Dating While Living With Your Parents
Here’s the situation – we’re still living at home. The rent is free, the laundry is in the building, and there are home cooked meals for everyone when they want it. It’s a pretty sweet deal – except when it comes to dating. There are some obvious challenges that come with living with your parents and also trying to get busy. Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Keep ‘em separate – Don’t make your parents meet every single person you go home with. Don’t invite people you barely know into your parents’ home.
- Spend most of your time outside of the house – Try not to dwell on the fact that you live at home by hanging out there.
- Make an effort to get to know the family – If you’re going to be interacting with them more, you’re going to want to at least be amicable.
- Communicate with your parents – Let them know when people will be coming over.
It can seem like your dating life has to come to a complete halt when you’re still living at home– but that’s not necessarily true. If you’re respectful about the situation and know of other cool spots to go to hang, you can manage to navigate a living at home relationship.
Source: Elite Daily
Survey Finds Many Women Prefer Hanging With Their Dogs Over Partners
We love our spouses and S.O.s, but according to a survey done by pet food brand Purina, half of female dog-owners say they’d rather spend time with their dogs than with their partner or family members. And of the 1,000 dog owners surveyed, 95% say they consider their dog a part of the family, 62% agree their fur baby helps them de-stress after work, and 55% think their dog provides emotional support after getting bad news.
Some pet owners, like Taylor Napoli, feel spending time with their dogs is better than being with other humans. She likes hanging with her black lab when her husband isn’t there because there’s no stress. “He has no expectations of me,” she explains. “He’s just there and so reliable in a way that people aren’t sometimes.”
And like a lot of pet owners, Napoli admits that her pooch sleeps in bed with them. Another survey by the American Kennel Club reveals that 45% of American pet-owners say they let their pets sleep in bed with them.
Pet owners are also spending more than ever on their furry friends. According to the American Pet Products Association, pet parents spent close to $70-billion on their pets last year, up 4% from 2016. Most of the expense is pet food, especially as more pet owners are splurging on fancier pet foods. Some people are even putting their pets on human diets. “Paleopet,” the nutritional book for pets, has gotten popular for its no-starch, meat-centered diet. And on the flip side, 40% of those surveyed by Purina have bought their dog a birthday cake to celebrate their big day.
Source: Moneyish
Another Dear Dave message...can you guys help out *Tiffany?
(*Name changed)
"My boyfriend of 2 years, who I love with all my heart, broke up with me...
A friend of mine was at a celebrity golf outing in California: Aaron Rogers, Larry the Cable Guy, Ben Higgins and many other celebrities were playing. My friend sent me photos with her and some of the celebrities including Ben Higgins.
I told her to give Ben my number as he was near her. I said “lmao seriously” and I asked if she was joking and she said no. (she didn’t end up giving him my number).
My boyfriend took my phone, while I was in the shower, and read these messages. He is now accusing me of cheating and handing my phone number out to “guys”, which is not true!
I wouldn’t ever cheat! My friend, from the phone conversation, sent me a text saying go for it, talk to him, it’s just talking and that he would want more photos of my beautiful face. Well, it was a message she sent me , so I didn’t write it and I didn’t respond to it.
What I really want to know, is if what I did, was cheating? If he was a normal guy from the street I would say yes, I would have been in the wrong, but he is not even close to that. He is a famous guy that wouldn’t ever contact me! Is my NOW ex-boyfriend wrong for accusing me of this or was I cheating??? If I was in the wrong, I have no problem admitting it. Over all of this silly and stupid conversation, I lost someone that I love."
Woman Gives Birth in Chick-fil-A Bathroom, Baby Gets Perks
A baby girl is guaranteed food for life — and a job — after her mother gave birth in a Chick-fil-A bathroom.
Falon Griffin was having contractions when she and her husband stopped at the fast-food restaurant in San Antonio to drop off their daughters with a family friend. She had to use the bathroom, but the restaurant was closed.
The couple banged on the door. Store director Brenda Enriquez tells KSAT-TV she opened the door and Griffin was screaming. Enriquez grabbed some towels.
Husband Robert Griffin says he managed to unwrap the umbilical cord from the baby's neck and deliver Gracelyn Griffin.
Mom and baby are doing fine. The company says Gracelyn will have free Chick-fil-A for life and a job when she turns 14.
Is It Really Okay To Pierce Your Baby’s Ears?
Do you remember when you first got your ears pierced? For a lot of people they were probably about eight or nine and can still remember the pain. But these days some parents, like Kylie Jenner for example, are erasing that childhood trauma for their kids by getting their babies’ ears pierced when they are still newborns, but is that really a good thing?
Well according to doctors the answer is no. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns against elective procedures on kids, noting that things like ear piercings should be delayed until a child can care for their own health. The main worry is for infections, particularly for infants less than 90 days, with weak immune systems. And there’s a good reason to be concerned about infections, because even with adults infection and discharge can occur in 24% of ear piercings.
“There isn’t really a specific age [recommendation for ear piercing] as long as it’s performed carefully and cared for conscientiously,” Dr. Corey Wasserman, a pediatrician at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian, tells the "New York Post," although he adds, “infection in infancy is the number one concern. Any time an otherwise healthy infant [aged less than 3 months] gets any sort of infection usually warrants hospital admission and antibiotics for 48 hours.”
- Other causes for concern include allergic reactions to jewelry materials, scar tissues, and even in some cases, earrings that are too tight can cause the skin to heal over an earring back, and that could require surgery. Of course, with the exception of allergies, these problems can be prevented with proper care from parents, using rubbing alcohol and antibiotic ointment, and turning the back of the earring.
Source: New York Post
Owner Of Shocked That People Contact Him To Hire A Hitman
The owner of a website called says he is unintentionally attracting the attention of people who want to have someone else killed.
“The original intention of the domain was for information and technology purposes,” explains owner Bob Innes, “Rent as in hire us. Hit as in web hit, and men, well the group of us.” Over the years, Innes received more and more troubling inquiries about renting hitmen. He says that one email from a man in Los Angeles said, “Kill two people I hate and take the car keys and deliver the car to me.” Another from New England offered the wallet of the slain targets in lieu of payment. He’s also received inquiries from people seeking jobs as hitmen.
Innes says that when the request seems to be serious, he offers to contact a “field operative” for them, “field operative” being his codeword for law enforcement.
Source: ABC13