How To Recover From A Sugar Hangover
No matter how you celebrated Halloween last night, it probably involved some candy. And there’s a good chance you consumed a few more of those fun-size pieces than you normally do, which could leave you with a dreaded sugar hangover. If you’re experiencing the fatigue, nausea, headache, upset stomach and cravings for more sugar, you’re in the thick of the sugar hangover my friends. And these steps can help you get rid of the lingering physical symptoms that are making you feel less than wonderful today.
- Get moving - Exercise can help balance blood sugar both short and long term, so it’s time to get physical. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long sweat sesh, a 30-minute power walk, 10 minute yoga session, or even a two-minute dance party will work, as long as your blood is pumping and your muscles are working, you’re good.
- Add cinnamon to your go-to morning beverage - Whether it’s coffee, herbal tea, or a golden milk, adding cinnamon to your first drink of the day can help the sugar hangover because it’s a blood sugar stabilizer. And it tastes good too, so it’s a win-win.
- Eat a satisfying meal full of healthy fats and protein - If you’re feeling guilty for your candy indulgence, you might be tempted to restrict your calories today, but that’s probably only going to make you hangry or feel legitimately sick when your blood sugar dips. So you’re better off eating healthy fats, fiber, and protein so you feel satisfied and your blood sugar is balanced.
- And drink plenty of water - Adding a splash of apple cider vinegar to your water can help your body recover sooner by helping to balance blood sugar, too.
Source: Mind Body Green
Update: Someone Named Their Kid After Colonel Sanders For $11K
Not too long ago, we told you about KFC’s offer to donate $11,000 in college tuition to the first baby named Harland born on September 9th, 2018. It was a promo to honor Colonel Harland Sanders’ birthday, which is September 9th and of course, the 11-grand is for the chicken company’s 11 herbs and spices. Well, they have a winner and it’s little Harland Rose, an adorable little girl who will now have a nice college fund waiting for her in 18 years. New baby Harland’s parents are calling her Harley for short and she’s got one great story to tell when anyone asks how her parents came up with her name.
Source: Delish
The Best Time To Book Your Flight For Holiday Travel
We’re adults now, and we’ve fled the nest. You know what that means – it’s going to cost a pretty penny to get a flight back to Mom and Dad for the holidays. And the thing is that we’re 20-somethings, and we don’t have pretty pennies. When you’re flying during the holidays, travel prices hit a peak. Not to mention all the gifts you’ve just had to buy for people.
We’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is that you missed the cheapest window of opportunity to buy flights home for Thanksgiving. The good news is that there’s still time to save a few bucks on your Christmas plans. According to Skyscanner, the best time to buy your flights home for Christmas is between October 8th and November 19th.
Buying flights is stressful, but if you save up your happy hour cash for a few weeks, you should have the funds in no time! Keep in mind, though – the best time to act on buying flights is now!
Source: Bustle
Hot Coffee Is Healthier Than Cold - Chemical differences between hot and cold brew coffee may have a lasting impact on health.
You may think that iced coffee is less acidic, but it isn’t. Anpther huge piece of info the study at Thomas Jefferson University found, was that hot brew coffee has higher levels of antioxidants than cold brew coffee.
Antioxidants are considered to be responsible for some of the health benefits in coffee. If you are drinking cold coffee to avoid stomach problems, it won’t help but at least it’s still healthy for you!Source: Newswise