Florida Woman Blames Cocaine in Purse on Windy Day
A Florida woman who was arrested last month on drug possession charges blamed the cocaine found in her purse on the wind.
Kennecia Posey, 26, was one of two passengers in a car that was swerving in the roadway when it was stopped by Fort Pierce police March 21. According to the police report, an officer approached the car and smelled an odor of marijuana coming from inside.
During a search of the car, the officer found cocaine and marijuana in separate bags inside a purse that Posey had on her lap. When questioned about the drugs, Posey admitted that the marijuana was hers, police said. The cocaine was a different story.
"I don't know anything about any cocaine," Posey said, according to the report. "It's a windy day. It must have flown through the window and into my purse."
Posey was booked into the county jail on one felony count of cocaine possession and a misdemeanor count of marijuana possession. She was later released on bond.
Link: https://www.local10.com/news/weird-news/florida-woman-blames-cocaine-in-purse-on-windy-day?
Pizza Hut Sends “Dumped and Ghosted” Woman Free Food
Australian writer Rosie Waterland recently went through a painful breakup and she took to Twitter to vent about it. She tweeted that she “just got dumped via messenger and simultaneously blocked across all platforms so I couldn’t respond, high school-style,” to her 19,700 followers, but it was Pizza Hut that sent the best response.
The day after her breakup tweet, Pizza Hut replied with “It’s ok @RosieWaterland, pizza will always be there for you. Thick and thin, in crust we trust. Can you DM us so we can send you a little something?”
The writer shared a private Twitter message from the chain with her followers which read: “Haha we
Source: New York Post
Live In Harmony Even If Your Partner Is A Slob
So you’re in love with a wonderful person and life is grand. Except that part about them being a total slob. That part isn’t so great, but the good news is you can totally love and live with messy human, and here’s how you do it.
Create “drop zones” - These are strategically placed areas around the house where someone can drop off stuff without any rules or organization, like a small bowl for change near the front door and a junk drawer in the kitchen for assorted items that can remain there unorganized and not bother your tidy soul.
Be direct about your needs - Don’t be passive aggressive here, just ask for help without nagging or negativity. If your beloved drags their feet at your request, explain that “it makes me feel frazzled when there are stacks of mail on the counter. Why don’t we find a place for these magazines on the bookshelf?” Communicating openly and positively can help you get your home more organized.
Routinize family cleaning - You can’t make your partner like cleaning, but you can get them to help in small doses. Make cleanup time part of family life, so everyone knows what’s expected. Spend an hour Sunday afternoon having everyone tidy and sort and put away laundry or devote 10 minutes after dinner to put clutter away and that will help cleaning seem like less of a cruel and unusual punishment.
Learn to let things go - Part of being at peace in your partnership is remembering you and your partner are different and if you can find a way to let the occasional dirty dish or shoes left in the hallway roll off your shoulders instead of bring it up - again - it goes a long way.
Source: PureWow
A Space Hotel Is In The Works - You can relax in space much sooner than you ever dreamed. …if you have a ton of money.
One company is planning to build a luxury hotel for space tourists. A startup called Orion Span is hoping to launch a space hotel called Aurora Station in 2021. The CEO of Orion Span unveiled the idea at the Space 2.0 Summit in San Jose yesterday. A 12-day stay will cost tourists over nine-million-dollars.
Orion Span says that's "affordable." Space tourists have already taken eight trips to the International Space Station, paying from 20-to-40 million dollars each time. Oh, well in that case…
The new space hotel will be made in Houston, and will be about the size of a private jet. Source: Space
Women Prefer To Hang With Bestie Over Hubby
When folks get married they may vow to spend the rest of their lives with each other, but that doesn’t mean they want to spend all their time together. In fact, a new report reveals that no matter how much a woman loves her hubby, she’d really rather be hanging with her bestie.
A new UK survey, which could easily translate here, finds that more than 50% of married gals would rather spend time with their best friend then their hubby. What’s more, 30% would prefer to have boozy lunches with their friends and 60% actually say they have a better time if no men are there at all.
As for why gals prefer their best friend over their man, the main reason is because they understand each other (57%), while the fact that a bestie actually listens to what they are saying is also a key reason (45%). Other reasons married women would rather hang with a best friend include:
- I can tell her things I could not tell my partner (44%)
- We enjoy the same things (41%)
- We laugh until we cry (39%)
- I can truly be myself (29%)
- We go back much further (29%)
- She offers better advice (28%)
- She is less irritating (26%)
- We have much more in common (25%)
- She has a better sense of humor (19%)
- We go wild when we’re together (18%)
Source: The Independent
Youtube Is In Hot Water Over Childrens’ Data Collection - Collecting data from children online, to many, crosses a line and one streaming giant is learning that.
YouTube is facing accusations that it's illegally collecting data on children. A complaint filed with the Federal Trade Commission says the Google-owned company has violated the Child Online Privacy Protection Rule. That law requires parental consent for collecting info on kids under 13 or not getting it at all.
Kids that young aren't technically allowed to have a YouTube account but millions of children watch content aimed at young people on the site. The complaint, filed by the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, the Center for Digital Democracy and 18 other privacy and consumer-protection groups, alleges that advertisers have found ways to target children. YouTube says it is evaluating the complaint.
An eMarketer study shows YouTube is the best-known brand among kids aged 6 to 12, beating out the Disney Channel, McDonald's and Lego.Source: CBS News
Roofer Arrested After Taking Back Roof: A roofer in Louisiana is facing charges after repossessing a roof he’d installed, but was never paid for. Andrew Jackson Higdon III had verbally agreed to replace the victim’s roof in June and was going to wait for her to receive an insurance check to make the payment. Higdon began contacting the victim in December for the money. She says she offered to pay him partially, but he demanded the whole thing. The victim says Higdon told her if she didn’t pay up, he’d take the roof off her house and the house would be damaged by rain. Higdon has been arrested on charges of simple criminal damage to property and criminal trespass. He was bailed out on $4,500 bond.