Today is International Hot & Spicy Food Day, Today is National Fig Newton Day
Company Can Turn Your Ashes Into An Album
Not sure if you've given any thought to what you want to happen to your body when you die but here's pretty cool idea. When you die in, let's say, the year 2089, why not get your ashes turned into a hipster trend from the 2010s? Sound interesting?
Well, according to a recent survey, one out of four people under 25 say they'd love for their ashes to get pressed into a vinyl record when they die. The survey also found that those under the age of 25 are twice as likely to want a gravestone as those over 55. About half of young people also wanted their ashes made into a diamond.
It was also discovered that about 25 percent of under-25s would like their ashes to be used to generate electricity, compared to just four percent of those over 55. When it comes to the older age groups the study found just three percent want their loved ones to keep their ashes at home in an urn.
Source: Independent
Science Says Sex On The First Date Could Lead To A Relationship!
Conventional wisdom would tell you that having sex on the first date probably isn’t the best decision if you’re looking for more than a casual hookup. However, a new study suggests the complete opposite could be true. Performed by psychologists at Israeli-based Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya and the University of Rochester’s Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, the study determined that getting intimate early on in the dating game could lead to a relationship particularly because sexual attraction is such a vital part of our romantic connections. Not only does sexual attraction make us more likely to want to be with someone outside the bedroom too but it also encourages attachment due to the release of feel-good endorphins we give off in bed, making a relationship way more likely.
- Would you be willing to sleep with someone on the first date if you thought it increased your odds of it turning into a relationship?