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Hannah's Headlines- 12/4/2018


No Mail Service On Tomorrow

Don't expect any mail tomorrow. The Postal Service is suspending mail delivery and retail Service that day in honor of former President George H.W. Bush – as the day has been designated as a National Day of Mourning.

The Postal Service says there will be limited package delivery Service that day, but regular delivery is out – and branches will be closed. Everything gets back to normal on Thursday.

Source: USPS

Santa’s Lazy Gnome Is Here For People Sick Of Elf On A Shelf

The holidays are hectic when you’re trying to get all the shopping done and wrapped, and trying to get your kiddos to a few holiday events and activities, on top of all the regular everyday life stuff. So the last thing some parents want to deal with is the dang Elf on the Shelf and its daily needs. But if that makes you feel a little Scrooge-y, there’s another option that lands somewhere between the needy Elf and doing nothing at all.

Meet Santa's Lazy Gnome. He’s an adorable plush little old man, complete with a long gray beard, and he comes with a story book explaining that he doesn’t need to move everyday because he can see the kids from anywhere. This lazy gnome was created by Julie DeForest, a mom who’s been through Elf on the Shelf burnout and then figured out a better way.

Santa’s lazy gnome can watch your children from anywhere with his amazing superpowers and will know if they’ve been good or bad while at school or at the grocery store, so he can help Santa with his nice and naughty lists. And the best part for parents? He likes to stay put, so nobody has to spend any precious holiday time on moving him around at night, which leaves more time for cheesy holiday movies.

Source: PopSugar

You Can Use Alexa As An Advent Calendar

Your Alexa has more hidden talents than you realize. It seems like every day we find a new Alexa feature we can’t live without. With December in full swing, wouldn’t it be nice if Alexa could help us with the countdown to Christmas? Well, we’re all in luck. Alexa has an advent calendar feature.

Okay, so she doesn’t spit out chocolate for you or come anywhere near touching the sex toy advent calendar that totally exists…but she can give you little audio gifts to help you ring in the holidays. Each day when you say “good morning” to your Alexa, slip in a request to “open my gift.” She’ll spit out a different response each day leading up to Christmas – and it could be anything from a joke to a fun fact to a musical interlude.

You can even enable specific advent calendar skills using the Alexa app. There are daily bible verses for the religiously inclined and daily jokes for the people who just want to start their day with a laugh. Next time you talk to Alexa, ask her for a December gift.

Source: LifeHacker

Parents Will Argue With Their Kids 4,200 Times

As much as parents love their kids, arguments are bound to happen, and according to a new poll, they happen A LOT.

The survey finds that parents will argue with their kids five times a week between the ages of two and 18, which amounts to 4,200 arguments over the span of 16 years. And we’re not talking quick arguments. In fact, the average argument lasts 14 minutes, with parents winning only about 60% of them. 

As for the biggest source of those arguments, household chores tops the list (69%), followed by messy bedrooms (64%) and not cleaning shared spaces (63%). Other hot topics include homework (63%) and bedtime (52%).

  • Parents do admit that less than 40% of the arguments they have with their kids are serious, but that doesn’t mean they’re not draining. The truth is 39% of parents say there was a time they felt they were constantly fighting with their kids, with 12 being the age kids are most argumentative.
  • So, for the parents who do win an argument, what are they doing to come out victorious? Well, 66% say they bribe their kids, with dessert or extra screen time the most popular bribes. 

Source: SWNS Digital

Guy Proposes With Six Rings, Lets Her Pick Her Favorite

Finding the person you love and deciding to spend the rest of your life together is amazing, but nailing the perfect proposal can be a huge challenge. There’s so much to consider for the person doing the asking, like should it be in public or private, intimate or elaborate, and then there’s finding the ideal engagement ring. But one guy found a way around that by proposing to his lady love with not one diamond ring, but six for her to choose from.

When Dennis Brown II got down on one knee and asked his girlfriend Atara Dallas to marry him, he presented her with a box holding six diamond sparklers so she could pick her favorite. He shared a photo of the lavish proposal on Instagram with the caption, “I won at life with her, so she deserves six rings to choose from.”

Brown hired an event planning company to help him get everything just right when he popped the question. They had a photographer, videographer, props designer, florist, makeup artist, hairdresser, drapery expert, and stylists on hand to make the moment one to remember.

Aside from him in a tux, there was a romantic message from Brown, blown up and printed on the wall. It reads: “Today I wanted to give you the greatest gift that I could ever give you … my heart and soul completely, unwavering and all yours … will you accept and hold my hand in yours through this journey?”

Of course, Dallas said yes and she chose a pear-shaped ring from her box of diamonds. Now we can’t wait to see what they have planned for their wedding.

Source: Insider

There’s A Good Chance You Could Start A Relationship This Month

We’re in the middle of cuffing season right about now and in case you’re unfamiliar, that’s the period of time from October 1st to February 14th, when singles are actively trying to pair off with a partner for a hookup or a romance. When the weather cools off and the ice skating rinks start popping up, people are looking for someone to cozy up to and if you’re still on the search, your chances are still good.

Elite Daily did some research into cuffing season and asked 119 people between the ages of 18 and 38 about their luck in dating during those months. They found that 60% say they’d met a significant other between October 1st and February 14th. That’s the majority, people. And of those who’ve met a partner during cuffing season, 14% of them met their person during December. But don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen this month, because 15% met someone in January and February still holds hope because 8% met their partner in the first half of the month.

So if you’re single and would love to find your someone special, chances are good it could happen soon. You may have someone to kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve after all. And even better? Elite Daily finds that 50% of those who did meet someone during cuffing season were in a relationship that lasted for a year or longer. And keep in mind, the plot of all those romantic Christmas movies don’t start until December anyway, so you’re right on track.

Source: Elite Daily

This Much Credit Card Debt Makes You Undateable

Everyone has their deal-breakers when it comes to dating and for a lot of finance-conscious Americans, it all comes down to debt. It seems more folks are paying attention to the financial situation their potential partners are in before proceeding these days. According to a recent survey from personal finance site Finder.com, 77% of people consider credit card debt unattractive. And on average, people say if someone has $11,525 in credit card debt, that’s enough to make them swipe left or walk away.

But it’s not just credit card debt that makes singles want to stay away. Payday loans, which can have interest rates as high as 400%, are the second most unacceptable form of debt to daters. And it only takes a payday loan of $1,830 to turn off a potential suitor. Student loans are also a concern to prospective dates and if you owe more than $51,000, that could be a deal-breaker for some. But that’s a lot more than the average student loan balance of $37,000, so there’s hope.

The survey finds that some generations are more tolerant of partners who are in debt than others. More than 80% of millennials find student loans unacceptable in a partner, followed by credit card debt and payday loans. Gen X-ers seem to be the most forgiving about debt in any form, but 75% admit they find payday loans a turn off. And for baby boomers, all kinds of debt are unacceptable, with the exception of student loans.

Deciding not to go out with someone because they owe a lot of money to a credit card or for a student loan may seem extreme, but maybe these folks are onto something. Research shows the higher your credit score, the less likely you’ll separate from your partner, so it’s something to consider.

Source: Marketwatch

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