There’s a lot of people don’t know much about their teeth, and it’s perfectly normal to ask your dentist questions to make sure you’re doing all that you can to keep them clean and healthy. But there are some people that are so clueless their questions can be truly bizarre and now dentists are spilling the beans on some of their strangest inquiries.
A new survey of UK dentists, which could easily translate here, asked dentists to reveal the most common and uncommon questions they get from patients. Common questions include whether they should be brushing their teeth all and the differences between manual and electric toothbrushes, but it’s the out there ones that have us truly shaking our heads.
Bizarre questions asked of dentists include:
- Why do I have to brush my teeth when my dog doesn’t have to?
- Is using a chips packet between my teeth better than floss?
- What is floss, can I eat it?
- Is my filling going to melt if I drink hot soup?
- Will the ulcer in my mouth turn into a flesh-eating disease?
- Will my gum disease eat my face?
- Is it OK to only brush my teeth once a week?
- Can you take one of my teeth from the back and put it in the gap at the front?
- (In reference to a broken tooth) – Can’t you just paint something on top of it?
Source: The Daily Mail