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Hannah's Headlines- 1/11/2019


Why You Shouldn’t Check Your Phone First Thing In Morning

Are you one of those people who starts each day by reaching for your phone, before you’re fully awake or have even gone to the bathroom? If so you’re in good company, according to a survey from IDC Research, 80% of smartphone users check their phones with 15 minutes of waking up.

The impulse to see if you’ve missed a text or an Instagram notification seems innocent enough, but science says it’s having a detrimental effect on our productivity and health. And even worse, it’s affecting the physical structure of our brains. Wellbeing expert Chelsea Pottenger led another study that finds the act of checking our phones jolts our brains into a wave of high stress, causing paranoia, fear, anger, and irritability, and all of those can weaken our immune systems.

Pottenger explains that when we first wake up, we change from delta brainwave to theta brainwave, where the brain is more flexible and that’s important for being more emotionally intelligent and good problem solvers. But when we wake up and start scrolling, we skip the vital theta brainwave and go into a beta brainwave of high stress. And that’s impacting the physical structure of our brains and our ability to perform, as well as our physical health and wellbeing.

So instead of starting your day with all the scrolling first thing, try to hold off and let your brain do its thing first. Ease into the screen time and emails, you have all day for that stuff.

Source: Whimn

Do You Still Carry Cash With You Or Has It Become Obsolete?

In today’s Men’s Magazine section we have reasons a man should still carry cash. According to a U.S. Bank survey conducted last year, half of people only carry cash half the time, and among those who do carry cash, nearly 50% carry $20 or less. In another survey done just this year, only 41% of Americans said they regularly carry cash, a number that drops to 34% if you only include Millennials. 16% of respondents had no cash on them at the time they were polled.

  • How often do you carry cash? Have you completely stopped carrying cash because it’s obsolete in your life?

Man Invents Smart Gloves That Convert Sign Language Into Audio Speech

Over 30-million people around the world rely on sign language to communicate, but there’s a language barrier when they try to talk to someone who doesn’t use or understand sign language. Roy Allela knows first-hand how difficult it can be because his six-year-old niece was born deaf and it was a challenge for her to communicate with her family, who didn’t know sign language.

But his desire to communicate and connect with his niece drove Allela to get creative. The 25-year-old from Kenya had a breakthrough and invented smart gloves that convert sign language movements into audio speech. The speech translation glove recognizes letters signed by users and sends that data to an app that vocalizes it.

Allela was recognized for his game-changing invention by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers during their Innovation Showcase competition. He’s living proof that necessity is the mother of invention.

Source: Pulse Live

Crazy Things Folks Do When They Are Angry At Their Boo

Few relationships are always perfect and there are definitely moments you’re bound to get angry at your S.O. over something they did. While some people will confront their boo over whatever it is that angered them, others have found devious ways to get back at them and now some folks are sharing.

A new thread on the anonymous Whisper App has folks revealing the dumb, and sometimes underhanded, things they do their partner when they are angry and it’s a wonder these folks are still together.

They include:

  • “When my BF makes me mad I dip his tooth brush in the toilet. He has never found out.”
  • “I’m lactose intolerant and when my boyfriend makes me mad I purposefully consume large amounts of dairy so I stink and he leaves me alone.”
  • “When my girlfriend pisses me off I wait until she’s asleep and slap her in the face and act like I’m moving in my sleep.”
  • “When my boyfriend makes me mad I watch ‘Game of Thrones’ without him. Then when he gets home the TV is playing a season ahead and I just refused to explain anything. Juvenile, but satisfying.”
  • “Sometimes when my boyfriend pisses me off I turn him on right before bed, then I roll over and go to sleep.”
  • “When my girlfriend makes me mad I tighten every jar in the kitchen and refuse to help.”
  • “When my bf pisses me off I wear my spandex yoga pants just so other guys stare and get him jealous.”
  • “When my girlfriend pisses me off I spit in her socks that are in her dresser.”
  • “When my boyfriend makes me angry I take one of his socks. He thinks the cat has been stealing them. This has been happening for over a year.”

Source: Whisper

Americans Aren’t Making Enough Babies to Sustain the Population

Americans aren’t making enough babies for the population to replace itself, according to a government report released Thursday that found fertility rates at their lowest since 1978.

The US marked its seventh straight year of declining fertility rates in 2017, which saw the biggest drop yet — just 1,765.5 births per 1,000 women, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found.

That’s roughly 16 percent below the number needed — 2,100 births per 1,000 women — for the population to reproduce itself, according to US News & World Report.

The 2017 statistics are down from 1,820.5 in 2016, 1,843.5 in 2015, and 1,862.5 in 2014.

The annual CDC report broke down the number of births per state and race.

Two states — South Dakota and Utah — had rates above the number needed for a stable population.

The District of Columbia, meanwhile, had the lowest.

Hispanics had the most babies in 2017 — 2,006.5 per 1,000 women — while white women had the fewest at a rate of 1,666.5. African-American women were in the middle with 1,824.5.

The report doesn’t offer reasons behind the waning birth rates. But experts pointed to a combination of economic changes, access to contraception and better education when it comes to sex — leading to a drop in babies born to teen moms.


Pepper Sandwiches Are A Thing

There have been all kinds of new food trends in the name of being healthier – nut milks, kale, meal prep kits. I can get behind all of those. Know what I can’t get behind? Sandwiches made between two slices of green pepper instead of two slices of bread. It’s exactly what you’re picturing. A slice of turkey, a slice of cheese, maybe some condiments – all sandwiched between two green pepper halves.

The idea was coined by Instagram nutritionist Rachel Paul – better known as @collegenutritionist. We’ll forget for a second that green peppers are the worst of the bunch. Let’s focus on how sad we’ll be to bite into a “sandwich” that’s missing its bready ingredients. Okay, so the pepper gives you a source of water. And MAYBE the low-carb sandwich is something we could all be going for. But does anyone else feel like it’s not even a sandwich anymore at that point? It’s just the insides!

Source: Collegenutritionist

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