These days, it seems like every product under the sun has some sort of gluten-free iteration. Now, the all-natural personal care company Lola has launched a line of condoms ($11 for 12) that purport to be paraben-free, fragrance-free, casein-free, and, of course, gluten-free. Lola joins other condom companies Glyde, Green Condom Club, and Sustain, which also offer products that claim to be totally devoid of the dreaded gluten. At this point, you're probably wondering: wait, condoms have gluten in them? Well, according to a statement sent to from Lola co-founders Alex Friedman and Jordana Kier, most condoms don't. But there's a chance that they use lubricant that does. Because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies condoms as medical devices, condom manufacturers are not required to disclose product ingredients.
- Do you use Gluten Free condoms for extra safe sex?
- Have you ever gotten sick from a condom?