Meet The Richest People In The World
Amazon's Jeff Bezos is the richest person on the planet and the first centi-billionaire in Forbes' 2018 Ranking of Billionaires. Bill Gates comes in at #2 and Warren Buffet ranked third.
A record 2,208 billionaires made Forbes’ annual ranking. Altogether, they're worth a record $9.1- trillion, up 18% from a year ago.
Here's another thing to make you feel great. The 20 richest people on the planet are worth $1.2-trillion. They represent less than 1% of total billionaires, but their riches amount to 13% of the total fortune of all billionaires worldwide.
Here are the top 10 billionaires for 2018:
- Jeff Bezos, Amazon: $112-B
- Bill Gates, Microsoft: $90-B
- Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway: $84-B
- Bernard Arnault, LVMH: $72-B
- Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook: $71-B
- Amancio Ortega, Zara: $70-B
- Carlos Slim Helu, telecom: $67.1-B
- Charles Koch, Koch Industries: $60-B (tie for 8th)/ David Koch, Koch Industries: $60-B (tie for 8th)
- Larry Ellison, software: $58.5-B
For the full list of all the world's billionaires, click HERE.
Source: Forbes
Research Shows Husbands Stress Moms Out More Than Kids
Moms sometimes like to joke about how having a boyfriend or husband can feel like having an extra kid, and now science confirms it. A new survey of 7,000 mothers reveals that moms actually stress out over their partners twice as much as they stress over their kids!
The survey, conducted by Today, asked moms about their stress and found that the majority of them rate their overall stress level at an 8.5 out of 10. And 46% of moms surveyed say their hubby’s stress them out more than their kids.
So what’s stressing these moms out so much about their husbands? The overwhelming majority (75%) of them say it’s because they feel the need to do all the parenting and household chores since they don’t think their husbands will do it. And one in five moms surveyed say they’re stressed ALL the time because their hubbies don’t help them at all around the house.
No mom out there is surprised by these survey findings, but it should be a wakeup call for men. Step up and be an equal partner at home if you’re not already, because you’re stressing your wife out.
Source: The Stir
Every Lawyer In Utah Just Received A Picture Of Boobs. Whoops!
Attorneys across Utah received an unexpected piece of email from the State Bar on Monday: a picture of boobs.
“We are horrified,” John Baldwin, the organization’s executive director, told Fox 13 in Salt Lake City. “We are investigating to discover how this occurred. Our goal is to find out what happened and ensure it never happens again.”
The Utah State Bar also tweeted an apology:
Apologies to all who received an inappropriate email from the Utah State Bar. We are aware of the situation and are investigating the matter.
The email contained the subject line “2018 Spring Convention Walk-Ins Welcome! Learn How!” along with an image promoting the March 8-10 event. Below that was an image of a woman’s breasts.
Chase Thomas, policy and advocacy counsel at Alliance for a Better Utah, told the Deseret News he was in the gallery at the state Capitol when he received the message.
“I was expecting a routine email I would most likely scroll through and delete,” Thomas told the newspaper. “But I had to scroll through and delete a lot faster than I had initially anticipated.”
19 Things You Can Only Get Away With In Your Twenties
( whatever you want, with minor consequences.Super size my life.Drinking your worries away without experiencing a two-day hangover.…Or longer.Not saving funds for your future.Not going to the doctor when you’re sick.Because LOL there are minute clinics, AM I RIGHT??Getting your own insurance.Gonna stay on my parents FOREV— well, until I’m 26.Not sleeping for at least seven hours a night.On this all-nighter grind.Not having a bed frame, just sleeping on a mattress.Closer to the ground.Not having dishes or proper silverware.Overrated.Not knowing what the hell you want to do with your life.HALP I JUST GRADUATED NOW WUT.Having wine for dinner.Having your parents still pay your cell phone bill.Could you IMAGINE?
Going to a One Direction concert.
Without children.Living at home with your parents and not feeling super weird about it.Yo ma, what’s for dinner?Being a hot mess on social media.Wearing wrinkled shirts.Because why would you waste money on an iron, right?Living for the drama.I could start drama but id rather eat ice creamSnapchatting all day every day.200-SECOND STORY.Going out on weeknights ALL week.THIRSTY THURSDAYAnd being able to decide who you want to be for the rest of your life.The world is your oyster.