Nutella Discount Makes Shoppers Crazy
Discounted Nutella has turned into a Black Friday nightmare in what’s being deemed Nutellageddon. The chocolate hazelnut spread was discounted by supermarkets across France yesterday and caused an uproar with shoppers.
“They are like animals,” one shopper said. “A woman had her hair pulled, an elderly lady took a box on her head, another had a bloody hand,” the woman explained. All this for 70 percent off Nutella.
The outrageous fights broke out in multiple stores across the country. One store limited the sale to three jars per customer. According to the NY Post, France is second to Germany as the world’s top consumers of Nutella. That explains so much of what has happened!
Source: NY Post
Do You Eat All Your Meals With Your Phone Next To You?
A study into the eating habits of 2,000 Americans found many of us are increasingly distracted when eating and 29 percent say their phone now accompanies EVERY meal that they eat. Even more than that — over half of those studied say their phone is a mainstay at most of their meals and only 17 percent admit to never having their phone at the table. The study, commissioned by Nutrisystem, a leading provider of weight-loss products and services, found distracted eating is a prominent part of many meals and it’s getting more common.
- Do you have a rule with your significant other that there are no phones at the dinner table?
Science Says Pushy Parents Ease Kids’ Anxiety
As parents, we feel our kids’ pain and try to protect them from it at all costs. And if our kid is worried - about anything from going to a new school to climbing the big-kid jungle gym for the first time - we want to help. But new research shows instead of trying to calm their nerves, we’d be helping them more by encouraging them to take risks.
A new study looked at preschoolers from England, the Netherlands and Australia and found that parents who “encourage children to push their limits are likely protecting their children from developing childhood anxiety disorders.” And it turns out, the pushier the parent is, the less anxious the kid is.
So encouraging your little ones to venture out of their comfort zones actually reduces their anxiety. That means it’s good to let them play rough and lose a game sometimes, and it’s also good to encourage them to feel confident in unfamiliar situations. Let your fear go and see how pushing your kid helps them relax and excel.
Source: PureWow
Pit Bull Saves Her Family From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Pit bulls get a bad rap, but three-year-old Ruby the pit bull shows they don’t all deserve it. The trained therapy dog saved her family from carbon monoxide poisoning and now she’s their hero.
Ruby’s owners Ronene Ando and Christopher Hall had recently set up a propane heater in their Lake View, New York home and when Ruby smelled the gas, she barked until her owners got up to see what was going on. Thanks to her instinct to save her owners, they were able to get out before carbon monoxide poisoning set in.
“Typically she only barks for one reason, and that’s if someone is at the door,” Ando explains. “Thanks to Ruby, everyone’s okay. Pit bulls are very protective of their owners.”
Source: People
Super Bowl Sunday’s All About The Wings
The Super Bowl is a little over a week away and there are likely lots of people already planning their Super Bowl party menu. Any good bash will no doubt have lots of chips and beer bought for the occasion, and, of course, plenty of chicken wings.
According to a report by the National Chicken Council, a whopping 1.35-billion chicken wings will be consumed Super Bowl weekend, which is up 1.5%, or 20-million wings, from last year.
Just how many wings is that? Well, if that many wings were laid along Interstate 95, the distance would run from Philly’s Lincoln Financial Field, where the Eagles play, to Massachusetts’ Gillette Stadium, where the Patriots play, close to 250 times. It’s also enough wings to circle the earth three times.
As for how folks will be eating those wings, 59% will be dipping them in Ranch dressing, but other sauces are also pretty popular, including:
- Buffalo/Hot Sauce (48%)
- BBQ Sauce (48%)
- Honey Mustard (35%)
- Blue Cheese (33%)
- Teriyaki Sauce (23%)
- Sriracha (15%)
- Nothing/”eat them naked” (8%)
- ONE MORE THING! When it comes to the type of wings, bone-in are still preferred over boneless (60% vs. 40%).
Source: National Chicken Council
New App May Help Alzheimer's Patients Recognize Family
A teenager has developed an app that could help Alzheimer’s patients remember loved ones. Emma Yang used her programming skills to create Timeless, an app that uses facial recognition software to give users information about who a person is and what their relationship is to the patient.
Yang’s own grandmother was diagnosed with the disease, so the 14-year-old has a personal reason for her project. With her app, when a user doesn’t recognize someone, they can snap a photo and Timeless will provide details. All that repetitive scrolling and looking at photos may make it easier for patients to remember information about that person.
Want to support the Timeless app? You can at Yang’s Indiegogocrowdfunding campaign. She hopes to raise money for further development and a formal study on the app’s efficacy.
Source: Mental Floss