We literally can’t keep up with all the new dating trends and their cute names, but now along with breadcrumbing, ghosting, and stashing, we’ve got another one to be concerned about. Meet “Gatsbying” - which Australian model Matilda Dods defines as “To post a video, picture, or selfie to public social media purely for a love interest to see.”
So how many of us are guilty of this? Probably lots. The name is a reference to “The Great Gatsby,” the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, where mysterious businessman Jay Gatsby throws extravagant parties at his mansion to get the attention of the woman he’s always loved. And Dods points out that people do this on a night out, just on a smaller scale.
Gatsbying can bait someone into paying attention to you, but it can also keep you from enjoying the present moment because you’re too busy trying to show a particular person you’re having a good time. And it can also be very obvious. You know you’ve seen Instagram posts that were shared just for the purpose of getting one person’s attention. So proceed with caution if you’re Gatsbying and if it’s happening to you, at least you now have a name for it.
Source: MamaMia