Today is National Cheese Pizza Day
Japan Begins Testing Elevator to Space
Two tiny satellites are on their way to the International Space Station. What makes them different is that they will be tied together by a 32-foot long steel cable. And it’s the first step towards what could eventually become a colossal space elevator.
Researchers from Japan’s Shizuoka University will later this month attempt to test how the concept works in orbit.
According to a report in Japan’s Mainichi news service, two small four-inch square satellites will be released from the International Space Station after being delivered on September 11.
Once in free orbit, the satellites will uncoil a 32-foot length of cable. A small motorized container will then slide between the two ends. Cameras attached to each satellite will record its movements.
Researchers will be looking for any unanticipated oscillations or changes in orientation as the weight of the moving container shifts. If successful, it could become the first step towards proving the concept of a cargo-carrying space elevator.
Japanese firm Obayashi Corp, which is participating in the study, wants to plant a space station some 22,000 miles in orbit, with a long line tethered to a platform in the Pacific Ocean, by 2050.
It has plans to build six elevators, each measuring 60 feet in length by 23 feet in diameter. It says they will have the capacity to hold 30 people, and move at 125 miles per hour. It would take one more than a week to travel between the ground and the orbital outpost.
Obayashi Corp ambitiously places the cost of the project at about 10 trillion yen ($90 billion). But several key technical hurdles remain.
Study: Sleeping Naked Is Good For You
Before you order a new pair of flannel PJs for the cool weather, you might want to hear this. According to a study from the UK, sleeping naked is good for your health. And it turns out, it helps with everything from skin to fertility, so you may want to give it a try.
With 40% of Brits reporting they typically don’t get a good night’s sleep, Dr. Sarah Brewer points out that this could be because of their sleepwear. She explains that sleeping naked allows your body to remain cooler during the night, so you may sleep better by not being overheated. Being just three to four degrees warmer can increase the chances of waking up and reduce deep sleep, which we feel the next morning.
Brewer says another problem with being too warm when we’re sleeping is that it makes the body produce more cortisol (the stress hormone) than usual, which leads to an increased appetite. And if you’re too hot while you sleep, your body won’t release as much human growth hormone, which helps repair cells. So basically, your cortisol level stays high, leaving the body in “panic mode” instead of “healing mode” and it stores fat instead of burning it.
And we can’t talk about the benefits of sleeping naked without mentioning the appeal of it when you share a bed with your S.O. Brewer says, “Humans are highly-tuned to the sight of bare skin, which acts as a signal for sexual arousal.” So that’s one more reason to ditch the jammies tonight.
Source: Bustle
Freeform Is Set For The “31 Nights Of Halloween”
For some, Halloween is even better than Christmas and Freeform is ready to make it extra creepy this year. Instead of their usual 13 days of programming, the Disney owned channel is going all out with the “31 Nights of Halloween.” According to the just released schedule, you’ll be about to watch the ghoulish action from October 1 right up to Halloween!
The Halloween treats Freeform has in store include favorites like “The Goonies,” “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” and even “The Addams Family.” it get’s better… on Halloween itself, “Hocus Pocus” will be shown over and over until the witching hour of midnight.
And bonus! Some Disney classics are thrown in for fun. Check out the full schedule of programming here. Get your favorite potion and spider web cookies ready! October is going to be wickedly fun.
Source: Pop Sugar
Curving Is The New Dating Trend To Be Aware Of
Singles today have a lot to keep up with in the world of dating trends. The interwebs brings us clever new terms like ghosting, gaslighting, and cushioning and we try to stay in the know. The latest one is “curving” and even if you’ve never heard of it, it’s probably happened to you.
So what does it mean? To curve means to reject, but of course, it’s not that simple. When someone “curves” you, they keep responding and come across as polite, without ever really answering your questions. So pro curvers are harder to spot than more obvious ghosters.
A ghoster won’t text you back, but a curver will hit you with an “Oh sorry, I just saw this” text a day late. Someone who never asks you any questions back in texts could be a curver, too. But don’t expect much more than that meh text. Curvers will keep engaging with you, but you probably won’t be able to shake that sinking feeling they’d rather be doing literally anything else.
Curving isn’t as brutal as ghosting, but it does kind of lead you on and then throw you for a curve at the last minute. And no matter if getting curved feels super subtle or completely obvious, none of it feels good.
Source: New York Post
Shoe Store Burglar Steals Several Right-Foot Shoes
A burglar broke into a Virginia shoe store and took several sneakers that were all for the right foot.
It's not clear if the thief meant to take only right-footed sneakers or was too much in a hurry to notice on the night of Aug. 25. But Rob Wickham, a proprietor of Clean Soles in Roaoke, Va., said he lost 13 right-footed shoes for what seems to be no reason at all since they're not much good "unless you have two right feet."
"Pretty much risking their freedom for nothing," Wickham told the Roanoke Times.
The thief did manage to take a few things that could be used, including one whole pair of sneakers and a few shirts and hoodies.
But Wickham is still dumbfounded by why somebody would bother breaking into a store to take several right-foot sneakers off the display shelf.
"What was the point of grabbing one shoe off the shelf?" he told NPR.
Police are still looking for the suspect, who was caught on video during the heist, but had his or her face covered.