
So watch out ‘grammers! It’s only a matter of time before it ends up in our smoothie bowls and juices. It’s time to add this new super fruit to the side of your avocado toast plate.
Source: Metro
Trump Pardons Turkey Before Thanksgiving
President Trump has granted a pardon to Thanksgiving turkeys Drumstick and Wishbone. He was joined in the ceremony by his son, Barron, and First Lady Melania Trump. In a Rose Garden ceremony, Trump upheld a 70-year White House tradition.
Drumstick and Wishbone were raised in western Minnesota, and with the pardon, the lucky birds will live out their natural lives at the Gobbler's Rest Research Center at Virginia Tech. The President said Drumstick and Wishbone have very bright futures ahead of them – and offered a few words of consolation to Tater and Tot, the gobblers pardoned by President Obama in 2016.
“As many of you know, I have been very active in overturning a number of executive actions by my predecessor,” he quipped. “However, I have been informed by the White House Counsel’s Office that Tater and Tot’s pardons cannot, under any circumstances, be revoked. So we're not going to revoke them. So, Tater and Tot, you can rest easy.”
Source: White House
Thanksgiving Is The Most Popular Holiday For Baby Making
While you’d think most people wouldn’t be getting any action over the Thanksgiving holiday either because they are staying with family, or family is staying with them, apparently plenty of people have found some way to get in a little nookie. In fact, it turns out Thanksgiving is the most popular time for folks to conceive a child.
According to a new survey, 17.7% of Americans say they conceived their child on or around Turkey day, giving it the slight edge over what you’d think would be the more popular choice, Valentine’s Day (17.3%). Other popular conceiving holidays include:
- Christmas (14.3%)
- Independence Day (13.9%)
- Halloween (13%)
- Memorial Day (12.1%)
- New Years (11.3%)
Meanwhile, the survey also finds that 11.2% of Americans conceived their first child while on vacation, although only 1.7% did so on their honeymoon. And not surprising, overall most baby making is happening in the evening (57.3%).
Source: The Daily Mail
*LIST* The Drunkest City In Each State
While getting all of your family together for Thanksgiving can be great, there’s no doubt there’s lots of potential for arguments and sticky situations when it comes to holiday conversation. For this reason, it’s not surprising that for some folks certain topics are off limits at the Thanksgiving table.
According to a new survey, 36% of Americans say talking politics is strictly off limits over Thanksgiving, which is up from 30% last year. Meanwhile, only 41% of people will be okay talking football, which is a decrease from 47% last year, likely because of all the politics surrounding the NFL/National Anthem debate.
And while Thanksgiving is all about family, people are divided on how they feel about their brood over the holiday season. Overall, family is still the number one reason people give thanks over the holidays, although it is also the largest stressor.
- But while there may be some fights at the table, one thing people won’t be arguing about is the food. The survey finds that 96% of people will have a turkey on the table this Thanksgiving. Other dishes most people agree on for Thanksgiving include:
- Mashed potatoes (78%)
- Pie (77%)
- Dinner rolls (67%)
- Homemade stuffing (67%)
And for those 77% serving pie, pumpkin is the most likely to be served (44%), followed by apple (29%) and pecan (19%).
Source: Yahoo Finance
Lifestyle Redux: Politics And Football Off Limits At The Thanksgiving Table
Many good things come with the holiday season, but one particular bad thing that we all have to put up with every year: making conversation. After all, we’ve ALL got ‘that’ family member (or members) we don’t agree with on just about anything. Looking to keep it light and lovely this holiday weekend? Ditch the conversations about politics, the world, and what you’re going to be doing with your life. Try some of these conversation starters instead:
- Travel - Talk about where your next vacation will be or where you’d like to be able to go next .
- The Beatles - Everyone can talk about The Beatles. Ask about favorite albums, songs, etc. It IS the 50th anniversary of “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band!”
- Thanksgiving food - Talk about how good the food is and how you made the dish you contributed.
- The winter Olympics - It’s coming, folks!! What are your favorite winter sports?
- Wellness - Talk about checking in with yourself and what you do to unwind.
- Pets - Anyone with a furry friend definitely has pictures on their phones of their furry friend. Ask about it!
- Books - See if anyone has any good book recommendations that they’ve delved into recently!
- Hobbies - What have you been doing to take up your free time?
- Upcoming holidays - It’s only Thanksgiving, which means there are plenty more holidays where that came from! Talk about your Christmas and New Year’s plans and think about what you might give as your best gift yet.
Talking to family during the holidays can be pretty painful, but it doesn’t have to be! Have a bunch of conversation starters in your back pocket so you don’t end up in a tornado of bad politics!
Source: Huffington Post
Wishing you and your family a happy Thanksgiving!