Robots are seemingly becoming more and more human like and now they’re even able to grow organs. Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine have been working with robots to produce mini human organs from stem cells and their study was a success.
If this works out, scientists will be able to mass-produce “organoids,” which could prove extremely useful in basic and drug research. “This is a new ‘secret weapon’ in our fight against disease,” says scientist Benjamin Freedman. Scientists used to have to go the old fashion route to grow cells by culturing them for biomedical research.
- With the help of the bots, researchers can grow more three-dimensional mini-organs and they can even set up to project in 20-minutes time. The process would normally take a scientist all day to set up.
- Freedman notes that besides being speedy, the robots don’t get tired or make mistakes. “There’s no question,” he offers. “For repetitive, tedious tasks like this, robots do a better job than humans.”
Source: Science Daily