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Hannah's Headline's- 7/20/2018


Company’s Move To Four-Day Work Week Pays Off

Ask most people and they’ll tell you that a five-day work week can sometimes feel like a lifetime. One company in New Zealand has found a way around that, and it’s benefiting both the company and its employees.

Perpetual Guardian, which manages trusts, wills and estates, began an experiment earlier this year, reducing employees’ work weeks to 32 hours from 40, meaning they work four-day weeks. They then had two researchers look into the effects of the change and found that not only were employees happier, but more productive as well.

Overall, there was a 24% improvement in employees’ work-life balance, which gave them more energy when they returned to the office. This renewed energy led employees to be more motivated to increase productivity while in the office. They also decreased wasted time in meetings, they took less breaks, and found ways to inform colleagues when they needed no distractions in order to concentrate on work.

Perpetual isn’t the first company to shift to a four-day work week, but their founder Andrew Barnes believes they are the first to pay employees the same amount for working 32 hours instead of 40. Most folks who work four-days work more daily hours to make up for not being in the office, or they get paid less for the shortened week. Barnes also notes that they could actually be saving money with the shorter week since the company was able to save 20% on electricity bills with less staff in the office each day.

Source: New York Times

New Instagram Feature Shows You’re Ignoring People - Instagram is adding a new status indicator dot so people will know when you're online and ignoring them.

TechCrunch reported yesterday the green status dot indicates when a user is active on the app. Instagram says you'll only see status for friends who follow you or people you have talked to in Direct. The idea is to increase the time you talk to people you're talking to already.

You can disable the feature in the Activity Status part of the settings menu. It’s “on” by default.Source: Tech Crunch

Fearless Man Sets Record Riding Zip Line On 106th Bday

Jack Reynolds is getting up there in years, but he isn’t letting that slow him down. The great-grandfather has an annual tradition on his birthday of trying to break a Guinness World Record title, having already become both the oldest person to get their first tattoo and the oldest person to ride a non-inversion roller coaster.

So this year to mark his 106th birthday, he decided to go for the title of oldest person to ride a zip line. Guinness World Record official Mark McKinley was on hand after the record-breaking event to present Jack with a certificate honoring his achievement.

When asked how the zip line compares to his tattoo and roller coaster records, he says, “It was perfect. It’s been a really good day.”

Source: Newsopedia

What A “Perfect Day” Is Like For Most People

Have you ever had that absolutely perfect day? It’s true it takes a lot for a day to be perfect, and what constitutes a perfect day for some is completely different for others. But now a new survey has set out to determine what the average perfect day looks like, and exactly what things can boost someone’s mood enough to make a day simply perfect.

 The study by the U.S. Highbush Blueberry council finds that the average American has 204 good days a year, but only 15 of them can be described as “perfect days.” So, what actually constitutes a perfect day? Well, based on responses, the average person’s perfect day starts by waking up at 8:15 am, and going to bed at 10:50 pm. Skies, of course, will be clear, with a temperature of 74 degrees, and they’ll spend about three hours of their day outside. A perfect day also consists of about four hours of family time, and three hours spent with friends, as well as three hours of relaxing in front of the TV to unwind. 

The survey also looked at what particular things could boost a person’s mood, giving them more of a shot at achieving the perfect day, with finding money in a pocket unexpectedly the top mood booster, followed by being able to sleep without setting an alarm.

Top Mood Boosters(click here to see the Top 40)

  • Finding money in your pocket you didn’t know you had (58%)
  • Being able to sleep in with no alarm set (55%)
  • Lying in bed listening to rain fall outside (51%)
  • A small gesture of kindness from somebody in your life (49%)
  • Petting a dog (48%)
  • Performing a small gesture of kindness for somebody in your life (47%)
  • Realizing it’s a beautiful, sunny day (46%)
  • Long, hot shower (44%)
  • A meaningful, long hug from somebody you love (42%)
  • Seeing a friend you haven’t seen in a long time (42%)

Source: SWNS Digital

Easy Ways to Become A Morning Person

Some of us were blessed with the ability to wake up super early naturally. But most of us? We’d hit the snooze button all day if you let us. If you’re trying your hand at being a morning person, there are a few things you can do to help yourself out. Here are some of them:

  • Go to sleep earlier.
  • Wake up a little earlier every day until you’re used to it.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Work up a sweat in the morning.
  • Keep the same schedule all week.
  • Relax a little before hitting the hay.
  • Reward yourself with a nice coffee or cup of tea.

Let’s be honest – more of us would wake up a little earlier if there was the promise of a nice bagel or treat at the end. Who wouldn’t wake up earlier for a little extra something in their day? Make sure you’re treating your body right because those early mornings can be something brutal.

Source: PopSugar

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