Eating whatever you want, with minor consequences.Super size my life.Drinking your worries away without experiencing a two-day hangover.…Or longer.Not saving funds for your future.Not going to the doctor when you’re sick.Because LOL there are minute clinics, AM I RIGHT??Getting your own insurance.Gonna stay on my parents FOREV— well, until I’m 26.Not sleeping for at least seven hours a night.On this all-nighter grind.Not having a bed frame, just sleeping on a mattress.Closer to the ground.Not having dishes or proper silverware.Overrated.Not knowing what the hell you want to do with your life.HALP I JUST GRADUATED NOW WUT.Having wine for dinner.Having your parents still pay your cell phone bill.Could you IMAGINE?
Going to a One Direction concert.
Without children.Living at home with your parents and not feeling super weird about it.Yo ma, what’s for dinner?Being a hot mess on social media.Wearing wrinkled shirts.Because why would you waste money on an iron, right?Living for the drama.I could start drama but id rather eat ice creamSnapchatting all day every day.200-SECOND STORY.Going out on weeknights ALL week.THIRSTY THURSDAYAnd being able to decide who you want to be for the rest of your life.The world is your oyster.