Canada Dry Ginger Ale Sued For Not Having Ginger In It - Ginger Ale has been a remedy for an upset stomach for decades. It turns out one brand may not work anymore.
Canada Dry is being sued for the apparent lack of ginger in their ginger ale. Julie Fletcher filed a federal lawsuit in Buffalo, New York claiming that Canada Dry and its parent company Dr. Pepper Snapple Group misled customers. The suit alleges that customers were led to believe the ginger ale contained real ginger, but instead it only contains "a minuscule amount of ginger flavor extract."
The suit also alleges Canada Dry began emphasizing that its ginger ale was made from real ginger around 2007, which is when carbonated soda started experiencing declining sales. In April a federal judge denied a dismiss motion by the beverage maker in a similar case.
The good news is, there are several brands of ginger ale that do have ginger. Here’s a list for you. Don’t forget, if ginger isn’t listed near the top of the ingredient list, there isn’t much there.Source: CBS News
Men Busted For Smuggling A Shark From An Aquarium In A Stroller - Two men and a woman were very close to pulling off a bizarre heist.
Officials with the San Antonio Aquarium in Texas say a trio of thieves stole a shark and smuggled it out of the aquarium in a stroller. A spokeswoman for the aquarium said a suspect is in custody and the shark is alive and well, despite the traumatic experience.
Video shows the thieves walking through the aquarium on Saturday before driving off with the 16-inch horn shark. They apparently snagged the predator from the interactive "touch pool," threw it into a bucket and then into the stroller. They actually got out of the building with a shark and no one noticed? Well, not exactly…
Someone did call 911 to report the theft, but dispatchers thought it was a joke, since it was “Shark Week.” Staff eventually caught up to the one thief, the other two are still on the loose.Source: KSAT
Study says just thinking you're going to have a stressful day makes your workday worse
Science has now proven that if you wake up thinking your work day is going to suck, it pretty much will.
More scientifically speaking, researchers from Penn State University found that if you think about how stressful your day at work will be when you're getting ready for it, the worse your concentration and memory will be -- and that will make your day more stressful.
At issue is the key element called "working memory," which controls the ability to process information, and looms large in concentration. It's working memory that was found to suffer the more a person fears their stressful day ahead, according to the survey of 240 people conducted by the scientists.
So when you're getting up, lighten up.
"Humans can think about and anticipate things before they happen, which can help us prepare for and even prevent certain events," says study co-author Jinshil Hyun in a university release. "But this study suggests that this ability can also be harmful to your daily memory function, independent of whether the stressful events actually happen or not."
"When you wake up in the morning with a certain outlook for the day, in some sense the die is already cast," says Martin Sliwinski, director of Penn State’s Center for Healthy Aging. "That hadn’t really been shown in the research until now, and it shows the impact of how we think about the world."
Sliwinski notes that this can be especially problematic for people with "big days" ahead of them, such as giving a speech or presentation at work. He suggests meditating as your day gets started, and suggests using an app to help you do it.
Neighbor Threatens To Sue Woman Whose Garden She Doesn’t Like
A woman in the United Kingdom is asking for advice online after her neighbor threatened to sue her… just because she didn’t like her garden.
On the parenting website Mumsnet, the confused woman explains that her new neighbor has been complaining to her about the appearance of her garden, even threatening to sue her for damages claiming that the “enjoyment of her property is impacted.” The neighbor apparently just moved in, too, meaning she probably saw the garden before deciding to live there.
Most of the responses on the forum were in favor of the woman’s garden, even though she admits it may be a little messy. One comment says, “I can’t believe you’re even entertaining her irrelevant thoughts about your garden. Obviously she can’t sue you.”
Source: Mumsnet
Most People Don’t Finish Their DIY Projects
Thanks to the countless shows on HGTV, a lot of us these days think we can handle projects around the house ourselves, rather than hire professionals, but a new study finds most of us really just can’t. According to a survey by, the average American actually has nine unfinished DIY projects in their home at any one time. And a lot of those unfinished projects have been that way for a while.
In fact, a third of people say that they’ve delayed at least one DIY project for a year or more, with 57% of people saying their home is currently a “work in progress.” As for the projects most likely to be neglected, the most common is house painting (55%), followed by a third of people who have delayed remodeling a bathroom, and 28% of people who haven’t put down new carpet.
It’s not all bad news though. A typical homeowner does usually finish four of their projects within a year, with 10% of people saying they are completely satisfied with their home improvement projects.
Source: Study Finds
Government Confirms Air Marshals Are Watching Us
Have you gained some weight? Do you fidget a lot? Don’t have the nicest “resting face?” The Feds may have a record of it – and you. In case you missed it, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has confirmed a program called Quiet Skies, which allows air marshals to keep track of American citizens. Even those not on any watch list. Just average people.
Civil rights advocates are calling the TSA's Quiet Skies program absurd and possibly a violation of people's rights. The program identifies individuals for intensive monitoring during flights. How does it work? An air marshal is assigned to watch the individual and take detailed notes on a behavior checklist.
The TSA issued a statement saying the program is practical method in trying to prevent future terrorist attacks. But some of the items on the checklist are interesting. Marshals take note if you used the bathroom (and how many times), if you slept, or if you have a “cold, penetrating stare.” The data is sent to TSA.
Source: NPR