Who Is The Justin Timberlake Selfie Kid?
Move over Kardashians, here comes the Super Bowl Selfie kid!
A 13-year-old Massachusetts kid named Ryan must be on cloud nine right now. That selfie with Justin Timberlake we told you about earlierhas now been parlayed into one popular meme and people are hitting him up on social media too.
That photo, by the way, almost didn’t happen. Seems the boy’s phone shut off, so he tried it again when the device turned back on.
In case you’re wondering, JT didn’t say a thing. Ryan is just as happy.
Source: ABC News
Wine Can Help Clean Your Brain - Science is giving us a new way to keep our minds sharp… and it involves wine.
University of Rochester researchers say wine helps flush waste products linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia from your brain. They tested the theory on mice and sure enough, the non-alcohol drinking rodents didn’t see the benefits that the drinkers did.
The team says human studies need to take place before this can be confirmed and they remind us that two glasses a day is plenty; any more and the affects can be negative.Source: New York Daily News
Being In A Relationship Can Change Your Taste Buds
If you never ate olives as a single lady but now that you’re a few months into a serious relationship you can’t get enough of them, science can explain why you’re a convert. A recent study published in Appetite journal reports that your smell and taste preferences can actually change over time to make you more in sync with your partner.
Researchers followed 100 couples who had been in a relationship for different amounts of time, from three months to 45 years and measured their responses to various smells and flavors. And it turns out, the longer people were together, the more alike their preferences were. And it was true across the board, regardless of relationship satisfaction.
So why do you become a fan of something just because your S.O. likes to eat it? “As partners share a household (including kitchen and fridge) and a significant proportion of meals,” the researchers explain, “they are more likely to eat similar types of food.”
And when you eat new ingredients regularly, like you might when you’re other half noshes on different things than you did, your taste preferences can change. So never say never to that cauliflower mac and cheese, one day you might find it delightful, just like your sweetie does.
Source: PureWow
A FocusCap For When You Get Distracted Easily
We all have trouble focusing at work. You’ve got your work wife on one side and your pal on the other – how can you possibly focus on all of the work you actually have to do?? Enter: the FocusCap. It’s something you can strap on your head so you can focus on what you have to for a while.
It’s basically the same as horse blinders, but for humans. You attach a headband aroud your head, and there are blinders that go up on the side of your eyes and prevent you from seeing anything around you, really. You’ll be able to ignore the Friday lunch that gets delivered, any office snacks, AND your boss’s complaints.
How cool is that?? Get your pair of FocusCap goggles and help yourself focus on your work!
Source: Metro
Blogger: Yoga Was Designed to Cause a Demonic Trance
Yoga can definitely send you into a relaxed state, but a demonic trance? That's what Christian blogger Matt Walsh thinks. He even compares practicing yoga to "playing with a Ouija board" and that it was “designed” to send you into a "demonic trance."
“You may perform the moves without consciously seeking the demonic trance they were designed to help you attain," he writes. "Bbut it would seem you are playing, quite literally with fire.” He thinks of yoga as a pagan practice and though he doesn’t believe “all yoga practitioners go to hell,” doing so doesn’t necessarily get them into heaven.
He even took his ideas to Twitter. As you can imagine, Walsh was met with backlash on the Internet, especially after referring to yoga as “the Hindu worship.”
Source: Daily Wire