New App Pays You To Work Out
Considering a lot of people dread working out, getting motivated to go to the gym can be tough. But what if someone paid you to do it, do you think you’d go more? Well, that’s the idea behind a new app that seems to be gaining in popularity.
Sweatcoin is a new app that hopes to get people sticking to their New Year’s resolutions by paying them. The app connects to a phone’s fitness and location data, and when it computes that a user has gotten in 1,000 steps, they earn 95 cents in sweatcoins. Although the app considers that earned money as “digital currency,” it’s not like you’re going to be getting a check in the mail. Instead, they are more like reward points, with users being able to cash them in for workout gear or classes, or they can even donate them to charities.
And it seems that a lot of folks are down with this new form of motivation. So far more than five million users are using the app, and it ranks as the third most popular free app, and the most popular health and fitness app, in Apple’s App Store.
Source: Money
Flu May Be Spread Simply By Breathing - The flu news keeps getting worse.
With the flu considered at epidemic proportions this season, we have a better idea of why. It turns out that just breathing other people’s air could get it into your system according to science. That means it’s an airborne virus and not just transmitted by coughing and sneezing.
Researchers at San Jose State University and UC Berkeley say you could catch the flu just by breathing the air of an infected person. The study was conducted during the 2012-13 flu season. It found keeping surfaces clean, washing your hands and avoiding people's coughs or sneezes may not be enough to avoid the virus.
According to researcher Sheryl Ehrman, influenza can be detected in a person's breath making it an airborne virus. Health experts recommend staying home and avoiding public places if you're sick with the flu. Don’t be surprised if workplaces soon enforce that.
Check out the CDC’s video map of the flu outbreak across the U.S. HERE.
Craigslist Missed Connections: Best of Chippewa Valley
Wal-Mart electronics - m4w (Menomonie)
I was browsing an item and we made really good small talk at current events and where you moved to chat with you more sometime...your hair smelled amazing and you looked even more heavenly...if you see this and think the same as me let me know your name and the color of my sweater so I know its you!
It's a Long Shot, but I am Looking for a Girl I met - m4w (Chippewa Falls)
Like the title says, It's a long shot, but worth a try. Back on new year's Eve of 1986, I met a girl out at the former "Kristen's" night club in Eau Claire (Was also called the "Left Guard" at one time). This girl had short red hair, and was a nurse at the time at Sacred Heart Hospital. She was driving a Chevy Nova Shark at that time. We had such a great time, and really hit it off. She lived on Zephyr Hill Drive, off Seymour Road in a Duplex at the time. I was supposed to call her back at the time, but circumstances got in the way, and I never did. If she or someone she knows reads this, I would really appreciate seeing her again! I am not trying to break up a current relationship or anything, Just want to see her again. My name is Steve.
Frozen Lake, Smoke, Hang, Munchies, Dry Mouth, SA For Snacks And Drink
I'm a prognosticator, he he he. This will be a missed connection. I doubt the bravery of most people. I find them lacking adventurousness. I'm missing that connection with a Woman that will climb fences with me, ignore signs, and carry Paint. Want to Winter camp? Make a Quinzhee? Yeah, I thought not. Like I wrote. No adventure. Change the email subject to smoke, and send a picture of your smoking paraphernalia. Good bye, otherwise. Victoria?... Mike And Molly?... Hi! I guess those days are past, for an old fart like me. I will not sell, or get, you any. You hang out with me, I got you.