Woman Plans On Having Mom For Dinner-An English woman is planning on using a rare spice on her Christmas dinner this year -- the ashes of her dead mother.
Debra Parsons, of Folkestone, Kent, has been eating some of the ashes everyday since her mother Doreen Brown died suddenly in May. She says it's the only thing that's helped her cope and it's going to be crucial to get through her first Christmas without her mother.
She says her mom's remains, which she plans to put on the turkey and pudding, are a bit chalky and salty.
And yes, Debra is aware people think she is crazy , but she can’t fight the cravings. Source: Daily Mail
Facebook Rolls Out The Snooze Button-Sick of seeing certain topics and attitudes on Facebook? You can snooze accounts!
We all get over-saturated by politics, cat or baby pics, or negative posts. Now you can “snooze” certain pages, groups or people for 30 days so you can catch a break.
The option is available via the top-right dropdown menu on a post so you can “mute” certain posters without having to unfriend or block them. It first began visible testing this fall.
Source: TechCrunch
Rooting for The Wrong Football Team Could Make You Fat
According to market research conducted during the 2004-2005 NFL season, when a football team loses, its fans eat anywhere from 16 to 28-percent more high-calorie, high-fat foods the next day than usual. When the team wins, its fans eat 9 to 16 percent less unhealthy food than normal. Both winning and losing — even by proxy — cause chemical reactions in the body. Elation is an appetite suppressant because the brain produces higher levels of serotonin and dopamine, increasing our energy, causing us to require less food. When our team loses, the opposite occurs.
- Do you binge eat when your favorite sports team loses?
- Does your weight go down after football season ends?
Link: https://nypost.com/2017/12/16/10-crazy-food-facts-thatll-change-your-appetite/
Study: taking too many selfies is a mental disorder
A study from Nottingham Trent University warns that taking too many selfies could be a mental disorder.
Drs. Janarthanan Balakrishnan and Mark D. Griffiths, psychologists both, determined there are three types of habitual selfie takers: borderline, acute, and chronic -- and from there, the two developed the "Selfitis Behavior Scale."
The study was published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
Long story short, they determined "Borderline" cases take a minimum of three self-shots a day, but don't post them to social media.
"Acute" cases differ because they actually post the pics they take.
Chronic sufferers, according to the study feel "compelled" to take and post selfies throughout the day. " Typically, those with the condition suffer from a lack of self-confidence and are seeking to 'fit in' with those around them, and may display symptoms similar to other potentially addictive behaviors,” Balakrishnan said.
The paper was apparently not without its detractors. It was shaded as an "academic selfie" by King’s College London Professor of Psychological Medicine Sir Simon Wessely, the Telegraph notes.
Just in time for Christmas: Snow perfume
You know that smell of fresh snow? Well, you can huff it year 'round -- even if you live where it's warm -- thanks to Demeter's Snow cologne.
According to the perfumers' website, the scent is reminiscent of the world right after the white stuff has fallen -- or a "fresh snowball," if you can picture that. "It took awhile for us to get it right," the company says.
All that wintery goodness will set you back $34 for a 3.4 ounce spray.