Today is Boy Scout Day , Today is Kite Flying Day
Khloe Kardashian Sharing New Anti Camel Toe Product
When you're rich and famous you pretty much have access to the coolest clothes, the hottest accessories, the newest iPhones before Apple even number them, stuff like that. Apparently, though, there is one thing that you couldn't buy. A camel toe concealer. Until now.
Khloé Kardashian has been pretty vocal about camel toes in the past even posting things like, “Ain’t no shame in the camel toe game.” She even named hers “Kamille the Camel," and recently a fan sent Khloe her very own camel toe concealer. And Khloe loved it and posted it for the world to see. Now people are rushing to Amazon to buy this $29.99 fashion accessory. Believe it or not, this thing has a 4.4 out of five-star rating on Amazon, with 84 percent of reviewers giving it the full five stars.
Source: People
"Happy Valentine's Day. Here's a cockroach."
This Valentine's Day, forget about the flowers, chocolates and jewelry. Nothing says love like a cockroach.
Through February 10, all you have to to is send the name of your beloved to The El Paso Zoo in Texas, and they'll name a cockroach after them.
We know what you're thinking: "How can that get any better?" Brace yourself.
The zoo staff will then feed your live cockroach to a meerkat, in an enclosure decorated with the names of everyone who was thoughtful enough to submit their loved one's name, while you both watch at livestream on the zoo's website and Facebook live of the meerkats chowing down on the bugs.
It's all part of the El Paso Zoo's Quit Bugging Me!!! promotion, announced last Monday. In the days since, it's become so popular, the zoo's expanded it -- they announced Thursday that they'll also now feed your cockroach to a cotton-top tamarin, golden tamarin, or a white-headed marmoset.
Romantic as all that certainly sounds, we recommend you keep the flowers and jewelry in reserve, just in case.
Hands-free, pre-smashed potato chips packaged for smudge-free cellphone swiping
Sure, you love potato chips, and of course you love playing with your cellphone. But that marriage is a messy one: you're bound to get grease all over your phone.
Until now, that is.
A Japanese company has created One Hand Chips -- bags of pre-smashed chips that you can eat with just one hand, by basically chugging chips right from the bag. So, while one mitt up-ends the bag to dump pulverized chip parts down your gullet, the other hand is free -- and clean -- to swipe away, smudge free.
The company, Koike-ya, calls One Hand Chips nothing less than, "a new snack style humankind has been waiting for."
Study: Dads Are Happier Than Moms
In what will come as a shock to zero moms out there, a new study finds that dads are happier than moms. Researchers from the University of California Riverside worked with 18,000 couples and found fathers are enjoying parenting more than mothers and it’s basically because they get to have more fun while they’re doing it.
The dads reported “greater positive emotions and fewer daily hassles” than the moms in the study. And that’s because more of the dads report actually playing with their children while taking care of them. Moms get this, and they’d rather be playing with their kiddos more too, but someone has to cook dinner, make sure there’s toothpaste and toilet paper in the house, and that everyone has clean underwear.
Sure, dads today do more household chores than their fathers and grandfathers did, but a lot of stuff is still on moms to remember, like what size clothes and shoes the kids wear and who likes what kind of jelly on their PB&Js. The study authors do offer a suggestion to fix the problem. They say parents - especially moms -should just try to play with their kids more. And they have a point. There’s a lot for moms to do besides playing with their children, but that laundry can wait for 15 minutes while you spend some carefree time with your little ones, who won’t be little for long.
Source: Scary Mommy
Starbucks Valentine’s Menu Brings Back The Cherry Mocha
Valentine’s Day is less than a week away and Starbucks is treating us to a special Valentine’s menu once again. The highlight of the holiday offerings has to be the Cherry Mocha, which is back this year, much to fans’ delight. The sweet espresso-based drink made with candied cherry syrup and mocha sauce made its debut last year and didn’t stick around long enough, so we welcome its return. But once again, it’s only available through February 14th, so get it while you can.
But the Cherry Mocha isn’t the only fun, festive Starbucks Valentine treat, they’ve also got some limited-time additions to the bakery case. The Valentine’s Day cake pop is made with intense chocolate cake coated with red icing and topped with candy hearts. And they also have a Valentine’s Day Heart Sugar Cookie, which is a buttery treat with white icing and rainbow-colored sprinkles. If you want to get your hands on one of these goodies, get to Starbucks before Valentine’s Day, which is next Thursday.
Source: Bustle