Israeli Scientists Say They’ve Found A Cure For Cancer - The cure for cancer may only be a year away.
A team of Israeli scientists believe they’ve got a complete cure for cancer and it’s like taking an antibiotic. Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies LTD is the company that struck gold. Dan Aridor, chairman of the company explains “Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market,” Aridor said. “Our solution will be both generic and personal.”
They call the treatment MuTaTo (multi-target toxin) and it’s essentially on the scale of a cancer antibiotic – a disruption technology of the highest order. It’s complicated, but basically, they use peptides to target the cancer cells. Where other treatments fail is the cancer cells mutate and “escape the attack.” MuTaTo doesn’t allow that to happen and wipes out all the cancer.
Imagine social media without the hastag #cancersucks! Source: Jerusalem Post
Are People That Own Birds Attractive? Study Says So… What?
Just in time for Valentine's Day, a new survey by dog food brand Ollie has uncovered some interesting facts about pet owners. One of the most interesting tidbits? The fact that 10% of dog owners are more attracted to someone if they have a bird. The survey respondents were made up of nearly 500 dog owners down to share their opinions on all things pet-ownership and attraction. Other enlightening findings include the fact that 42% percent of people who are in a relationship or married say they love their dog the most, whereas 31% say they love their partner the most. When it comes to other pets, 33% of respondents said they would be less attracted to someone if they had a cat.
- What is your attraction to someone who owns a bird?
Red Velvet Kit-Kats Are Here
It’s not even February yet, but it’s prime time for Valentine’s Day candy. And one of the sweet treats spotted on store shelves for the holiday is getting people pretty excited: Red Velvet Kit Kats. Yes, the seasonal treats are back and they’re already listed on Walmart’s website, so you don’t have to wait to taste the red velvet-flavored candies with white crème coating, but they are limited-edition, so get ‘em while you can.
Source: Bustle
Heinz Releases Ketchup Caviar To Make Your Valentine Hot Dog Classy
Valentine’s Day dinner plans don’t have to be fancy. Plenty of people are happy to chow down on a hot dog instead of a pricey candlelight dinner, but if you want to make your Valentine’s burger or dog a little fancier, Heinz has you covered with their new Ketchup Caviar.
The ketchup company is giving away 150 jars of the “limited edition delicacy” via the Heinz Twitter account. They’re calling it “exquisite pearls of ketchup” and it certainly does look festive enough for that big February 14th dinner, but we’re not so sure about that spherical delivery system.
Want some? There’s not much, but the official rules say the winners will be picked at random “on or about” TODAY, so start tweeting and good luck ketchup fans!
Source: The Takeout
Eight million pounds of guac & more: Super Bowl LIII by the numbers
This weekend, Americans will gorge themselves, drink themselves silly, and -- oh yeah -- possibly take in a football game.
Ahead of Super Bowl Sunday, the financial website WalletHub has crunched the numbers to determine how many chips will be crunched, how much beer swilled, and how much dough Americans are willing to shell out to celebrate America's unofficial national holiday.
Not surprisingly, perhaps that 1 in 10 say they'll miss work on Super Bowl Monday. Here's a deeper look at Super Bowl LIII by the numbers:--200,000 Uber/Lyft airport pickups will be made in the 10 days leading to Super Bowl LIII--$400 million of positive economic impact for Atlanta--$270 is the average hotel rate in Atlanta this week: 200% higher than normal--$7,166 is the average price of a Super Bowl LIII ticket on the resale market--$5.24 Million is the average cost for a 30-second commercial during the game
Super Bowl Parties:--24% of Americans plan to attend a Super Bowl party--52.4% say Super Bowl Monday should be a national holiday--2,400 average calories consumed at the average Super Bowl party--1.38 billion chicken wings eaten--10 million pounds of ribs--8 million pounds of guacamole--14,500 tons of chips--30% increase in pizza orders--51.7 million cases of beer consumed--$1.2 billion spent on beer--$594 million spent on wine--$503 million on hard liquor
What we'd skip to see our team play in the Super Bowl: --23% Vacation--21% Important work--20% Wedding of a close friend or family member.--19% Funeral of a loved one--15% Birth of their child
What we'd sacrifice to see our team win:-52% Vacation days for one year-31% Annual bonus-14% Savings account balance-3% 401k plan
Amazon Developing A Virtual Fitting Room
While online shopping is a great convenience, it isn’t always easy when it comes to buying clothes, especially since you can’t try on outfits to see if they look good on you. Well, Amazon may soon have a solution to that problem.
According to a report in “The Sunday Telegraph,” Amazon is in the process of developing an app which is being described as a “virtual fitting room.” The app will access a person’s personal data, and using social media photos, as well as their job and the climate they live in, predict their fashion style and then suggest possible items they may like.
But that’s not all, the app will then place the suggested outfit on a virtual mannequin so folks can see what they may look like on, and customers can swipe to like or dislike an outfit. They’ll also be able to search for additions, share recommendations and more.
Source: Daily Telegraph