Program Allows Parents To Bring Infants To Work
The State Department of Transportation in Seattle, Washington is trying out a new program that helps new parents get back to work and still spend time with their newborns. The Infant at Work program allows some workers to bring their baby to work once they are six weeks old, until they turn six months old.
The program’s director says it offers a better work-life balance for parents, improves morale, and cuts down on employee time, too. So far, there are 18 parents participating in the program.
“I definitely chose to do this,” explains Nigel Neaves, who brings his three-month-old daughter in to work twice a month. “It’s more affordable to do this than daycare.”
Source: KOMO News
How Airlines Put You Into Boarding Zones - If you’re wondering how you get put into that boarding zone when you fly… it’s complicated.
Zones are decided by complex mixes of what “club” you are in, how many miles you’ve flown, if you’ve spent a bunch of money with the airlines…and the list goes on. United puts people in 19 different categories just to figure it out!
But wait…. American Airlines has 22 categories and then there’s Delta. They have a staggering 27 categories that go into the formula of how we are zone boarded.
So, next time you hop on a plane, just enjoy the trip and forget the math that goes into it. Source: Business Insider
Ever Wonder If You’re A Millennial?
Can you recall the sound of a dial-up modem when it connected to the Internet? Is there a time when you asked Jeeves a question? Did you ever talk to your school crush in an AIM chat-room with a fake user name? Have you ever owned a mobile flip phone? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a millennial. A new study released Thursday by the Pew Research Center tries to define what exactly it means to be a “millennial.” According to the study, millennials are the generation born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 22-37 in 2018). Those born after 1997 will be part of a new generation, Pew said. While no generation can be conclusively defined, certain historical markers can delineate when one generation ends and another begins.
- Are you technically a Millennial but don’t have the traditional behaviors of a Millennial?
Has Your Child Accidentally Locked Your Phone For A Long Period of Time?
A woman in China's iPhone will be locked for 47 years after her two-year-old repeatedly entered the wrong passcode to unlock the device. The woman, identified by her family name Lu, explained to Chinese media that she left the iPhone with her son so that he could watch educational videos. The son then accidentally activated the iPhone's security system, which extends the amount of time the device is locked every time a wrong passcode is entered. Lu came home to discover that her phone was disabled and unusable for over 25 million minutes, or a total of 47 years. They had to reboot the phone which erased all of it’s data.
- What’s the longest you’ve accidentally locked your iPhone?
Millennials Are Losing Interest In Social Media
While most people think of Millennials being obsessed with social media, a new report reveals they may not be all that enthralled by it any more.
A new poll of Millennials ages 18 to 24 finds that many are turning away from social media sites. In fact, more than 50% say they are “seeking relief” from it. What’s more, 34% have deleted social media accounts, with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tinder the most popular apps to quit, with Snapchat still pretty popular.
But that's not all. Overall, 41% of Millennials admit they waste too much time on social media, and 35% say their peers are too distracted by their online activity.
Of course, not everyone has given it up, with those who are still active on social media using it for more than just sharing pictures and posting their thoughts. The survey finds that 65% use social media to follow brand profiles, with 43% making purchases through social media, and 57% saying a celebrity endorsement on social media influenced their decision to purchase an item.
Source: New York Post