40 Questions Couples Should Be Able To Answer If They’re Dating For Real
WHAT’RE THE FIRST NAMES OF EVERYONE IN THEIR NUCLEAR FAMILY?This means parents, step-parents, siblings, and any step-siblings. Bonus points if you can name all their cousins, aunts, and uncles!
WHAT’S THEIR CURRENT DREAM JOB?Like, in an ideal world, what would they be doing every single day? No matter how ridiculous it is, you should know this about them (and encourage them to go for it regularly).
WHAT WAS THEIR DREAM JOB AS A KID?Everyone had one, and we all still remember what it is. It seems like a silly question but can tell you a lot about your partner.
WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE COLOR?Because if you don’t know this, what’s even the point of dating? You need to know what color toothbrush to pick up for them before your next vacation, don’t you?
WHAT ARE THEIR MAJOR FOOD LIKES AND MAJOR FOOD DISLIKES?Come on, you’ve surely been out to eat enough that these should be super easy.
WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE MOVIE?You should’ve watched it by now, right? If you’re not sure about their absolute favorite, you should at least be able to name two or three that they really like/can recite all the dialogue to.
WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE BOOK?If they don’t like to read, what are you even doing with them? Books are the best.
WHEN DID THEY HAVE THEIR FIRST KISS?Don’t tell me you aren’t interested in those teenage drama stories!
WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ICE CREAM?Everyone has a single favorite flavor. Bonus points if you know their favorite brand too. You can learn a lot about a person by knowing whether they prefer Ben & Jerry’s or Haagen-Dazs.
WHAT IS THEIR ALCOHOLIC DRINK OF CHOICE?Wine? Red or White? Beer? What type? You have to know these things!
AND THEIR FAVORITE MIXED DRINK?Unless they don’t like any mixed drinks, but come on!
WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE INSTAGRAM FILTER?For when you post pictures of them, duh! And if you’re not posting pictures of them, that’s a problem.
WHO IS THEIR MOST IMPORTANT ROLE-MODEL?If they don’t have one, who’s someone that they really admire and look up to?
WHAT SPORTS DID THEY PLAY GROWING UP?This one is pretty easy if they are still playing that sport.
WHAT IS THEIR ALL-TIME FAVORITE SONG?If they listen to a ton of music, knowing several top favorites is also permissible.
WHERE DID THEY GROW UP?If you aren’t both still in your hometown, that is.
WHERE DID THEY GO TO HIGH SCHOOL?Yes, those were dark years, but surely you’ve talked about it!
DO THEY PREFER CATS OR DOGS?Why? Everyone has some kind of explanation.
WHAT PLACES HAVE THEY TRAVELED TO?In the age of Instagram, this is a super easy one.
WHAT’S THEIR FAVORITE BOXED CEREAL?Any answer other than “Cinnamon Toast Crunch” is wrong, just for the record.
WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE SOCIAL MEDIA SITE?If they say Twitter, run for the hills (just kidding).
WHAT IS A TALENT THEY HAVE THAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT?You should at least know about it so you can make them perform it for you regularly in private.
WHAT’S THEIR LOVE LANGUAGE?How do they show their love and how can you best show your love to them? Knowing the answers to these things is the crux of any healthy relationship.
WHAT’S THEIR FAVORITE WAY TO TRAVEL?A plane ride to keep things fast, a car ride to stay in control, or a train ride to take in all the sights?
WHAT’S THEIR ZODIAC SIGN?If you haven’t tried to see if you’re both compatible based on astrology, you’ve been making a huge mistake… or at least missing out on a lot of fun.
WHAT CITY DO THEY ASPIRE TO LIVE IN SOMEDAY?Even if it’s just a pipe dream or you never plan on moving there, there’s no harm in knowing.
WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE INTERNET MEME?If they don’t have one, the relationship can’t be saved!!
PC OR MAC?There’s definitely a right and a wrong answer here.
HOW DO THEY LISTEN TO MUSIC?Spotify, Apple Music, record players, etc.
HAVE THEY EVER BEEN TO A FOREIGN COUNTRY?If so, which one(s)? Which are on their bucket list?
WHAT ARE SOME THINGS THEY HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS OR SO?Obviously, you don’t have to know all of them, but you should be able to name a few.
WHO’S THEIR BEST FRIEND?Because knowing their friends and various people in their friend group is super important.
WHAT ARE THEIR POLITICAL VIEWS?You certainly don’t need to be able to list their position on every single issue, but knowing generally what they think of the world is crucial (especially because if you totally disagree, your relationship might be in trouble).
ARE THEY RELIGIOUS OR SPIRITUAL?If so, what faiths or ideologies are they a part of? How do they practice their faith or spirituality?
WHAT WAS THEIR MAJOR IN COLLEGE OR WHAT DO THEY WANT TO MAJOR IN?If college isn’t for them, what kind of topics are they interested in reading and learning more about?
HAVE THEY EVER TRIED DRUGS?This includes softer stuff like weed along with harder drugs.
WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE HOLIDAY?Bonus points if their answer is more obscure but you still remembered it!
ARE THEY AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT?Introverts get energy from being alone while extroverts get energy from being with people. You can be an outgoing introvert and vice versa, but it’s still helpful to know which category your partner considers themselves to fall under.
DO THEY PREFER COFFEE OR TEA?And when you know the answer to that, do they prefer iced or hot?
WHAT’S THEIR FAVORITE CLOTHING BRAND?If they don’t have one, what kind of things do they typically like to wear?Link: https://www.bolde.com/40-questions-couple-able-answer-dating-real/
Walter Geoffrey the Frenchie Is Upset
Walter Geoffrey isn't happy...and he adorably needs to let you know. Link: https://youtu.be/XhlX5fkMh_U
Otters Singing
The Bottom Line: Having a rough day/week? This'll help. Link: https://youtu.be/5XtWoDykBeM
The World’s Longest Non-Stop Flight Is Happening This Year - The world's longest nonstop flight will connect New York City and Singapore later this year.
Singapore Airlines is announcing it will begin daily non-stops between the Big Apple and Singapore on October 11th. The more-than ten-thousand mile flight will take just under 19 hours. The airline will fly an Airbus A350 with 67 business class and 94 premium economy seats. The company says it's also planning Los Angeles-to-Singapore flights sometime after the New York flights begin.
The New York to Singapore flight is not a new idea, by the way. The airline previously had the route until 2013, when gas prices made it too costly. Source: ABC Australia
Couple Proposes To Each Other At The Same Time - Great minds think alike.
A Tennessee couple is making wedding plans after they proposed to each other at nearly the same time. It happened last Friday at Memphis Zoo's beer sampling event, Zoo Brew, where Jessa Gillaspie and Becky McCabe went on their first date two years ago.
Gillaspie started planning her proposal weeks ago and got down on one knee as a friend filmed the moment. When McCabe saw the ring, she went to her bag and pulled out her own ring. Needless to say, both said "yes" and the wedding is being planned for next year.Source: Fox Memphis
Staying Single Key To Longevity, According To 106-Year-Old Woman
When we’re lucky enough to come across someone who’s lived a long life and is still around to tell us about it, we like to know the secret to their success. And for Madeline Dye, a 106-year-old woman in the UK, she says the key to longevity is single life.
Dye was born in 1912 and was a bookbinder until she retired, and in her many years on Earth, one thing she’s never had is a boyfriend. So the 106-year-old says she’s enjoyed a long life because she “avoided the stresses” that can come with relationships and marriages.
According to Dye’s niece, Diana Heaton, her aunt didn’t even live in a nursing home until she had a bad fall at 103. She has always been independent and still walks without a cane now. Dye gets herself dressed and hangs out and socializes with other residents in the common room Heaton says she’s never lost her great sense of humor.
“Whenever anyone asks her about her past romances or if she has a husband, she says, ‘I’ve never had one, that’s why I’m this age’” Heaton explains. But Dye’s long life could also have something to do with the daily two-mile walk she took to work, up a steep hill, which she did a couple times a day.
Source: New York Post
Millennial Couples Are Waiting to Marry
There are things millennials rush into. We’re always ready to jump on the next plane, do something for self-care, or buy a ripe batch of avocados. These are things we’ll run (not walk) to do. But the crazy thing we can actually wait for? Marriage. We’re not in any rush to get married these days. In fact, we’re kind of holding off on purpose.
Anthropologist Helen Fisher has a phrase to describe this phenomenon – “fast sex, slow love.” In the world of online dating, we’re quick to swipe right and then hit the sack not too long afterwards. And according to an eHarmony report, couples between 25 and 34 knew each other for about six or seven years before deciding to get married.
The reason? There are things we want to get out of the way before we really tie the knot and settle down. The biggest reason being that we want to be able to advance our careers. We don’t have time to spend on wedding planning and homeowning and kids. We want our careers in order, and we want it now!
Source: New York Times
Where To Get Free Donuts For National Doughnut Day
June 1st is National Donut Day, which means tomorrow there are lots of freebies and deals on the tasty pastries. The holiday goes back to 1938, when it was established to honor The Salvation Army Donut Lassies, women who served the sweets to soldiers during World War I. And here’s where you can find the doughy deals for National Doughnut Day this year:
- BI-LO: Get a 50% discount on all doughnuts in the bakery Friday.
- Clinton Hall: Through Friday, the “Twisted Donut Burger” with a side of fries is just $16. The limited-time burger is a twist on the New York restaurant’s grilled cheese doughnut and has bacon, jalapenos and Twisted Tea-infused icing.
- Cumberland Farms: From 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. Friday, get a free doughnut with purchase of any dispensed beverage, including hot or iced coffee, fountain or frozen beverages. But this deal is only valid at new concept or remodeled locations.
- Duck Donuts: Get one free classic doughnut Friday.
- Duffy's Sports Grill: This Friday, get one free order of Red Velvet doughnuts.
- Dunkin' Donuts - Score a free classic doughnut when you buy any beverage Friday, while supplies last.
- Edible Arrangements: They have new Edible Donuts made with granny smith apples, chocolate and a variety of toppings. On Friday, get a free “doughnut” and from June 2-6 any size or combo is buy-one-get-one free.
- Harveys: Get a 50% discount on all doughnuts in the bakery Friday.
- Honey Dew Donuts: Get a free S’More Donut with the purchase of any medium or larger beverage Friday at participating locations, while supplies last.
- Krispy Kreme - Get a free doughnut Friday, no purchase necessary.
- LaMar’s Donuts: Get any doughnut with a hole for free on Friday with a Golden Ticket coupon, which you can print or show on your smartphone.
- Martin’s Super Market: Get a free doughnut from the case Friday.
- Papa John's: Get a free order of their warm donut holes Friday with any online purchase. Starting June 2, use promo code DONUT for a free order with any purchase of two pizzas.
- Rise Biscuits Donuts: All locations will donate 100% of Friday’s sales of the Chocolate Icing Donut to a local food bank.
- Shipley Do-Nuts: Get one free glazed do-nut Friday from 5 a.m. to noon for what the Texas-based chain is calling “National Do-Nut Day.”
- Tim Hortons: Only five U.S. locations will have “Gold Timbits” and the first guest to ask for them after 6 a.m. Friday at the select locations will get the edible 24k gold-covered Timbits for free and win free doughnuts for a year. It’s a hunt to find the locations but company officials say they’re in the Detroit, Columbus, Ohio, and Buffalo, N.Y.
- Walmart - Come by Friday for a free glazed doughnut
- Winn-Dixie: Get a 50% discount on all doughnuts in the supermarket’s bakery Friday.
Source: USA Today