Almost 40% Of Americans Have A Side Hustle
The days of earning a paycheck at just one job are apparently over. A new poll by BankRate finds that 37% of Americans have a side hustle, a way to make extra income other than their full-time job.
Overall, the poll finds that 11% of Americans earn extra money every week from a side hustle, while 9% earn money about once a month and 8% do it a few times a month. As for which generation is most likely to have a side hustle, not surprisingly, it’s Millennials - with more than half of those surveyed saying they have an extra gig. In fact, the likelihood of someone having a second job declines with age.
And while it may sound great to make a little extra cash on the side, it turns out folks aren’t actually making all that much. While the average monthly income from a side-hustle is about $686 dollars, which translates to about $8,200 a year, 49% of those with a side hustle only make about $200 a month. As for what they’re spending it on, 59% say they use that money as disposable income, while 38% use it to cover their living expenses.
So, how are folks making all this extra cash. Well, it turns out home repair and landscaping is the most popular side hustle (12%), followed by online sales (7%), crafts (7%) and childcare (6%).
Source: Bankrate
This One-Minute Rule Helps You Tackle More On Your To-Do List
If your to-do list is still way too long even after you hustle to cross things off every day, we feel you. It’s not that we’re slacking, we’re just not getting as much done as we’d like. But this quick trick from happiness expert Gretchen Rubin can help us feel like we’re making progress. She calls it the one-minute rule.
The idea is that before you tackle the biggie items on your to-do list, you get all the easy stuff done first. Specifically, start with the tasks you can accomplish in a minute or less. So instead of organizing your closet, cleaning out the pantry, or finally finishing your kid’s baby book, you focus on hanging up bags and coat in the entryway, tossing junk mail, or starting a load of laundry.
It might not seem like it would make a big difference, but getting those little, annoying tasks out of the way makes you feel like you’re accomplishing something. Plus, you may feel calmer and like you’re more in control, so you can focus on the to-dos that’ll take a little longer - we’re looking at you, garage full of clutter. And when you’ve managed to cross off half the items on your list in no time at all, think of how much else you can complete with all your time left over.
Source: PureWow
Woman Flies 4,000 Miles To Say “You’re It”
The game of Tag never gets old, no matter what age you are. Well before the movie came out, a group of 10 people started their game. The group met in in China in 2014 and have been at it ever since.
Georgina Wilkinson was “it,” so she hopped a plane from the U.S. to southern Scotland. The prey, Drew McEwan was celebrating his niece’s christening with family photos at Loch Lomond when the photographer asked him to ask a gardener working behind them to stop briefly because he was in the pictures. When Drew walked up to the person, it was Georgina in a masterful disguise. Before he knew what happened she tagged him and ran off laughing.
The brilliantly played round got a little help from the photographer and Drew’s siblings. Drew is now it, so he has to track one of the group down. All he could say was “Obviously I’m not pleased with the bar Georgina’s raised for me but I must admit it was brilliantly executed.”
Source: Mirror
Taking Five Baths A Week Could Lower Risk For Heart Attack
A nice long soak in a hot bath can do wonders for relieving stress after a long day, but we’re less likely to find that appealing during the sweaty summer weather. But new research shows taking five hot baths a week is actually good for our health, so maybe we ought to crank up the AC and go for it anyway.
A new study published in the journal, “Nature,” shows that taking five hot baths a week could lower blood pressure as well as reduce the risk for heart attacks and stroke. So hot baths could help you live longer, but the key word here is “hot.”
The research finds that a regular dip in a tub with water at 106-degrees is healthy for the heart and reduces the chances of hardened, blocked arteries. Scientists believe being immersed in water shifts blood flow from the legs and abdomen to the heart, while the high temperature could reduce blood pressure.
Saunas provide the same benefits and some countries around the world offer public hot-bath facilities where people can go, soak, and socialize for a reasonable price. Here in the U.S., we call those places spas and have to shell out big buck to go, so if you can’t do that five times a week, you can make it happen in your tub at home for free. And it’s the perfect excuse to treat yourself five times a week.
Source: Bustle