Party-goers from ages 60 to 108 are shaking their hips at The Posh Club in East London. Local legendary alt club promoters Duckie have been throwing the weekly tea party rave for seniors for years… and for just $5 per head.
The parties are the lovechild of Duckie founders (and sibs themselves) Simon Casson and Annie Bowden, who threw a vintage tea party for their elderly mother and friends that took off. Now, the rowdy events see as much as 120 partying pensioners leaving their canes and crutches by the side of the dance floor. “We’re probably the only club event in the world where someone was rushed to a hospital because they’d forgotten to take their drugs,” jokes producer Dickie Eaton.
Eaton explains that he would love to see The Posh Club happening in more cities since it’s been such a hit. One partygoer, Father Niall Weir, says he’s all for it. “One of the biggest challenges we face is the isolation of older people,” he offers. “It gives its guests everything that is needed for human contentment: connection, laughter, and physical activity.”
Source: Vice UK