Woman Has Fingertip Amputated After Manicure
Not a great story if you're planning on going to the nail salon soon to get a manicure or pedicure. Seems a woman did just that recently and while she was there she ended up with a bacterial infection.
The infection happened after she received a small cut in her finger during the manicure. She was told to go to the hospital, where she endured five operations in six days before the top of her finger had to be cut off.
She is hoping that tighter hygiene regulations at nail salons will become a priority for lawmakers.
Source: DailyMail
Boy Scouts Of America Is Officially Welcoming Girls - Girls can now become Eagle Scouts.
The new name of the Boy Scouts is Scouts BSA and as of Friday, girls ages 11 through 17 are now welcome to join. Organization CEO Michael Surbaugh says "Through Scouts BSA, more young people than ever before – young women and men – will get to experience the benefits of camaraderie, confidence, resilience, trustworthiness, courage, and kindness through a time-tested program that has been proven to build character and leadership."
There won’t be co-ed troops though. Girls who join will form all female groups. That led the Girls Scouts of America to sue the lawsuit they alleged that the Boy Scouts of America had infringed upon the Girl Scouts' trademark, engaged in unfair competition, and caused "an extraordinary level of confusion among the public." It’s still moving forward in the courts.
Source: Bustle
Get Paid To Travel The U.S. Sharing Your Love Of Chocolate
If you’ve always wanted to hit the open road and travel the country sharing your love of chocolate, now’s your chance. Dutch confectionery company Tony’s Chocolonely , which produces and sells chocolates that “promote fair trade practices and are created 100% slave free,” is hiring three people to take off in its “Chocotruck” and educate others about the cocoa industry. They’re looking for a captain and two co-pilots for the 10-city tour, which starts in Austin, Texas at South by Southwest. Chocoholics can apply apply now through February 12th and the roles will last four months for the captain and three months for the co-pilots. The job comes with perks, including lots of chocolate, naturally.
Source: Food and Wine
Pinterest Is The App We're Using In 2019
Even though it feels like 2019 has been happening for years already, we really only just recently got all of January under our belts. And now that we’ve gotten to know 2019 pretty well, we’ve already got a list of the apps we’re using most these days. Tinder and Spotify had most apps beat for a while, but it seems as though Pinterest is making a major comeback this January.
According to Facebook data, Pinterest is the app that was logged into the most in 2019 so far. We’re all either trying to make good on our resolutions to be more creative, or we’re planning the wedding that came about because of our holiday engagements. As for Tinder? Seems like the online dating scene has been declining in popularity since last summer. Probably because everyone we know is engaged anyway.
Shockingly? Not far behind Pinterest for most logins comes Candy Crush Saga. We clearly have too much time on our hands between these two apps.
Source: Thinknum