Re-Gifting Etiquette
Today is National Re-Gifting Day
Keep in mind the following re-gifting etiquette when considering participation in this holiday.
- Re-gift only when certain the recipient will enjoy your (unwanted) gift. If at any time you referred to it as junk, clutter or dust collector, it’s probably not re-giftable.
- The gift is brand new (aka unused!) and in its original packaging. No, hand me downs!
- Don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. If the gift had special meaning to the original giver, don’t re-gift.
- Don’t re-gift if the item is handmade or personalized. If Uncle Joe spent his spare hours whittling that panic whistle, you should keep it.
- Be careful not to re-gift something to the original giver. If you aren’t sure who gave it to you, don’t re-gift.
- On that same note, to avoid embarrassment, re-gift only when you are sure the new recipient won’t tell the original giver what they received from you. (Is it starting to feel deceitful yet?)
- Re-wrap all gifts and remove any tags that may suggest you didn’t do the shopping for the re-gifted item.
- Be prepared to answer questions about the gift. Questions such as “Where did you find this? I’ve been looking everywhere for one!” may give up the secret if you aren’t able to give a convincing answer. (It should really start feeling deceitful, now.)
If at any point you find the above list exhausting, then you probably should reconsider re-gifting.
Most People Are Clueless About Their Family History
While family history is important to a lot of people, a new survey finds that a lot of Americans don’t actually know that much about where they came from.
A survey by Ancestry finds that 34% of people can’t trace their family tree past their grandparents, while those who do are still missing key information. For example, 21% of people don’t know what city their grandparents were born in, while 14% don’t know what any of them did for work. Even more astonishing, a third of Americans say they can’t name all four of their grandparents, while 21% can’t name even one of their great-grandparents.
But even with this sad information, it seems a lot of people do want to know their family history. In fact, 80% of people say they care about their heritage, while 84% say it’s important to know their family history.
- As for the types of things they want to know from their grandparents, 72% would like to hear stories of them when they were young, while 63% would like to hear childhood memories. Other things folks want to know about their grandparents include:
- Where your family came from (62%)
- Their heritage (62%)
- Life advice (51%)
- About their personal beliefs (48%)
- Health issues common to your family (47%)
- General medical history (40%)
- What kind of work they did (37%)
- Best trips/places they’ve been (36%)
Source: SWNS Digital
Folks Up In Arms Over Hershey’s Kisses Missing Tops
Everybody loves Hersey’s Kisses, and it seems some folks love them so much they are unhappy with even the slightest change.
Apparently fans of the chocolaty treat have noticed that lately the Kisses have looked different. While they still have the classic teardrop design, they are being packaged with broken or missing tips, leaving jagged edges in its place. The broken or missing tips seem to be affecting for all varieties of the delicious sweet and bakers in particular are very upset because they say it’s ruining designs of their cakes and cookies.
So why is this happening? Well, Hershey’s has yet to give an explanation but Jeff Beckman, director of corporate communications for The Hershey Company, did release a statement on the controversy. “We are looking at the issue now,” he says. “We understand that bakers’ expectations are high for an iconic brand that is more than 100 years old because they are proud of their desserts.”
Source: USA Today
Deer Poacher Ordered to Watch 'Bambi' Behind Bars
A Missouri judge ordered a convicted deer poacher to watch Disney's Bambi once a month during the year he spends behind bars.
Lawrence County Judge Robert George sentenced David Berry Jr. to one year in jail for illegally killing deer, and while he is incarcerated he is to watch the 1942 animated film about a deer whose mother is killed by hunters.
The judge's order states Berry must have his first viewing of Bambi on or before Dec. 23. The order states he must then watch the movie at least once a month until his release from the Lawrence County Jail.
Berry, along with family members David Berry Sr. and Kyle Berry, were arrested in 2016 after a nearly nine-month investigation found they killed numerous bucks and trophies and took only the heads and antlers, leaving the rest of the animals' bodies behind to rot.
"Berry Jr.'s convictions are the tip of a long list of illegal fish and game activity by him and other members of his family," Lawrence County Conservation Agent Andy Barnes told CNN.
Dying Man Leaves Behind Christmas Gifts For His Favorite Neighborhood Child
The holidays are a time where the heart feels content while your eyes take in the beauty of the season. It’s a heart happy time, but this latest story might be the most heartwarming story of 2018. An elderly man passed away and left his neighbor’s daughter 14 years worth of Christmas presents. Grab the tissues cause this is an emotional rollercoaster.
Our elderly neighbour passed away recently. His daughter popped round a few moments ago clutching a large plastic sack. In the sack were all the Christmas presents he’d bought for *our* daughter for the next thirteen years.
Ken, an elderly English man in his 80s who resided in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan in the United Kingdom, recently passed away. Ken lived near the Williams family, consisting of Owen, his wife Caroline, and their two-year-old daughter Cadi, for the last two years. Owen and Ken would joke about Ken living to 100 years-old so he could give Cadi a gift each year until her 16th birthday.
Unfortunately, he passed away well before 100, but the idea of lasting gifts didn’t. The Williams family was shocked when they opened their door to see Ken’s daughter delivering a big plastic sack containing everything her father put away for Cadi.
In an interview with BBC News, Owen said, “I brought it back in and my wife was on FaceTime to her mum in Ireland. My wife started to tear up and I started to tear up, and her mum started to tear up.”
Owen has only opened one gift so far and plans to keep the rest wrapped until each Christmas for the next 13 years.
A Third Of People Cheat For Revenge And Most Are Women
There are lots of different reasons people decide to cheat on their partner, but according to some new research from, the dating site for married people, one of the biggest reasons for infidelity is revenge. The site connects married folks to other married folks who want to have an affair, so they’re basically experts in all things related to cheating.
Illicit Encounters surveyed 1,000 users and found that a third of cheaters do it to get back at a partner who had an affair. And it turns out, more women revenge cheat than men, 37% compared to 31% of men. The site reports that women tend to revenge cheat more than men because men “tend to have the first affair in a faltering relationship.”
The survey also reveals that more than half (54%) of revenge cheaters tell their partner about the affair for the ultimate payback. And after the affair, eight out of 10 revenge cheaters say they didn’t feel any guilt or remorse. But come on ladies, we complain about them cheating, so we go out and do it ourselves to get them back?
"They had not planned to cheat but feel justified in doing so because their partner has had an affair first," spokesperson Christian Grant explains.
Guess they’re hoping two wrongs make a right?
Source: Insider
Dark Chocolate Oreos Hit Stores Soon
Winter officially begins tomorrow, Friday, December 21st, and to celebrate the new season, Oreo is bringing us a new cookie. This time it’s a Dark Chocolate-flavored Oreo, which is inspired by the longer nights and freezing months of winter.
The press release explains the new cookie will “help fans embrace the darkness and add a dose of playful excitement to the shorter and colder days ahead.” The cookie will replace the traditional vanilla creme with a rich chocolate version and will have the original chocolate cookie we love and Oreo says it’s set to hit stores January 2nd, 2019.
Source: Today