Billionaire Widow Bequeaths $1.6B to Her Dog to Punish Her Children
A woman whose six children didn’t visit for the last five years of her life decided to bequeath the totality of her possessions of an estimated worth of $1,635M to her dog, a 3-year old Jack Russell named Rufus.
Barbara Smith, who inherited more than 1.4B$ from her late husband in 2009, died from a breast cancer in October. Her six children had been waiting for weeks to hear from her notary about her will and their possible heirlooms and finally decided to contact him.
They learned that their mother had bequeathed the totality of her possessions to her pet dog, including 7 residences, over 40 cars, and a 120-ft long yacht.
Ms. Smith even specifically indicated in her will that everything was to be “burned to the ground if ⌈her⌉ selfish and useless children tried to contest ⌈her⌉ will and obtain it”.
Robert Smith, the oldest of the six siblings, says their mother was clearly irrational when she prepared her will and that they are actually considering their legal options.
“Leaving that much money to a dog is simply ridiculous, and I really doubt the executor could order everything to be burned down.”
He says his mother was mean, malicious and simply unbearable, and that her will is just another proof of her cruelty.
“We stopped visiting because the old hag was purely evil. She enjoyed making people miserable when she was alive and she decided to continue after her death.”
“Festive Burnout” Is A Thing, And A Lot Of People Get It
Are you already sick of the holidays even though they technically haven’t started yet? You're not alone. According to a new study, LOTS of people experience holiday burnout, and for all sorts of reasons.
The poll finds that 68% of Americans consider the holiday season a stressful time, with 35% admitting they get burnt out on the holiday season way before Christmas arrives. In fact, 36% experience “Festive Burnout” before mid-December, while 17% say they get it even before December starts.
It seems all that getting ready for the holidays does people in, with the poll finding the average American will spend 38 hours getting ready. The biggest chunk of time will be spent shopping, about 13 hours, followed by cooking, which Americans spend nine hours and 17 minutes on. Then there’s another nine hours spent just planning for the holiday, with another seven spent decorating.
- So, what specifically contributes to holiday burnout? Well, it turns out it’s everything from shopping, to long lines to constantly hearing holiday music to constant holiday commercials. Check out the Top Ten contributors below.
Top 10 Contributors To “Festive Burnout”
- Shopping (65%)
- Crowds (63%)
- Long lines (58%)
- Buying presents (51%)
- Cooking (48%)
- Knowing what gifts to buy people (46%)
- Constantly hearing holiday music (45%)
- The pressure of making Christmas day special (44%)
- Constantly seeing holiday commercials on TV (36%)
- Wrapping presents (34%)
Source: SWNS Digital
Burglars Steal Food, Makeup, Grandpa’s Ashes
Usually you’d think a burglar would be interested in someone’s jewelry or other valuable goods, but thieves in South Carolina had other goods in mind to score. According to reports, police responded to a local burglary report after the two victims said they came home to their front door being unlocked. Among the shopping list of stolen items were: makeup, two frozen pieces, hot dogs, cheese, and a bottle of Jack Daniels. But perhaps the strangest loot of all was one of the victim’s grandpa’s ashes… and not the urn.
People Are Hiding Their Black Friday Purchases From Their Partners
A lot of folks will be heading out to find the best deals on Black Friday, but apparently a lot of them aren’t exactly ready to brag about their purchases…at least to their partners. A new survey finds that one in three Americans plan to buy something on Black Friday and keep it a secret from their significant other. What’s more, overall the average American has in years past hidden $353 in Black Friday purchases from their partner.
And some are doing it right under their boo’s noses, with 34% saying they bought the secret item from their joint account just hoping their partner doesn’t find out. Of course not everyone gets away with it, with 36% of folks getting caught.
As for the biggest secret purchases, clothing is the most popular (59%), followed by jewelry (48%) and a phone (41%). And while those seem simple to hide, others have purchased some pretty extravagant things behind their mate’s back. According to the poll, the biggest purchases people have hidden from partners include:
- A 65” television
- $500 worth video games
- A Chihuahua
- $1000 worth of jewelry
- Bob Dylan tickets
Source: SWNS Digital
You Can Now Pay to Attend Strangers’ Weddings in India
Weddings are generally considered personal events reserved for family and friends, but some couples in India are more than happy to have total strangers from all over the world attend their traditional weddings, for a fee.
Paying hundreds of dollars to attend the wedding of two total strangers in a foreign country may seem strange to some, but according to JoinMyWedding, a company specializing in wedding tourism, it’s “the ultimate cultural immersion” for tourists looking to experience as many elements of Indian culture in the shortest time possible. Clients get to put on traditional Indian clothing, taste exotic food, witness and take part in beautiful wedding customs, and soak up the unique atmosphere. As for the couples getting married, they get to share the happiest day of their lives not just with family and friends, “but with the world” and make some extra money in the process.
Tourists interested in attending a traditional Indian wedding through JMW have to pay a fee of $150 for one day’s attendance, or $250 for two days, which covers the entrance to the wedding plus food and drinks, as well as a dedicated person to welcome them and explain all the traditional customs. Transportation to the wedding, accommodation and traditional costume rentals are extra.
While the idea of attending the wedding of strangers takes some getting used, wedding tourism in India is a growing business, and Parkanyi says that demand among tourists all over the world is high.
So, would you be interested in selling tickets to your wedding to tourists?
Holiday Hotlines To Help You On Thanksgiving Day
Being responsible for your family’s Thanksgiving feast can certainly be stressful, with all those people relying on you for a delicious meal. And if you’re not an expert chef, you may need some help to make sure everything is just right, especially the turkey. I mean, you don’t want to undercook it and get everyone sick.
Well, if you need help on the holiday you're in luck. There are several holiday hotlines available to answer all of your pressing Thanksgiving cooking questions and solve any emergencies. Hotlines include:
- Butterball Turkey Talk-Line – The hotline, 1-800-BUTTERBALL, has been around since 1981, and is open every November and December. On Thanskging it’s open from 6 am to 6 pm CST, and tonight it remains open until 10 pm.
- Food52 Digital Hotline – This free “digital hotline,” operated by former "New York Times" food editor Amanda Hesser, allows users to send in online questions, which will be answered quickly by Amanda or her team members. It’s open from 8 am to 10 pm EST.
- USDA Meat & Poultry Hotline – This hotline, run by the Department of Agriculture, is the go-to place for questions about safe handling and consumption of raw poultry. It’s open Monday through Friday 10 am to 6 pm EST. (1-888-674-6854)
- Sara Lee Pie Hotline – Here’s where you can go for any go-to dessert emergencies. The hotline, 1-888-914-1247, is open from 7 am to 6 pm CST today, and from 7 am to 2 pm CST tomorrow.
- Ocean Spray Hotline – If you’re planning to do more than just open a can of cranberry sauce, here’s the hotline for all your questions. Just call 1-800-662-3263 today from 9 am to 6 pm and tomorrow from 9 am and 2 pm EST.
- The Splendid Table - The Minnesota Public Radio Show is hosting a “Turkey Confidential” show from 12 to 2 pm EST tomorrow, featuring chefs, and show host Francis Lam, answering all your holiday questions. (1-800-242-2828)
Source: Market Watch