Qualities To Have If You Want Everyone To Like You - Have you ever wanted to be liked by everyone? There’s a trick to it.
Over time, science has found that people who are likeable have certain traits in common and stay far away from others. Being arrogant, sueprficial, or rude won’t get you very far. But these things will:
- Being sincere. This is a biggie.
- Being transparent. Holding nothing of your story back and admitting you’re screw ups are golden.
- Being understanding and good listeners.
- Being curious.
- Being Positive.
- Being encouraging and attentive.
Of you can do all this, you are likeable!
Source: Bustle
Target’s Same-Day Delivery Is Coming
We’ve come to depend on Amazon Prime for shipping us anything we need in two days and it has really saved us. But get ready for that convenience to be blown away by none other than your favorite store - Target. Yes, Target is starting their own super-speedy shipping, with the launch of a same-day service.
Target announced on its website that beginning in February, we can stock up on all the toothpaste, razors, and groceries we need using the Shipt app. And instead of using a distribution center to ship the goods, an in-store shopper will put together the order and it’ll be delivered to you within hours!
The same-day delivery service will start in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, and Tennessee, but Target plans to expand to about half of their stores within the next few months. Birmingham, Alabama and South Florida are reported to be the first areas to get the service on February 1st.
Source: Elle Decor
If You Want To Get More Done, Stop Multitasking
Having a lot to do can lead you to believe that you have to do all of it at once. Multitasking probably sounds like the best course of action when you’re swamped. But it can actually make you less productive. Here’s why you should stop multitasking:
- You’ll be working with your brain’s natural process – Seriously! It’s not natural to multitask.
- You’ll be more productive – We accomplish 50% less when we try to multitask.
- You’ll procrastinate less – Give everything your full attention instead of partial attention.
- You’ll meet your deadlines easier – You’ll get individual tasks done faster!
- You’ll be more mindful – Being able to focus on one thing at a time will help you feel more present.
- You’ll feel less stressed – Mindfulness is super helpful in feeling less stressed.
- You’ll enjoy life more – When you start to ACTUALLY cross things off your to do list, you’ll be able to enjoy things more.
- You can take it one step at a time – Don’t bite off more than you can chew!
Leave multitasking in the past and give your tasks the full attention they deserve!
Source: PopSugar
Why You Should Never Put Your Chocolate In The Fridge
For chocolate lovers, the only thing worse than having no chocolate is watching their chocolate melt because it’s just too darn hot outside. But according to an expert, no matter how much you may be tempted to throw that chocolate bar in the fridge to keep it from melting away, you should try and resist at all costs.
According to chocolate expert Luke Owen Smith, as much as you may not want that chocolate bar to melt, chilling chocolate in the fridge will make it “dull,” and then it "doesn't release the flavors.”
So, what should you be doing with your chocolate? Well, Luke says the best thing to do is store it in a dark, cool and dry place, with chocolate tasting its best at room temperature. Ideally it should be ket at 59 degrees, with 50 the minimum and 68 the maxium.
But if things are getting too hot and you really have no option Smith says the best bet is to put your chocolate in a sealed container in the fridge so it doesn’t obsorb any foreign flavors from your fridge. And when you want to eat it, make sure the chocolate comes back up to room temperature before you enjoy.
Source: Stuff
North Korea To Make Resort Out of Missile Test Site
Looking for some fun vacation ideas? North Korea has announced plans to turn a missile test site into a swanky resort. The announcement apparently coincides with plans for the Winter Olympics to have joint sporting and cultural events between North and South Korea.
The resort, to be built in the Kangwon area, is set to “satisfy the demand of domestic and foreign tourists,” and will supposedly put the country’s tourism on “world level.” The plans, according to the Sun, appear to be aimed at capitalizing on international publicity to come with the Winter Olympics and may stimulate North Korea’s economy.
There were no specifics provided about the resort except that it will include “famous sandy beaches.” And that's what makes the news even more entertaining - as the area has been used in the past for missile testing and there could be a chance the beach could still be impacted by gunfire.
Source: The Sun
More Dating Terms You Should Know for 2018
If you couldn’t catch up on the 2017 dating trends, saddle up…you’re about to be flooded with the new dating trends of 2018. Modern dating can throw you for a serious loop, so it’s time we got the new terms under our belt and understood what kind of demons we’re up against. Here are the dating trends to beware of in 2018:
- Flexting – This is when you flex your muscles online before you meet in real life. It’s like bragging, but worse.
- Cricketing – If you have your “read receipts” on but don’t text back, congratulations. You’re a cricketer (and a jerk).
- Ghostbusting – This is when you keep texting someone EVEN when they’re ghosting you.
- Seredipidating – Have you ever left things up in the air just in case something better comes along? You’re a seredipidater.
- Fauxbae’ing – This is when someone pretends to have a boo on social media, but really they’re single. Probably doing it to make an ex jealous.
There are a ton of terrible dating trends out there that are just now coming to light and getting names. Watch out, folks! It’s rough out there.
Source: Business Insider