You Can Get A Degree…In Yodeling! - A degree in yodeling is now offered by a Swiss university.
The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art is will soon offer bachelors and masters degrees in the art of yodeling. Yes, we said a master’s ! The courses begin in the 2018-2019 academic year. Yodeling was traditionally used by Swiss herdsmen to communicate in the mountains.
Yodeling is enjoying a comeback in Switzerland even charting on albums last year. Source: BBC
Facebook Aggressively Triying To Get Users Back
While there are a lot of people who are still addicted to Facebook, there are plenty of folks who rarely check in anymore, if at all, and Facebook isn’t happy about that. In fact, according to a new report, they are being relentless in their attempts to get people to log into the site more often.
Bloomberg reports that retaining users is so important to Facebook they will become aggressive if someone stops using it. Some people who have started logging in less report getting frequent texts and emails, sometimes multiple times a day, trying to entice them back on the site. Rishi Gorantala, who deleted his Facebook app and cut back on his usage over privacy concerns, says he gets security prompts from the site “whenever I don’t log in for a few days.”
And it’s not just reminders of what folks are missing out on. The site will send emails suggesting a person may be having trouble logging in, which essentially tries to trick people into going on the site out of fear someone else tried to access their account. And even if folks do use Facebook regularly, the site is trying to get more posts from them. Lately they've been filling news feeds with all sorts of reminder boxes like memories, anniversaries of friendships, and even posts about how many photos they’ve been tagged in, or the number of reactions they’ve gotten, hoping it will spark some engagement with the user.
Of course, Facebook insists their tactics don't have ulterior motives. They note there are “many reasons” why they send notifications to users. As for all those celebration posts, they claim they were rolled out because people said they liked celebrating memories, not because they wanted more engagement from users.
Source: Bloomberg
"Dear Dave" What Age Should I Let My Daughter Have a Facebook Account?
Good morning guys! My name is Trisha and I’m a single mother of a thirteen-year-old girl, so as you can imagine my life is pretty hectic. One thing my daughter and I can agree on is what radio show we listen to in the morning which of course is you guys so thanks for helping us bond every day.
Right now my daughter is fighting with me over having a Facebook page. All of her friends have accounts and she wants one too but I feel like she’s still a little too young to have one. My friends tell me I should let her have one but just to keep track of it. Will that really protect her from bullies and other creeps on social media?
I don’t know… maybe I should lighten up. What’s your opinion?
Nurse Warns Parents About New Flu Symptom
We’ve all heard that this year’s flu season has been really dangerous and it keeps getting worse. The CDC reports that over 6% of patients visiting hospitals and emergency clinics are showing flu-like symptoms and the scariest stat: more than 37 kids have died from the flu this year.
So parents are watching out for runny noses, coughs and fevers closer than ever before, but there’s one flu symptom most of us don’t know to look out for because we didn’t know. Brodi Willard, a Nebraska nurse and mom, warns parents to watch for hives after her son was diagnosed with influenza B and that was his only symptom.
Willard shared on Facebook earlier this week that her son came home from school with hives and every time he’d scratch, he’d get more. Nothing seemed to help. “I called his pediatrician,” she wrote. “They said they had two kids come into the office that day with the same symptoms and tested POSITIVE FOR INFLUENZA."
She took her son in and he was diagnosed with influenza B, even though he showed no symptoms other than the hives. Her post has gone viral and many parents have commented that their kids had hives as a flu symptom as well. So be aware of the hives and stay healthy out there.
Source: The Stir
Millions Of Americans Expected To Call In Sick The Day After The Super Bowl
As we previously told you, a survey of HR managers finds that many believe the Monday after the Super Bowl should be a holiday, and there’s good reason for that, considering many people won’t be going to work anyway.
According to a report by Mucinex, close to 14-million people watching the Super Bowl on Sunday plan to call in sick for work on Monday. What’s more, 19% of Americans say they have missed work in the past on the day after the big game, with 25% thinking it should be a holiday.
Now if you’re wondering why people just don’t take the day off in advance, it seems most people don’t necessarily know they are going to need it until the last minute. In fact, the poll finds that 60% of employed Americans decide to call in sick either after the game has started or Monday morning.
- As for the excuse they give for calling in sick, fever is the most common ailment (26%), followed by sore throat (14%), and headache (12%). And we have "the flu!"
Source: Yahoo Finance
Newest Food Mashup? A “Tacro”
Everybody loves a good food mash-up and they’re showing a lot of love to the new taco-croissant combo, cleverly called the “tacro.” This thing is exactly what you’d expect: a croissant shell filled with taco-y goodness. Tacros are all over Instagram because they’re extremely photogenic, but they’re not just good looking, they’re tasty, too.
We can thank a San Francisco bakery called Vive La Tarte for the Tacro. They recently introduced it and fans love them. Their tacros come in three varieties: pulled pork, chile chicken, and barbecued jackfruit, for the meat-free foodies. They sell for $12 a pop and if you think that’s pricey for taco, know that according to their Instagram, they sell out within a few hours. So the early bird gets the tacro and the rest of us just drool checking them out on social media.
Source: Bustle
New Dating Trend: Shaveducking
There’s a new dating trend hitting our 2018 dating patterns, and this one might just be the craziest one yet. If you swipe through Tinder or Bumble and find yourself stopping and swiping right on all of the bearded fellas, it’s possible you’re guilty of shaveducking.
Shaveducking is what happens when you’re really only attracted to a guy for his facial hair. What happens when you start dating and he decides to shave it off one day? Will it bode poorly for your relationship? If you’re a shaveducker, it absolutely could.
It happens to girls, too! There are plenty of dudes out there who are attracted to girls with one hair color, and suddenly when they dye their hair, they’re not as attracted to the girl anymore. Everyone does it. It sucks, but it’s true!!
Source: Metro