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Hannah's Headlines- 6/4/2018

Most Teens Aren’t Using Facebook Anymore

If you’re worried about what your kids are doing on Facebook, you probably don’t need to be, because according to a new Pew Research poll, not many of them are actually on Facebook.

The poll finds that YouTube is actually the most popular social media site amongst teems with 85% of teens saying they use YouTube, and another 32% saying the use it most often. While Facebook was the most dominant platform just three years ago, with 71% using it, it’s now dropped to fourth, with only 51% of teens saying they use it, and only 10% saying they use it most often. 

Most Popular Social Media Platforms for Teens

  • YouTube (85%)
  • Instagram (72%)
  • Snapchat (69%)
  • Facebook (51%)
  • Twitter (32%)
  • Tumbler (9%)
  • Reddit (7%)
  • None of the above (3%)

When it comes to social media in general, 31% of teens say it has a positive effect on their lives, while 45% believe it has a mostly negative effect. As for the reasons for that negative effect, they include:

  • Bullying/rumor spreading (27%)
  • Harms relationships/lack of personal contact (17%)
  • Unrealistic views of other’s lives (15%)
  • Causes distractions /addiction (14%)
  • Peer pressure (12%)
  • Causes mental health issues (4%)
  • Drama in general (2%)

And good luck trying to get teens to take a break, with the poll finding that most have at least some access to a phone or computer. In fact, the poll finds 88% of U.S. teens have access to a desktop computer or laptop, while 95% have access to a smartphone.

Source: Pew Research

Expert says smartphone use could alter our brain chemistry

Ding.  You try to ignore it, but somebody's texting you. Buzz. Incoming email. Maybe work can wait a minute while you see who it is.

You may not realize it, but your brain might be learning some bad lessons from your smartphone. In fact, researchers at the Cleveland Clinic say the devices may be changing your brain chemistry itself.

According to Clinic psychologist Scott Bea, the devices and their constant notifications put our brains on "high alert" in anticipation of the next one. 

"There’s this phenomenon called 'switch cost' that occurs when there’s an interruption," He explains. "[W]e switch away from the task that we’re on and then we have to come on back.

Dr. Bea adds, "We think it interrupts our efficiency with our brains by about 40 percent."If you've ever felt nervous that you haven't checked that beep or blinking light, that's because your body has squirted you with a shot of the stress hormone cortisol. You feel nervous, your heart rate jumps, and you may feel sweaty -- until you check your phone.Making matters worse, Bea explains, is that our brain feels rewarded each time we check, thanks to a squirt of the "feel good" hormone, dopamine.  And that sets up an addictive feedback loop. 

"Getting off these things is like getting off anything else that has an addictive component -- we’re actually going to feel bad for a little while....we might go through...a little bit of withdrawal."

The more time you spend off your device, however, the more accustomed we become to that new, healthier habit.

Bea also says if work can reach you by phone, it's important to have disconnect time at home, so your brain has a time to get used to actually not being "at work."

Today is national cheese day

This Small Detail About Tissues Will Blow Your Mind And Your Nose: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kirstenking/this-small-detail-about-tissues-will-blow-your-mind-and-your?utm_term=.gq60NX5dx#.lok0kz9ga

Have a Good Sense of Smell? You Probably Have a Great Sex Life

If you're always the first to smell dinner wafting upstairs from the kitchen, a new study says there's a good chance you might also have a better sex life.

Published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, a team of researchers found that people who have a better sense of smell report experiencing more pleasure during sex. This is especially true for women with a superior sense of scent, as the study found they have more orgasms during intercourse.

To conduct their study, researchers gave Sniffin' Sticks to 42 women and 28 men between the ages of 18 to 36 to evaluate their sense of smell. Then, participants answered a survey about their sex life, which included questions about their desires, sexual frequency, orgasm frequency, and perceived pleasure during sex.

The team found that people with high olfactory sensitivity rated their sexual encounters as more pleasurable. Meanwhile, there was no link between people's smelling ability and their level of sexual desire.

Although the study authors can't explain why having a great sense of smell could make for better sex, they hypothesize that "the perception of body odors such as vaginal fluids, sperm and sweat seems to enrich the sexual experience," Business Insider reported. In other words, you might want to take a few whiffs of your partner before your next romp in the sack.

Link: https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a20979625/sex

Luxury Crocs Are A Thing

Watch out, Croc lovers (yes, they actually exist)! There are new Crocs hitting the market that you’re going to want to save your entire next paycheck for. It seems the streetwear company Alife is teaming up with Crocs to bring you a luxury version of the shoe. And it looks pretty interesting to say the least.

The designer Crocs are white and actually come with built in socks that go up your calf some. The white sock part features blue and red stripes at the top. Think white clogs…with socks…that cost $140. And they’re not stopping there. You can snag a pair of their 3D printed Crocs – which are adorned with the New York City skyline $600.

Who is going to spend that much on shoes? Scratch that. Who is going to spend that much on CROCS!?

Source: Cosmopolitan

Scientist Says Teaching Kids To Swear Is Good

Even the best parents in the world probably let a swear word slip from their lips in front of the kiddos sometimes, we’ve all been there. But according to Dr. Emma Byrne, a scientist in the field of artificial intelligence and the author of “Swearing is Good for You: The Amazing Science of Bad Language,” we shouldn’t worry one bit because teaching kids to swear can have a lot of upsides.

Byrne has found teaching kids to curse can help them understand language better, and she’s linked swearing to honesty, having a more robust vocabulary, better credibility, and helping kids process and handle anger. So this self-proclaimed “Sweary Scientist” says we should reverse the idea that we should keep strong language from little ones until they know how to use it effectively.

“Learning how to use swearing effectively, with the support of empathetic adults,” Byrne says, “is far better than trying to ban children from using such language.”

In her book, Byrne also explains that swearing has been shown to ease the effects of physical pain, reduce anxiety, help trauma victims recover language, and promotes “human cooperation” in kids. Of course, moms and dads don’t want junior dropping an F-bomb in English class every day, but teaching our kids that not only is it okay to swear in certain situations, but that it can actually be good for us, could be a good thing. Plus, it’s a lot more fun, isn’t it?

Source: Scary Mommy

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