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Hannah's Headlines-11/27/2018


Our Brains Have A "Holiday Center" That Prepares Us For Festivities

Ya know that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when the holidays come around? You turn into a softy all of a sudden – ready and willing to whip out the matching PJs and watch bad Christmas romance films for like, two months straight. It’s kind of crazy, right? Well, there’s probably a reason for it. Our brains actually have little “holiday centers” that store all of the warm fuzzies for the other ten months out of the year.

A study by “The British Medical Journal” studied people’s brains while they were thinking about Christmas and Christmas traditions. While thinking about all things Santa and hot cocoa, a very specific part of participants’ brains lit up. We’re calling it the “holiday center.” That being said, the study only looked at Danish people – where the holiday is basically the country’s entire identity.

But there’s no doubt there’s something special about Christmas that brings out the best in us. There’s a certain feeling we just can’t describe…we just know we LOVE it!

Source: Bustle

Jimmy Dean Sausage Scented Gift Wrap Is a Thing

Did you know that Jimmy Dean was offering sausage scented gift wrap for the holidays? 

Seriously, the company asked customers to send in a photo of a meal they made using Jimmy Dean sausage and then they could select a free gift. 

The scented gift wrap was the most popular choice of all of the free gifts and is now listed as "out of stock." The company hasn't revealed whether or not the wrap will make a return. 

You can still submit your picture for a free gift. 

There are still cool things to choose from like a roll of sausage, an apron with the founder of Jimmy Dean on it, and a chance to win Dean's diamond encrusted belt buckle that's said to be worth over $10K. 


Mother-In-Law Charging $20 Per Family Member For Christmas Dinner

One unnamed mom from the United Kingdom has come up with a way for the family to contribute to her expensive homemade Christmas dinner that has the internet divided. According to “Stacey,” who posted to the forum Mumsnet to share the story, her mother-in-law is charging the family roughly $20-a-head to attend the holiday feast.

Asking people “AIBU” (aka, “am I being unreasonable”), Stacey explains that rather than ask her family to chip in their own recipes or the usual wine or eggnog, she’s charging the dinner fee so she can “do it all from scratch” by herself.

While the daughter-in-law understands that cooking up a Christmas feast for a bunch of people can rack up quite a bill, she points out that it’s “not like she is financially destitute.” The debacle has her partner on the fence about whether they should pay the fee to attend his mom’s annual dinner, or just skip it to go to Stacey’s.

  • Forum users commented with mixed responses... some assured Stacey she wasn’t “being unreasonable,” as they think it’s normal to expect a free seat at family dinner with the exception of contributing dishes or drinks.
  • Others are on the mother-in-law’s side, with one user pointing out that “it depends on if you see it as charging or as chipping in” – when it comes to family, is there a difference between “chipping in” money or food?

Read the full post and responses HERE.

Source: Mumsnet

Believing you're multitasking -- even if you're not -- can boost performance, study says

While recent studies have noted that multitasking is a pretty handy way to do multiple things poorly, new research shows that just believing you're multitasking can actually boost your performance on that task.

Using a series of experiments, researchers at of the University of Michigan noted that when test subjects thought they were performing multiple tasks instead of just one -- for example, watching a documentary and taking notes instead of just transcribing the footage -- they did better on their assignment.

"Multitasking is often a matter of perception or can even be thought of as an illusion,” explains study co-author Shalena Srna in a press release by the Association for Psychological Science. “Regardless of whether people actually engage in a single task or multiple tasks, making them perceive this activity as multitasking is beneficial to performance.”

It's thought that this "illusion" switches on more brain power for a given task -- though the researchers are quick to recommend not trying to multitask more just because of their findings.

Survey says texts stress people out

The "ding" or buzz of a new text alert is a source of stress for many people, according to a new survey. The messaging app Viber conducted a poll of 2,400 people, to determine their habits regarding texting. 

Among the findings of Viber's "21st Century Messaging Etiquette" report:

  • 20%, or one-in-five say they struggle to keep up with all the messages they need to respond to.
  • 12% say they ignore all messages because it’s too stressful to respond to them all.
  • 15% say it's inappropriate to fight over text.
  • 55% regret sending a text message because it damaged a relationship.
  • 48% say it's OK to send sexts
  • 21% have accidentally sent a racy text to the wrong person.

Gobble gobble: Study shows people gain six pounds on average during the holidays

In a headline that won't be a surprise to your newly-notched belt after Thanksgiving, people gain an average of six pounds during the holiday season.

The overwhelming reason, according to a survey of 2,000 adults that was commissioned by Herbalife Nutrition, is that many people have sworn off eating healthily until they kick in their New Year's resolutions.

With 45% of those polled noting they're going hog wild until January 1st, it's no surprise that 71% of those polled say they swear to eat better and exercise more in 2019. More than half -- 55% -- say they're focusing on "self care."

As for 2018, just 12% will survive the holidays without gaining any weight, the poll explains.

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