Oreo Flavor Wins Its Creator Half A Million Dollars
Back in the spring, Oreo announced the top three flavor finalists for their My Oreo Creation contest. Kettle Corn, Piña Colada Thins, and Cherry Cola made the cut and fans were left to vote for the big winner from those three, with the favorite winning $500,000 for the grand prize.
Well, after all the votes were counted, the official fan favorite has been confirmed and it’s Cherry Cola, for the win. And Eden F., the one who submitted the winning cookie flavor is going to be half a million bucks richer.
She admits Cherry Cola wasn’t her first entry, (that was orange soda) but she says being the winner was the most meaningful to her because it reminded her of happy summers as a kid. And she says her cookie creation tastes exactly as she imagined it would.
Source: Delish
The Hardest Social Media Apps To Take A Break From
As aggravating as social media can be, especially these days, staying away from it isn’t easy. No matter how much we say we’re going to take a break, something keeps drawing us back in, and a new report reveals some sites are harder than others to stay away from.
A new Harris Poll finds that off all the social media apps out there, Facebook is the hardest one for folks to give up. In fact, 49% of people admit they’ve had a hard time taking a break from Mark Zuckerberg’screation. YouTube is the second hardest, although only 29% of people say they had a hard time quitting it, followed by Instagram (21%).
Hardest Social Media Apps to Take a Break From
- Facebook (49%)
- YouTube (29%)
- Instagram (21%)
- Twitter (14%)
- Snapchat (12%)
- Pinterest (10%)
- LinkedIn (5%)
- Tinder (2%)
So just how bad is our addiction to these apps? Well, the poll finds that 31% of folks actually say they grew anxious when they didn’t check their social media regularly.
Source: Harris Poll
Woman Looking Online To Borrow an Orange Cat For Perfect Garfield Dinner With Kids
An Oklahoma mother is asking her community to borrow an essential item for dinner. No, not a cup of sugar. She needs an orange cat.
Clara Edwards posted a “Wanted” ad on social media asking to borrow an orange-colored feline to have a “lasagna dinner with Garfield-loving 4-year-old and 2-year-old children.”
Edwards — who described herself as “an increasingly desperate (but not crazy) mom-of-two with no friends that own orange cats” — said she’s not looking to adopt the cat. Instead, she is asking to take temporary custody for two-days, tops, so “please take your cat back at the end.”
Clara's husband, Chad Edwards, said his wife initially posted the hilarious flyer on Craigslist and Instagram before it eventually made its way to Twitter by way of user @lauren_jade44.
"This was posted at my dads work and I’m CRYING!!!! RT to help Clara find an orange cat," she tweeted last week.
According to the poster, the kitty will be returned to its rightful owner “happy and cared for” and won’t be required to eat lasagna.
Clara's husband announced on Twitter that they found a puuurfect Garfield lookalike to join them Saturday. It will be a family affair, as the cat's owner and boyfriend will also feast on the Italian dish at dinnertime.
Tourist racks up $46k in speeding tickets in three hours while driving Lamborghini
One tourist's joyride has come at a high price.
Farah Hashi of England was on vacation in Dubai last week when he rented a Lamborghini Huracán. If you're not familiar with the sports car, it features a V-10 engine that can produce 600 horsepower and do zero to 60 MPH in 2.5 seconds. Its speed tops out at about 212 MPH, and its cost starts at $200,000.
During the three hours Hashi took the car for a spin, he enjoyed every bit of the vehicle's performance -- racking up $46,000 in speeding tickets. He triggered every speed camera on the road and reached speeds of 150 mph, the BBC reports.
Hashi is now stuck in Dubai because he refuses to pay the fines and the rental company has seized his passport.
Hashi's brother, Adman, thinks the rental company should be paying the fees.
"He didn't even pay to hire the car. One of his friends had sorted it out for him. He was caught doing 200 km/h but he didn't know the laws over there," Adman said.
Adman continued: "Now they say he must pay £40,000 it is ridiculous. There is no way he has that money. He is out of work at the minute and went to Dubai to visit friends."
The rental company also refuses to pay the fine, leaving both parties currently at a stalemate.
How to Save Money Every Day
Saving money is at the top of our list of things we NEED to do, but at the bottom of our list of things we’re ACTUALLY doing. It’s hard to save money when there are so many Chipotles and Sweetgreens on our commutes home from work! What are we supposed to do? NOT order sushi some nights?!
Probably. But there are some other things we could be doing every day to save money. Here are the best ideas:
- Save every $5 bill that you come across.
- Think over potential purchases for at least an hour.
- Clear your browsing history so you don’t keep going back to that one online store.
- Bring your own lunch to work.
- Use a credit card with cash back rewards.
- Set up automatic transfers from your checking to your savings accounts.
- Save all of your change.
Things really start to add up if you can get good at saving a little here and a little there. It’s a lot easier than it sounds! You’ll thank yourself when you come back to a wad of cash at the end of the year thanks to your 5 dollar bill trick.
Source: Insider
Something Called The “Super Carb Diet” Exists
There are plenty of diets where carbs are the enemy, we’re looking at you keto and paleo. And that’s why we’re so excited that something called the “Super Carb Diet” is a real thing. Former “Biggest Loser” trainer Bob Harper swears by it and he even wrote a book about it, “The Super Carb Diet: Shed Pounds, Build Strength, Eat Real Food.”
So what is the Super Carb Diet exactly? Well, it doesn’t mean we can eat all the carbs, like those new double bread bowls from Panera, all the time. But it does include “moderate amounts” of carbs, fats and proteins, with a focus on balancing them. And the kind of carbs you eat is really important, you want the ones Bob calls “super carbs,” which are rich in fiber and have a slower digestion process, like 100% whole-grain breads and sweet potatoes.
The diet also advises eating carbs earlier in the day or before a workout to keep energy levels up and making sure everything you eat is nutrient-dense. “Not only will you lose significant weight and whittle your waistline,” the book’s description on Amazon reads, “you’ll walk away from the table feeling happy and full.”
But what do you get to eat on the Super Carb Diet? Here’s what Bob says is a typical day of eating for him:
- Breakfast: nonfat Greek yogurt with fresh berries and a teaspoon of nut butter
- Lunch: a "BIG salad with plenty of peppers and chicken," dressed with avocado and balsamic vinegar.
- Dinner: Roasted veggies over brown rice with fish or chicken.
Of course, like with all eating plans, there are downsides to this one. But if you’re a hardcore carb lover who wants to shed some pounds, this could be a winner for you.
Source: Women's Health