Today is Operating Room Nurse Day, Today is National Pickle Day, Today is National Spicy Guacamole Day
This App Lets You Cut Your Ex Out Of Photos
As if dealing with a breakup isn’t bad enough, while you’re still coming to terms with the new reality, you have to clean your ex from your social media accounts. And scrubbing your shared vacation photos off Insta is pretty much the last thing you want to be doing when you’re freshly broken hearted. But now there’s a new app that can help delete your former flame from any photo, for a small fee, of course.
Krome is the app that promises to seamlessly remove your ex from shared pics within hours. You just upload your photos, choose an editing level that costs between $3 and $12, and within 24 hours, you’ve got that romantic sunset pic of you at the beach back and there’s not a trace of your ex left.
Krome works their magic with AI technology as well as a team of real, professional photo editors who can edit fast for a quick turnaround time. And the app works their photo wizardry on all kinds of images, not just doing ex damage control. The cost of the Krome’s editing ranges, but the fee for removing a person is $9 the first time and $12 each time after. And that’s really a small price to pay so you can keep using all those great vacation photos, once they get rid of your ex.
Source: Cosmopolitan
Naked Man Sneaks Into Restaurant To Eat Ramen And Play Bongos: Police are looking for a Florida man who’s been caught on a security camera sneaking into a restaurant, taking off his clothes and enjoying a packed lunch of instant ramen. While he was at it, he whipped out some bongos and started playing them. When he was done, he rode off on his bike while still naked. Authorities discovered the tape while investigating a separate break-in, during which a man broke into the restaurant, stole cash and other valuables, then ate a plate of chicken wings and drank some beer. The place seems to be a hit with weird criminals.
The Best Day To Buy Your Christmas Tree Is…
With Thanksgiving barely a week away, a lot of people are probably already itching to haul their Christmas decorations out of the attic and then head out to get their Christmas tree. But it turns out, unless you want to spend an arm and a leg, you may want to wait a few weeks before you go tree shopping.
According to the National Christmas Tree Association, Christmas Eve is the cheapest day to buy a Christmas tree, with the average price of a tree just $47. While that may seem to be too late for almost everyone, if folks can hold out buying a tree until the week before Christmas, they’ll likely save about 22% on their tree.
Of course, not many people can stand to wait that long, and those who rush out to buy their tree will pay the price. In fact, the most expensive day to buy a tree is Cyber Monday, with trees costing, on average, $81. And don’t expect any Black Friday deals either, with the average price of a tree on that day about $77.
As for how much folks can realistically expect to spend, the National Chistmas Tree Association believes prices will be similar to last year, where the average price was about $73. They obviously never purchased a tree in New York City.
Source: Market Watch
Pizza Place Will Pay You $560 If You Can Finish Their Biggest Pie in One Sitting
Pinhead’s Pizza, a popular pizza place in Dublin, Ireland, is offering fans of the Italian delicacy the chance to fill their bellies and their pockets at the same time. Anyone who can finish their 32-inch pizza and down two milkshakes in under 32 minutes is guaranteed a prize of 500 euros.
When Anthony Kelly, the owner of Pinhead’s Pizza, put the 32-inch pie on the menu of his restaurant in 2015, it didn’t really have a name and was simply called “Ireland’s largest pizza. Since then, he settled on a proper name for it – The Notorious Pizza – a fitting one considering that no one has been able to finish one, although many have tried. In the beginning, Kelly offered challengers a voucher for 50 euros plus the pizza for free if they managed to finish the whole thing and wash it down with two milkshakes in under 32 minutes. Since then, he has become so confident that his challenge is unbeatable that he is offering a 500 euros prize to anyone who beats it.
Kelly says that over 100 people have tried The Notorious Pizza challenge, but they have all failed miserably, and while he invites more people to give it a go, the man is quite confident that no can beat it. Staff members of newspapers like the Irish Sun and Irish Mirror also gave it their best, but they could barely finish a quarter of the humongous pie and none of the milkshakes in the allotted time. Rob of Stag vs. Food, did a bit better, finishing one half of the pizza, but it’s hard to imagine anyone being able to finish the whole thing in just over half an hour.
Forget FOMO And Embrace JOMO: The Joy Of Missing Out
We’re all familiar with the fear of missing out, it’s that terrible feeling that pushes you do things you don’t even really want to do, like go out for drinks on Tuesday when you’re already exhausted, all because you don’t want anyone having fun without you. FOMO is also that sensation that you experience when your besties are posting Instagram Stories … without you.
Now meet JOMO, the joy of missing out. It’s basically the opposite of FOMO because it’s the feeling of not giving a damn that you’re missing out on something because you’re having such a great time doing whatever you’re doing. Sounds pretty good, right? And now even tech companies are behind the idea - Apple now allows users to set limits to their time on social media, since Facebook and Instagram pretty much created the idea of FOMO to start with.
But to really get on board with JOMO, you have to create the right environment for yourself so you’re totally blissed out. That could mean slipping on your coziest socks and sipping on a warm toasty drink, like hot tea or cocoa. Or it could be a soak in a tub with a good book and a glass of wine. No matter how you do “me time,” do it so you forget all about FOMO and start living the JOMO.
Source: Women's Health