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Hannah's Headlines- 3/19/2018

This Amount Of Money Buys Happiness - How much money does it take to achieve personal happiness?

Ninety-five-thousand dollars seems to be the perfect salary for personal satisfaction. That's according to researchers at Purdue University and the University of Virginia who surveyed nearly two-million-people. They found that individuals making this amount each year are best able to balance their work and personal lives.

The study also suggests that earning between 60-thousand and 75-thousand dollars lends to emotional well-being. In the United States, the average household income is about 65-thousand-dollars and 75-percent of workers earn less than 75-thousand-dollars.

By the way, the farther you go above the magic salary figure, the more your dissatisfaction grows.Source: Purdue University


Adults Think Babies Are Ugly Until About 6 Months Old

According to this new study it says adults find babies more appealing around the 6 month mark. Researches were shocked by these findings because they've assumed that younger babies are perceived as the cutest. 

But wait... There's more. Researchers showed 142 people pictures of 18 babies between the ages of 3 to 6 months. They asked the participants in the study if they would be willing to adopt these infants based on their cuteness, and happiness. The study also shows that adults would feel the ultimate urge to care for infants in the initial stages of their lives as this is when they are most vulnerable. 

Source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/are-newborn-babies-ugly-1.4567964

Is Being a Mom (Or Stay At Home Dad) The Hardest Job You’ve Ever Had? Study Says So!

Everyone knows that moms are heroes, as it’s a job where you can’t just clock off at five, and you’re working every hour under the sun. But now research has confirmed what every mother knows – it’s actually more work than a full time job. The study, conducted by juice company Welch’s, revealed that the average daily start time for a mom is 6:23am – much earlier than when most people start their working day. Once she has finished all the tasks, whether they are career related or parenting, she ends her work at 8:31pm. Not many jobs require a 14-hour working day, and most moms have to do this every day of the week. In total, that makes a mother’s working week a whopping 98 hours of work, or two and a half times more than the average job.

  • Moms, what thing do you need most to get through a day of being a full time stay at home mom?

Link: https://nypost.com/2018/03/17/being-a-mom-is-the-equivalent

Toy Story Land Is Opening Soon! 


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